
Zhang Peng, deputy director of the Construction and Development Center of Nanbin Road in Nan'an District: Build a characteristic commercial area to build a diversified and integrated consumption format

author:Chongqing Daily

"To create an international consumer destination with bashu characteristics, Nanbin Road should not let go." Recently, Zhang Peng, deputy director of the Construction and Development Center of Nanbin Road in Nan'an District, said in an interview with reporters that next, Nanbin Road will work hard to create high-quality consumption space and build urban consumption brands, build a number of characteristic commercial areas with strong humanistic atmosphere, build diversified and integrated consumption formats, and help Chongqing build an international consumption destination with Bayu characteristics.

Recently, the "2021 Angel Show" joined by Chongqing International Fashion Week and international top fashion brands FENDI, GUCCI, MINIMONO and so on have been held in Nanbin Road, Chongqing.

"This is because the unique and charming landscape of Nanbin Road can present a delicious visual feast of fashion, fashion and spiritual landscape dancing together, and outline a fashion picture full of oriental style for the public." Zhang Peng said that next, Nanbin Road will collide with more fashion IP, release the scorching temperature with a trendy fashion attitude, perfectly combine the modern texture of fashion with the profound cultural heritage of the South Bank, and take fashion culture as a link between consumption upgrading and industrial transformation. In the future, in Nanbin Road, you can not only enjoy the natural beauty of the Nanshan Yangtze River, the beauty of modern architecture and the city, but also the beauty of humanistic customs and fashion trends.

On the first day of national day, Nanbin Road held a night market activity, more than 50 popular new consumer brands such as tea burning, three squirrels, Jiang Xiaobai, Xiaolongkan, OATLY, etc. Were cool and flashing, surprise stalls, market passenger flow increased by 24.7% year-on-year, and sales increased by 38.9% year-on-year, which is a manifestation of the upgrading of Nanbin Road Night Market.

"Nanbin Road will focus on strengthening the concept of supporting local innovation forces, providing a stage for creative people, and providing citizens with a fresh lifestyle, and further innovate and build new consumption scenes that meet the needs and aesthetics of young people." Zhang Peng said that next, Nanbin Road will also accelerate the construction of "two rivers and four banks", the construction of "seven optimizations" key projects for urban renewal quality improvement and the organic integration of Nanbin Road night economy construction, and make demonstrations and models in the process of building an international consumer destination with Bashu characteristics.

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