
The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

author:The glory of chasing stars

#打卡美好生活 #

Mention Zeng Yi and Ling Hua, we will naturally think of the "Phoenix Legend".

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Phoenix Legends combo

"Legend of the Phoenix" is a duo Chinese mainland who sing pop music, composed of Zeng Yi and Ling Hua, belonging to the pop music school.

In April 2004, the "Phoenix Legend" style was established on the "Walk of Fame" column, and won the good result of the runner-up of the annual finals, which was recognized by hundreds of millions of viewers, zeng Yi and Linghua entered our vision...

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Phoenix Legends

In 2005, they released their debut album "Above the Moon", which pioneered the "national pop style" genre music...

In 2010, the "Lotus Pond Moonlight" Beijing concert was successfully held, the audience was full, and for a time the streets and alleys were full of their singing...

And signed to Peacock Records...

In 2008, the group debuted on the Spring Festival Gala stage... Sing the song "Over the Moon".

In 2009, the two entered the Second Artillery Literary troupe, and in the same year, they released albums such as "The Most Dazzling National Wind", "Above the Moon", "I Came from the Grassland" and other excellent works.

In December 2014, "Phoenix Legend" once again held a solo music concert at the MasterCard Center Gymnasium in Beijing...

Many viewers have always thought that they are partners, but in fact, Zeng Yi is Linghua's teacher... The following small editor for you to introduce the two of them in detail:

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Zeng Yi

Zeng Yi, male, height: 178cm, blood type: A, born on November 6, 1979 in Yiyang, Hunan, Chinese mainland male singer, like to travel, sports, etc.

In 2004, he signed into Peacock Records, and in July 2004, he participated in the popular singing method of the 11th National Young Singers Grand Prix (Professional Group) of CCTV, and won the top ten outstanding singers in the professional group.

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Let's talk about Linghua:

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

, Yang Weilinghua

Yang WeiLinghua, also known as: Linghua, female, height: 168cm, blood type: AB type, born on December 20, 1980 in the Ordos steppe of The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a herdsman family, Chinese mainland female singer, the lead singer of the singing group Phoenix Legend, graduated from Ordos Art School, likes to ride horses, travel...

In July 2004, he participated in the popular singing method of the 11th National Young Singers Grand Prix of CCTV and won the Top Ten Outstanding Singers Award in the Professional Group.

In 2009, he specially composed the song "China I Love You" for the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.

In 2013, because he participated in the Spring Festival Gala many times, he was known as the title of "King of the Spring Festival Gala".

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Zeng Yi and Ling Hua

Their story also begins in 1998: Zeng Yi and Linghua were not professional singers before they met, and one of the two people sold electrical appliances and the other did home appliance repairs. This is fate, a sale, an after-sales repair, but also a small combination...

Later, in order to pursue their musical dreams, the two people went from their respective hometowns to Shenzhen for development. They sang in a dance hall in Shenzhen, Zeng Yi discovered the potential of Linghua, so he proposed to go out to the commercial performance in the form of a group, Linghua agreed on the spot, and they officially took the first step to success...

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

To tell a secret that many people do not know, in fact, at the beginning of the establishment of the group, Linghua was only a small role in the accompaniment, and Zeng Yi was the lead singer. And their combination is not called "Phoenix Legend", at first it was called "Hair Nerve Combination", and later renamed "Cool Fire Combination", when it was on the "Walk of Fame", it was changed to: "Phoenix Legend", and privately Linghua always called Zeng Yi "Teacher Zeng".

Phoenix Legend is recognized as one of the most influential singer groups in China, and its songs are well-known throughout the country...

Although Ling Hua and Zeng Yi are not lovers, the two appear to be as close as lovers in public, even more intimate than lovers, such a pair of friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship, how is their friendship created?

Ling Hua and Zeng Yi have cooperated for more than ten years, and the two are not only tacitly acquainted, but also have not spread any gossip, and some are just speculations...

For the emotional aspect, Linghua has already married Xu Mingchao, the owner of the Hundred People Entertainment Company, in a low-key manner.

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Linghua wedding photo

Later, Zeng Yi also began to fall in love ♥

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Zeng Yi and his wife Li Na

The groundless speculation of the outside world once brought great pressure to Zeng Yi's love life, and Linghua did not want Zeng Yi to affect her emotional life, so she took the initiative to disclose her married life and transferred the pressure to herself and her husband.

The story of Zeng Yi and Yang Weilinghua

Ling Hua and Zeng Yi's wedding photos

Do you think that Zeng Yi's girlfriend Li Na is very similar to Ling Hua, perhaps in Zeng Yi's heart has already planted the seed of love, Li Na has become Ling Hua's stand-in...

Life is so strange, some of the feelings between the two are buried, you have to go to the sea of people to find the shadow of love in your heart...

I am Rong Rong, and finally send everyone a word: if you have love, you must say it out loud... Like me to follow me, tomorrow more exciting...

Rong Rong: 2021 ed.

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