
After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

author:Indifferent citrus

Jin Yong, formerly known as Zha Liangyong, is one of the representatives of modern Chinese martial arts novels, and his works are deeply loved by the majority of readers. "The Condor Trilogy" is one of Mr. Jin Yong's masterpieces, including "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Sky and the Dragon". These three works not only have extremely high artistic value in literature, but also construct a world that is both illusory and real by skillfully combining martial arts stories with historical events.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is based on the historical background of the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty, and tells the legendary stories of Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others. In the novel, Guo Jing has grown from an ordinary shepherd boy to a generation of heroes, and his growth process is full of twists and turns. In this process, Mr. Jin Yong skillfully integrated historical figures such as Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan into the story, so that the fictional martial arts world and real historical events are intertwined, enhancing the credibility and attractiveness of the story.

After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

"The Condor Heroes" is set in the late Southern Song Dynasty and tells the love story of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu. In the process of growing up, Yang Guo experienced all kinds of hardships and tests, and finally became a generation of heroes. In the novel, Mr. Jin Yong shows the beauty and greatness of human nature through the depiction of the innocent and firm love between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu. At the same time, the novel is also interspersed with many historical events, such as the Mongol invasion and the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, making the story richer and more three-dimensional.

The story of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" takes place in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, mainly telling Zhang Wuji's growth process and grievances in the rivers and lakes. After experiencing family changes and disputes in the rivers and lakes, Zhang Wuji gradually grew into a generation of grandmasters. In the novel, Mr. Jin Yong shows a heroic image that is both smart and kind through the portrayal of Zhang Wuji's character. At the same time, many historical events are also incorporated into the novel, such as the rise of Zhu Yuanzhang and the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, making the story more fascinating.

After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

In the "Condor Trilogy", Mr. Jin Yong not only created lifelike characters, but also showed the brilliance and darkness of human nature, as well as the grievances and hatreds of the rivers and lakes through the stories of these characters. Although these characters and stories take place in a fictional martial arts world, they are closely connected to the real historical background, so that readers can not only feel the romance and passion of the martial arts world in the process of reading, but also experience the heaviness and vicissitudes of history.

In addition, Mr. Jin Yong also skillfully used many traditional Chinese cultural elements, such as poetry, calligraphy, music, etc., in the "Condor Trilogy", which made the novel have a strong cultural heritage and artistic charm. The use of these cultural elements not only enriches the connotation of the novel, but also enables readers to understand and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture more deeply in the process of reading.

After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

Overall, "The Condor Trilogy" is the pinnacle of Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels, which create a world that is both illusory and real by combining martial arts stories with historical events. The characters and stories in this world not only have high artistic value, but also reflect the real historical background, so that readers can not only feel the romance and passion of the martial arts world in the process of reading, but also experience the heaviness and vicissitudes of history.

In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, the Central Plains suffered from war, and the people lived in dire straits. The Mongolian iron cavalry swept across the Central Plains, leaving behind a piece of ruins and mourning everywhere they went. However, in these years of suffering, the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains did not fall silent because of this, but because of the competition for various interests and the grievances of the sects, disputes continued, and undercurrents surged.

After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

In this context, Zhang Wuji, a teenager with a complex background and ill-fated fate, gradually grew into a generation of heroes. His father was the head of the Ming Sect, and his mother was the daughter of the head of the Aquila Sect. Due to family grievances, Zhang Wuji has been involved in disputes in the rivers and lakes since he was a child. His growth path was full of ups and downs and challenges, but it also allowed him to practice peerless martial arts and a firm will.

Zhang Wuji's experience in the rivers and lakes allowed him to meet many like-minded partners, such as Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, etc. They have experienced countless life and death tests together, and have also witnessed Zhang Wuji's growth from an ignorant teenager to a responsible and responsible leader. When the position of the leader of the Ming Sect was vacant, Zhang Wuji was finally elected as the new leader by virtue of his martial arts and wisdom, as well as his deep understanding of the teachings of the Ming Sect.

After the destruction of Xiangyang City, how humiliating was Huang Rong's end? No wonder Jin Yong brushed it off

After becoming the leader of the Ming Sect, Zhang Wuji faced a huge challenge. The Mongol invasion of the Central Plains became more and more rampant, and the people lived in dire straits. Zhang Wuji knew that if he wanted to save the people from fire and water, it was far from enough to rely on the power of Mingjiao alone. So, he began to unite the heroes of the rivers and lakes to resist the Mongol invasion.

Under Zhang Wuji's leadership, the Ming Sect formed an alliance with other sects in the rivers and lakes, forming a powerful resistance force. Not only did they engage in fierce encounters with the Mongol army on the battlefield, but they also secretly carried out many acts of sabotage and harassment, effectively weakening the fighting power of the Mongols. Zhang Wuji's wisdom and courage have won the admiration and trust of the people in the rivers and lakes, and his reputation has also risen.

However, Zhang's path to leadership has not been easy. There are also different voices and conflicts of interest within the Ming Sect, and some members of the sect have questioned Zhang Wuji's leadership. Zhang Wuji relied on his wisdom and mind to resolve crises again and again and consolidate his position in Mingjiao. At the same time, he also knows very well that in order to truly realize peace and prosperity in the Central Plains, it is not enough to rely on force alone, but also to have political wisdom and long-term vision.

In the struggle against the Mongols, Zhang Wuji gradually formed an alliance with Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang was a visionary leader who saw Zhang Wuji's potential and value, and hoped to use his power to overthrow the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and establish a new dynasty. Zhang Wuji also realized that only by overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty could the suffering of the Central Plains be truly ended and the people could live a stable life.

With the joint efforts of Zhang Wuji and Zhu Yuanzhang, the resistance in the Central Plains gradually grew, and the Mongol rule began to waver. Through a series of campaigns and strategies, they gradually weakened the power of the Yuan Dynasty and laid the foundation for the eventual victory. Zhang Wuji's leadership and Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy became the key to this struggle.

In this process, Zhang Wuji not only showed his martial arts and wisdom, but also showed his personality charm and leadership. He cares about the suffering of the people and respects every life, and this kind of fraternity and kindness has won him the reputation of "invincible benevolence" in the rivers and lakes. At the same time, he also knows that as a leader, he must have strong faith and indomitable spirit in order to lead everyone to victory.

Zhang Wuji's story is a story of growth, courage, wisdom and love. His growth process is not only personal growth, but also the growth of an era. The resistance movement he led was not only a resistance to the Mongol invasion, but also a challenge to the old order and a yearning for a new life. In this process, Zhang Wuji and his partners used their blood and lives to write a legend that can be sung and cried.

Jin Yong's "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", as the final chapter of the "Condor Trilogy", although it mainly tells the story of Zhang Wuji, it also makes some hints about the fate of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in the book. In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Guo Jing and Huang Rong are an unforgettable heroic couple whose love and adventure stories have inspired countless readers. However, in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Jin Yong only mentioned their final fate with a few strokes, hinting at the tragic ending of their sacrifice for the country.

Jin Yong mentioned in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" that Guo Jing and Huang Rong died bravely in the defense of Xiangyang City. Xiangyang City was an important line of defense against the Mongol army in the late Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing as the defender of Xiangyang City, and Huang Rong as his wife and assistant, both shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the country. In the book, Jin Yong wrote: "Guo Jing and Huang Rong guarded Xiangyang, and on the day the city was broken, the couple fought and died. Although this sentence is short, it reveals endless tragedy and sorrow.

There may be several reasons why Jin Yong did not describe the sacrifice process of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in detail. First of all, as a martial arts novel, Jin Yong prefers to show the main line of the story through Zhang Wuji's growth process, and the story of Guo Jing and Huang Rong has been fully narrated in his previous work. Secondly, Jin Yong may think that the sacrifice of Guo Jing and Huang Rong is a heroic inevitability, and they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the interests of the country and the nation.

In addition, Jin Yong's description of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" also reflects his respect and respect for heroes. In the world of martial arts, heroes are often faced with life and death choices, and the choices of Guo Jing and Huang Rong are the best interpretation of the martial arts spirit of "the great man of chivalry, for the country and the people". Through this suggestive description, Jin Yong allows the reader to imagine and experience their sacrifice and greatness for themselves.

In "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", although Guo Jing and Huang Rong are just passing by, their spirit and influence run through the whole book. Their daughter Guo Xiang inherited her parents' legacy and became the founder of the Emei faction, continuing to inherit the martial arts spirit of Guo Jing and Huang Rong. And Zhang Wuji was also influenced by Guo Jing and Huang Rong when he was growing up, and their deeds became an example and motivation in his heart.

Through this narrative that spans time and space, Jin Yong not only shows the heroic images of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, but also gives readers a deeper understanding and perception of their sacrifices. Although their story has ended in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", their spirit has been continued and inherited in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer". This kind of narrative across time and space not only enriches the connotation of "The Condor Trilogy", but also shows Jin Yong's deep understanding and unique insights into the spirit of martial arts.

In general, Jin Yong's description of the final fate of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" is brief but meaningful. This suggestive narrative not only reflects Jin Yong's respect for the heroes, but also allows readers to have a deeper understanding of their sacrifices. At the same time, this kind of narrative across time and space also shows Jin Yong's deep understanding and unique insights into the spirit of martial arts, making "The Condor Trilogy" a classic of Chinese martial arts literature.

In Mr. Jin Yong's newly revised version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Huang Rong's image is fuller, she is not only Guo Jing's virtuous helper, but also a far-sighted heroine. In this work, Huang Rong undertook a major mission - to hide the "Wu Mu Testament" and the "Nine Yin True Scripture" on Peach Blossom Island, to ensure that these two martial arts cheats would not fall into the hands of evil, and also to leave a valuable martial arts legacy for future generations.

"Wu Mu's Testament" is written by Yue Fei, which records Yue Fei's experience and experience in using soldiers throughout his life, and is a strange book of the art of war; And the "Nine Yin True Scripture" is written by Huang Yaoshi, which contains the supreme martial arts secrets in the world. The value of these two books is self-evident, they are not only related to the development of martial arts, but also to the fate of the country. Huang Rong knew this, so she resolutely accepted the task.

However, this task is not an easy task. Huang Rong needs to face loneliness and loneliness alone on Peach Blossom Island, while also being always on the lookout for possible threats. Not only does she have to protect the two cheats, but she also has to prevent them from being discovered by outsiders. On Peach Blossom Island, Huang Rong lives an isolated life, her heart is full of longing for her husband Guo Jing and her children, but at the same time full of determination and determination.

In the newly revised version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Huang Rong not only has to endure loneliness, but also faces an even heavier blow - the news that her husband and children died in battle. Guo Jing, the defender of Xiangyang City, died heroically in the battle against the Mongol army, and their son Guo Poyu also died heroically in the battle. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to Huang Rong, and her heart was full of grief and helplessness.

However, Huang Rong did not give up because of this. She knew that her mission was far more important than her personal grief. She turned her personal grief into strength, and guarded the "Wu Mu Testament" and the "Nine Yin True Scripture" more firmly. On Peach Blossom Island, Huang Rong, with her ingenuity and strong will, successfully hid the two cheats and ensured their safety.

Although Huang Rong's life on Peach Blossom Island was lonely, she did not give up her pursuit of martial arts. She used this time to study the martial arts in the "Nine Yin True Scripture" in depth, and further improved her martial arts. At the same time, she is also thinking about how to pass on these two secret books so that more people can benefit from this valuable knowledge.

In the newly revised version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Huang Rong's image is more three-dimensional and profound. She is not only a good wife and mother, but also a heroine with great ambitions and firm beliefs. Her sacrifice and dedication show a woman's responsibility and courage in the face of national and national crises.

Huang Rong's story is a story of sacrifice, courage and wisdom. Her image not only inspires other characters in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", but also inspires countless readers. Her story teaches us to hold on to our beliefs and strive for higher goals, even in the toughest of times. The image of Huang Rong has become an immortal classic in Chinese martial arts literature.

In the creation of martial arts novels, Mr. Jin Yong is always full of deep emotion and respect for the creation of characters. In the "Condor Trilogy", the images of Guo Jing and Huang Rong have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and their heroic deeds and lofty quality have become models in the martial arts world. However, in the face of the tragic ending of these two heroes, Mr. Jin Yong chose a subtle and respectful way not to describe their deaths in detail in his works, which reflects his deep understanding of the characters and the maintenance of the hero's image.

First of all, Mr. Jin Yong's description of Huang Rong is full of respect and love. As the main character in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Huang Rong has won the love of countless readers with her intelligence, wit, courage and affection. Her image is not only a female character, but also a heroine with an independent personality and strong will. In "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", although Huang Rong does not appear much, her image is still distinct, and her wisdom and courage still influence younger generations.

Secondly, Mr. Jin Yong's choice not to describe the deaths of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in detail may be out of protection of their heroic image. In the world of martial arts, the death of heroes often has a tragic and noble meaning, and their sacrifice is for higher ideals and beliefs. If their deaths are described in detail, it may make the reader feel more sadness and pain, which conflicts with the heroic image created by Mr. Jin Yong. Through implicit descriptions, Mr. Jin Yong allows readers to imagine and experience their sacrifices for themselves, so as to feel their heroism more deeply.

Moreover, Mr. Jin Yong's handling of this is also a respect for Huang Rong's tragic ending. Huang Rong has gone through countless trials and tribulations in the Condor Trilogy, but she has always maintained an optimistic and strong attitude. Her life is full of legends, and her love, family and career are full of twists and turns. If her death is described in detail, it may make the reader feel more sympathy and pity for her life, which is somewhat inconsistent with the image of her life of strength and perseverance. By not describing her death in detail, Mr. Jin Yong made Huang Rong's image more complete and perfect, so that her heroic deeds and noble spirit could be eternal.

In addition, Mr. Jin Yong's way of dealing with it is also a consideration of the reader's emotions. Many readers in the "Condor Trilogy" have a deep affection for Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and their stories have accompanied the growth of readers and become heroes in the hearts of readers. If their deaths are described in detail, it may elicit a strong emotional response from the reader, and may even affect how the reader feels about the work as a whole. Through implicit descriptions, Mr. Jin Yong allows readers to feel the heroic tragedy while maintaining a certain emotional distance, so as to look at their lives and sacrifices more rationally and objectively.

In general, Mr. Jin Yong's choice of Guo Jing and Huang Rong's death in "The Condor Trilogy" is not described in detail, but is a deliberate creative choice. This treatment not only reflects his respect and love for the characters, but also reflects his maintenance of the image of the hero, and more importantly, reflects his consideration of the reader's emotions. In this way, Mr. Jin Yong has immortalized the heroic images of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and let their deeds and spirit inspire generations of readers.

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