
Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

author:Shudong poetry, shadow and painting feelings
Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

First, the evolution of the word "succession"

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Second, the original meaning of the word "succession"

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"
Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

The modern meaning of the word "succession"

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"
Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"


Same as the original meaning (to connect the broken silk on it).

Continued, continued also. - "The Talk"

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Deng Shiru

The adults shine in all directions. - "The Legend of Yi Xiang". Note: "It's endless."

Fold the branches to follow the pendant. - "Chu Ci Departure"

The Qi people did not try to bribe Qin, and were eventually destroyed by the Five Kingdoms. --Song Su Xun, The Six Kingdoms

Successively. ——Ming Liyu, "Idle Love, Planting Department"

Learning follows with asking. ——Qing Liu Kai, "Ask and Say"

Another example: succession (succession, succession); Succession (continuing what the predecessors have done); Heel (steps before and after. Fingering goes on and on); Jizhi (continuing the aspirations of the predecessors)

Inherit succeed; inherit〗

The feudals of the present husband are established in succession. ——Liu Zongyuan, "Feudal Theory"

Following my ambitions. --Qing Fang Bao, "Zuo Zhongyi's Public Anecdotes"

The Nine Tribes are unsustainable. - Qing Yuan Ming, "Sacrifice of Sisters"

Another example: succession (the son inherits the status of the father); Succession (inheritance of ancestral inheritance); successor (succession to the throne); JiXu (inheriting ancestral inheritance; Pass on the Infinite)

Givematerialorfinancialhelpto. Such as: succession (reduction of assistance)

Through formal legal formalities, the child of another person is voluntarily replaced or adopted as one's own child. Such as: stepson

Subsequently; Follow follow

Guest succeeds the Lord. - "Zhou Li Emcee"

Yu and other rates followed frivolously. —— "Zizhi Tongjian"

Another example: and then

Pass "system". Hanging, tethering; Tieup; miss〗

Those who say "with" see and act accordingly. See The following weight in the end. - "Ram Biography and Xuan A.D.", He Xiu's note

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"


Fourth, idioms with the word "succession"

Successors, succession to the past, day and night, succession to the past, anointing to the sun, succession to no one, succession to the future, day and night, continuation of the past, continuation of the past, succession of the past, succession of the day and night, inheritance of inheritance, succession of survival and death, succession of night and day, succession of the shoulder to shoulder, succession of the track, succession of the night, succession of the night, succession of the car, succession of the day, succession of the ship, succession of the ship, succession of the difficult, day and night, succession of the ancient and the present, inheritance of the father's business, succession of the night dynasty, continuation of the anointing, continuation of the anointing, succession of the rope, succession of the sun, succession of the ointment, succession of the flame, succession of the track, succession of the day, Succession of ships, succession of ropes, succession of difficulties, succession of days and nights, succession of day and night, succession of the son of the father, succession of survival, succession of the crane, succession of the broken crane, succession of the hungry, succession of zhou urgent succession, succession of the rise and fall, succession of the jiqiu, succession of the flame of the heavy ming, succession of the broken succession, succession of the rise and fall of the ancient, succession of the ancient and the present, succession of the rise and fall, succession of the rise and fall, succession of the succession, succession of the succession, succession of the succession, succession of the rise and fall, succession of the succession, succession of the rise and fall, succession of the beginning, succession of the rise and fall.

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Party to the disease

5. Allusions containing the word "succession"

1 shoulder to shoulder

Allusions: Than: next to each other; heel: heel. Shoulder to shoulder, heels to feet. Describe a lot of people and crowded.

Source: "Yanzi Chunqiu Miscellaneous": "Linzi three hundred Lu, Zhang Yuan into yin, sweat into rain, shoulder to shoulder, what is no one." ”

2 Survival and Extinction △ Allusions: Restore the extinct country and continue the severed aristocratic family.

Source: "Analects of Yao Yue": "Rise and destroy the country, inherit the world, lift up the people, and return the people of the world to their hearts." ”

"The Legend of the Ram and the Seventeenth Year of the Duke of Huan": "Huan Gong tasted the merits of survival and death, so the gentleman kept it secret." ”

Example: He wants to clarify the way of the king, distinguish between people, distinguish between good and evil, ~, make up for the abolition, and be the king of the future generations. (Zhu Ziqing, Classic Talks, History of the Book of Han IX)

3 Burn the anointing to the sun

Allusions: Ointment: Grease, Finger Lamp Candle; Succession: Continuation, Succession; Dial: Daylight. Light the oil lamp and continue the daylight. Describe working diligently or reading.

Source: Tang Hanyu's "Jinxue Xie": "Burning anointing oil to inherit the sun, Heng Wu Wu to poor years." ”

4 succession extinction

Allusions: Restoration of the fallen state, continuation of the severed aristocratic family.

5 Inherit the past and open up

Allusions: Inherit the cause of the predecessors and open up the way to the future.

Source: Ming Wang Shouren's "Transmission of Xilu III": "Wen Gong (Han Yu) was very energetic, and he drank it in his early years to carry on the past and open up the future. The first time in Qing Li Baojia's "Records of the Appearance of Officialdom": "In the future, the Changming Holy Sect will inherit the past and open up the future, who will give up me?" ”

Example: In the future, the Changming Holy Sect, ~, who will give me up? (Qing Li Baojia's "Official Appearance", the first time)

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Classical Chinese

6 Unsustainable

Allusion: It's hard to keep going.

Source: "Li Ji Tan Bow Shang": "Confucius said: 'Sorrow is mourning, and it is difficult to continue.'" ’”

Example: Now on the contrary, in addition to grain, each person has only five oceans of oil, salt and firewood per day, or ~. (Mao Zedong, "The Struggle on Jinggang Mountain")

7 Unsustainable

8 Forward and successor

Allusions: The front rushed up, and the back followed up. Describe constantly throwing yourself into battle and rushing forward with courage.

Source: Tang Sun Qiao 's "Sacrifice to the Zi Tong God Junwen": "Lame horses are servants, former servants are behind them." ”

Example: ~ people should be, such as jun worthy of Xuanyuan Sun! (Qing Qiujin, "Hanging Wu Martyrs")

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Chinese Seal

9 days and nights

Allusions: Night is connected to daytime. Describe stepping up work or study.

Source: "Mencius Leaving Lou Xia": "Looking up and thinking, day and night." ”

10 Rise and fall

Allusions: Revitalize the extinction and continue.

Source: "Analects of Yao Yue": "Rise and destroy the country, and follow the world." ”

11 days and nights

Source: "Zhuangzi Zhile": "Husbands and nobles, night and day, thinking about good or not." "Mencius Leaving Lou Xia": "Thinking about it on your back, night and day." ”

Example: Yin Zhi Jijun, also playing Sile. Wine pond meat forest, ~. (Three Kingdoms Wei Nguyen Book of Music)

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

12 days and nights

Allusion: Use the time of night to connect with the time of day. Describe working day and night.

Source: Southern Dynasty Song Fan Ye's "Later Han Shu Zhi Zhi Biography": "King Xiwen did not dare to travel in the field, with ten thousand people worrying, and His Majesty hunted the mountains and forests, night and day." ”

13 The food did not continue

Allusions: 饔: breakfast; 飧: Dinner. Ate the last meal without the next meal. Describe life as very poor.

Source: Qing Mingshi's "Du Shi Yan zhi" volume VII: "Therefore, under the Hengmen Gate, the ring blocked Xiao Ran, and the food did not continue, and the living days were always hungry." ”

Shudong said that the text is deciphered, the historical allusion of the word "ji", and the past and present lives of the word "ji"

Xu Sangeng