
A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

author:An old man who tells historical stories


Family reunion has always been a topic of great concern, especially in today's fast-paced society, where people are more eager to be able to reunite with their families and share the moments of life together. And in real life, due to various reasons, many families are facing the dilemma of separation and cannot reunite with their loved ones, which undoubtedly brings great regret and pain to their lives.

Recently, a heartwarming story has aroused heated discussions on the Internet, a 79-year-old Wang Tonghua and his nearly 100-year-old parents reunited in a nursing home in Taipei, ending a 70-year separation, this touching moment also made many people teary-eyed. This moving story not only makes people sigh at the greatness of family and the power of love, but also makes people deeply guess the meaning of family reunion and how to inherit and promote traditional family values in today's society.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

1. Parents once abandoned their children due to war, and they were separated for 70 years

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

Wang Tonghua's parents are named Wang Daohuang and Chen Guizhen, they are ordinary people living in the war years, the social situation at that time is very turbulent, many families are scattered because of the war, and Wang Daohuang and his wife are also separated from their children in this war, and finally can only take the young Wang Tonghua and his sister to wander around alone.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

In that special era, it was difficult for both parents and children to have too many choices, in order to survive, Wang Daohuang and his wife could only temporarily hand over Wang Tonghua and his sister to others to take care of, while they themselves began a difficult journey to find their relatives, hoping to find their children as soon as possible and regain a complete family.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

Fate is always full of helplessness and ups and downs, Wang Daohuang and his wife can't get their wish, and Wang Tonghua and his sister are also growing up in the predicament of their parents not around, and the younger sister left this world in her teens because of illness, and before dying, her biggest regret was that she could not reunite with her parents, which also left Wang Tonghua with a lifetime of regret and pain.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life
A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

2. Parents and children reunite in a nursing home in Taipei after 70 years

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

70 years have passed in a hurry, when Wang Tonghua is already an old man, his parents are also nearly 100 years old, and in this life, they are almost in a state of separation, unable to reunite with their relatives, which is undoubtedly a great torment and regret for them.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

At this time, a group of enthusiastic volunteers learned about Wang Tonghua's experience, they knew that family reunion is very important for everyone, so they decided to help Wang Tonghua realize his wish to reunite with his parents, through their unremitting efforts, Wang Tonghua was finally able to make a video call with his parents, and this call also made Wang Daohuang and Chen Guizhen excited, they could finally see their son, greet him in person.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

In the following days, Wang Tonghua did not take it lightly, he personally went to the Taipei nursing home, and had a real face-to-face reunion with his parents, at this moment, both parents and children, are in tears, and the people around are also moved by this touching moment, have sent them the most sincere blessings, hoping that they can enjoy a happy and warm time together in the following days.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life
A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

3. Refuse to inherit the inheritance and make your parents live a better life with your heart

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

The love and expectation of parents is selfless, no matter how many years of separation, their feelings of missing their children are always the same, and in Wang Tonghua's view, the health and happiness of parents is the most important, he does not want his parents to be affected in any way because of his own affairs, so by his parents' side, he is more to give care and companionship, hoping to make their lives better.

In the eyes of their parents, Wang Tonghua is also their greatest pride, although in the years of separation, they could not personally witness the growth of their son, but through so many years of communication and getting along, they know their son's filial piety and kindness, so when someone suggested that Wang Daohuang leave his real estate to his son, he did not hesitate to refuse, because in his heart, his son's companionship and love are the most precious, and this parental love also made Wang Tonghua feel extremely warm and moved.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

Fourth, complete the journey across the strait to find relatives before the death of parents

Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, Wang Daohuang is already in his old age, and at this time, he misses his hometown and relatives more strongly, so, accompanied by Wang Tonghua, he embarked on a journey across the strait to find relatives, he wants to return to his hometown, take a look at the land where he once lived, and also hope to be reunited with other relatives.

This trip to find relatives also made many people moved, they have reached out to help Wang Daohuang realize his wishes, and in this special journey, Wang Daohuang also harvested many unexpected surprises and warmth, he felt many people's care and blessings for him, but also more deeply realized the importance of home and the preciousness of family affection, and with such companionship and encouragement, he can also leave this world more peacefully, because he knows that whether in the world or the next life, he will not be alone.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life

5. Reflection

Such stories are moving and make people deeply reflect on what is the meaning of family reunion in today's fast-paced society, and how should we treat and cherish our own family?

Family reunion is a very important moment in life, both parents and children need each other's company and love, and when the family is facing the dilemma of separation, we should pay more attention and help, because a long separation for each family member, will have a very far-reaching psychological and life impact, and such an impact may accompany them for a lifetime.

The love and expectation of parents is selfless, no matter how many years of separation, their feelings of missing their children are always the same, and as children, we should cherish and repay this love, whether it is material or spiritual, we should accompany and care for our parents with our hearts, so that they can feel our filial piety and warmth.

The filial piety and family values emphasized in the traditional culture are still of great significance in the current society, which can make people know more about how to respect and care for others, and can also make the family relationship more harmonious and happy, so in the current diversified society, we should also inherit and carry forward this traditional culture, so that it can take root in everyone's heart.

The stories of the veterans of the Anti-Japanese War have also given us a very profound inspiration, what they have experienced allows people to remember history more and cherish peace, and also make us realize that peace and development are the most needed themes in the current society, and only when everyone can inherit and practice family values with their hearts, and influence others with their own good deeds, can we jointly create a more harmonious and beautiful world.

A 98-year-old Taiwanese veteran is looking for his son to get together at the end of 70 years, and his 79-year-old son refuses the inheritance and regrets his life


The story of family reunion always makes people feel extremely warm and touching, it allows us to more deeply appreciate the importance of home and the preciousness of family affection, and also makes us understand that whether in this life or the next life, we will not be alone, because of the company of love.

I hope that everyone can cherish the family they have, inherit and promote family values with heart, and also hope that every family can be full of warmth and happiness to create a better future together.

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