
From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge

author:An old man who tells historical stories


In recent years, the eastern countries have made many remarkable achievements in the field of infrastructure construction, and a number of sea-crossing bridges and high-speed rail hubs have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, which not only improves people's travel conditions, but also becomes the city's landmarks and scenic spots, attracting countless tourists to visit. Behind these super projects, there is often a group of unknown builders, who use their sweat and efforts to witness the whole process of the project from scratch, and silently dedicate themselves to the development of the city and the progress of the country.

A builder and recorder named Shen Weidong is such a singing and crying witness, who recorded countless precious moments with his lens during the construction of the super project of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, leaving us with a group of shocking photos, allowing the world to see the hardships and magnificence behind the super project. Today, let's walk into his story together, feel the moving moments baptized by the wind and rain, and praise and pay tribute to the builders of this super project.

From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge

1. The witness behind the super project

Shen Weidong, the branch secretary of the S05 bid section (Shenzhong Bridge) project department of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, has been engaged in road and bridge engineering for 41 years, and can be said to be an "old driver" in this field. Outside of work, he has a special hobby, which is photography. Whether it is on the construction site or in life, as long as he sees the beautiful scenery and moving moments, he will pick up the camera and record the beauty of this moment.

Perhaps because of his long-term engagement in engineering construction, Shen Weidong has a unique emotion for various construction machinery and construction technology, and he feels that these seemingly ordinary reinforced concrete actually contain the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the builders, which is an important support for urban development. When he learned that his project department was going to undertake the construction of the Shenzhong Bridge, he was full of excitement and pride, and he decided to use his own lens to record the whole process of this world-class bridge project and leave valuable historical documents for future generations.

From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge

2. Use the lens to record the moment of construction

As an important part of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge is an important passage connecting Shenzhen and Zhuhai, two international metropolises, and an important node project of the "Belt and Road" initiative, which is of great significance for promoting the economic integration and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The construction of this bridge is also a very challenging super project, involving many world-class technical problems, requiring great efforts and wisdom from the builders.

Shen Weidong's project department undertook the construction task of the all-offshore section of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, which also means that he will personally participate in the construction of this super project. In order to better record the construction process of the project, he upgraded his camera and chose a camera with a very fast shooting speed, and every time he pressed the shutter, he could take dozens of photos in a row, so that he could better record every detail and moment in the construction of the project.

In the next 7 years, Shen Weidong devoted almost all his time and energy to the construction of the project, whether it was day or night, whether it was sunny or rainy, he would bring his camera to the construction site to record every important moment of the project construction. Perhaps because of his "protection", the construction of the Shenzhong Bridge did not encounter too many accidents and difficulties, and each construction node was completed on schedule, which made him more determined to his original intention and felt that his efforts were rewarded.

In his album, there are many photos of extreme weather, some are sweating profusely in the scorching sun, the builders are sweating profusely, working hard to pour the concrete more solidly, some are in the storm, they are facing the wind and heavy rain, tense and orderly construction work, and some are when the typhoon comes, they urgently evacuate the site and protect the equipment and engineering materials, these photos all tell the perseverance and bravery of the builders in the face of the forces of nature, which is moving.

From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge

3. Record the stories and emotions behind them

Some people may think that there is nothing special about Shen Weidong's approach, after all, many people like photography nowadays, and they will also use cameras to record the bits and pieces of life. However, his intentions and persistence make his photos unique, he is not only simply recording the process of engineering construction, but also showing the sophistication and sincere emotions behind the construction through photos.

Under his lens, we can not only see the towering bridge towers and the patchwork construction hanging baskets, but also the ordinary builders on the construction site to help each other and work together, can see their optimistic smiles in the face of various difficulties and challenges, and can see their hard work on the construction site.

Through these photos, people can more intuitively understand the hardships and dedication behind the super project, and can also more deeply feel the positive energy and dedication contained in the construction of the project. Perhaps it is precisely because of such records and testimonies that we can remember these projects, these builders, and this era, so that more people can draw strength and courage from them to face all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life.

From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge

Fourth, use photos to convey positive energy

Not only Shen Weidong, more and more people are beginning to realize that photography is not only a simple recording tool, but also an artistic expression that can convey emotions and stories.

In today's era of information explosion, people's attention is often attracted by all kinds of things, short videos, live broadcasts and other forms of content have become the mainstream, while traditional photography seems to be somewhat marginalized. However, it is precisely with a photographer like Shen Weidong who uses his photos to convey positive energy, so that more people can see beauty, goodness, and power, that the art of photography can be inherited and developed.

Through his photos, people can see the magnificence of natural scenery, the diversity of the human environment, the hardships and magnificence of engineering construction, and the sincere emotions and firm beliefs of ordinary people.

From scratch, he used 100,000 photos to record the story behind the Shenzhong Bridge


Shen Weidong, like a witness and communicator of the times, used his photos to leave us the most real and moving images behind the construction of the Shenzhong Bridge, and also conveyed the wordless power and warmth to us. Behind his lens, there are actually more such "Shen Weidong", some are railway workers who pay silently on the high-speed rail construction site, some are grassroots cadres who carry out poverty alleviation work in poor mountainous areas, and some are fire fighters who are on the front line of flood fighting and rescue...... Their stories also deserve to be recorded and celebrated, and their efforts also deserve to be respected and appreciated.

In every corner, there is such a "Shen Weidong", they may not have a camera, they can't record these touching moments with photos, but they use practical actions and selfless dedication to inject positive energy into this society, add color to our lives, and set an example for us. I hope we can draw strength from them and use our own way to convey beauty, help others, and make the world full of love and warmth.

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