
Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

author:A lonely boat on the river

A "Zizhi Tongjian" wrote through the hundreds of changes in life, and wrote all the emperors and generals, power and strategy.

As the saying goes: Reading history can be wise, today, Xiaobian explains to you the great work of Ancient Chinese historian Sima Guang--"Zizhi Tongjian".

Yelü Abaoji, the founding prince of the Liao Dynasty, was known in history as Liao Taizu.

Jeroboam is a legendary figure whose life was accompanied by many interesting legends.

It is said that Jeroboam's mother, before becoming pregnant, had a dream in which a sun fell into her arms, after which she became pregnant. When the child was born, the sky was full of light, and there was still a strange fragrance in the house. This miracle made the world think that Jeroboam was a blessed man.

Of course, the performance of Jeroboam did not disappoint, he was born like a three-year-old child, extremely strong, crawling on the ground, able to speak in a hundred days, and he seemed to have the power of an uncertain prophet, surrounded by the protection of gods and men, and could be murdered in case of trouble. These extraordinary performances of Jeroboam made his uncle have high hopes for him, and he was regarded as a god, calling him "the incarnation of the dragon".

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

When the Khan of Haruka Died, the people held up Yelü Abaoji to succeed him, believing that he was a "divine dragon" and a "son of heaven".

The Zizhi Tongjian records: "Smelling of Yue's birth, the light of the gods belongs to the heavens, the fragrance is full of flowers, the dreams are inspired by the gods, and the dragon Sikkim pei." The way of heaven is selfless and should be virtuous. Our country is weakened, and it has been in the neighbor for a long time, and the saints have risen from the past. The Khan knew providence, so he had fate. And the nine battalions are chess pieces, not the one who has no standing, the little minister belongs to the heart of the Yue, the heavens also. In the past, Yu Yue's uncle Shi Lu tasted: 'I am a snake, and a child is a dragon. 'Heaven and time, almost can not be lost. ”

These words indicate the place of Jeroboam in the hearts of the people, and people regard him as the embodiment of the dragon.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

Yerushalayim spent his life with the "dragon", he was not only a "divine dragon", he also killed the "divine dragon".

According to the Zizhi Tongjian, "Gengchen, there is a dragon seen on the water of the yang of the tugging mountains, shooting at it, hiding its bone inner house." "We can know that one day in 920 A.D., When Jeroboam saw a dragon lazily basking in the sun, he immediately took out his bow and arrow, shot the dragon, and took out the dragon's keel and stored it in his palace.

This legend sounds a bit ridiculous, where in the world is there a dragon? And even if there were dragons, they wouldn't be able to be shot easily. Was this story made up?

This matter is recorded in books such as the Khitan Chronicle, the Continuation of Yi Jianzhi, the Song Desert Chronicle, the Yi Jian Zhi, and the Mengxi Pen Talk. It can be seen that the authenticity of this matter is still very high.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

Moreover, the record of this matter in the "Song Desert Chronicle Continuation" is also quite detailed:

"Apaoji lived in the west building, in the felt tent, and in the morning, he saw the black dragon more than ten feet long and meandering on it, and the bow was shot, that is, it flew into the air and died, and fell to the west of the Yellow Dragon Mansion, which was fifteen hundred miles away, and it was only a few feet long. Its remains remain in the Treasury of the Golden Nation. The eldest son of goku has tasted it, the tail hyena branch is complete, the double horns have been cut off, and the water dragon painted by Dong Yu in Yu's collection is similar, and the hyena on its stumbling feet is not a fish hyena. ”

It is also mentioned above that the keel was stored in the storeroom, and the eldest son of the person who recorded it also saw the keel with his own eyes. The keel is complete, that is, it lacks horns, and it looks like a water dragon in the portrait.

This matter has been mentioned in so many books, and it seems that the story of Jeroboam's shooting of the dragon is not a compilation, but a fact.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

So, the question arises again, is there really a dragon in the world? What kind of animal was the dragon that Jeroboam shot?

First, we have to believe that there are no dragons in this world. The so-called dragon is just an animal invented by people. Such fabricated animals are mysterious and can make people awe-inspired. Therefore, ambitious people in ancient times would find ways to relate to dragons.

For example, it is recorded in the "Zizhi Tongjian": "Dreams meet gods." When the thunder and lightning were obscure, the father and the prince looked up, and saw the dragon on it. Already there is a wife, so that the high ancestors. ”

This means that Liu Bang's mother was with the gods before Liu Bang was born, which means from the side that Liu Bang is the son of the gods.

After that, Liu Bang "slashed the White Snake Uprising", taking the opportunity to establish prestige and recruit troops. In ancient times, the status of the "white snake" was not much worse than that of the "divine dragon", otherwise there would be no "dragon snake", and Liu Bang's beheading of the white snake was as powerful as the slashing of the divine dragon in people's eyes. Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Liu Bang is on the mission of heaven and man, and will eventually do something big.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

Yelü Abaoji shot the dragon and beheaded the white snake with Liu Bang, which was undoubtedly the same thing, and he wanted to use this incident to further highlight his prestige and strengthen his power. Therefore, it is impossible for him to shoot a divine dragon, it is very likely that it is also a large snake.

In the Liao Dynasty, the climate was cold, and there were few snakes, let alone large snakes. People have seen fewer snakes, seen even fewer pythons, and suddenly seeing a python, they will naturally be very surprised, thinking that this is against common sense and is not a magical thing.

The ancients often said that "fox, yellow, white, willow" four immortals, of which the willow immortal, refers to the python, from this point of view, people are in awe of the python.

Jeroboam shot a python and called it a dragon, and the world would no doubt have him.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

Moreover, the sentence "The tail hyena branch is complete, and the double horns have been cut off, similar to the water dragon drawn by Dong Yu in Yu's collection", which can also prove that Yelü Abaoji did not kill a real dragon. If it was a real dragon, why would he remove the dragon's horns and preserve all the parts, wouldn't it be more precious? The reason why there is no dragon horn is not deliberately removed, but the thing hunted by The Jeru Abaoji does not have a dragon horn at all, so he killed a snake with the same body shape as the dragon.

Why did the ancients believe so much that there were dragons in the world? Why is the claim that Jeroboam killed the dragon approved by so many people?

This is because the ancients' "counterfeiting" techniques were superb.

Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, the "divine dragon" shot in 920 AD, what kind of animal is it?

It is said that some Song people have seen the dragon bone with their own eyes, so people are convinced of the existence of dragons in the world. However, in 1934, scientists conducted a detailed investigation of the "keel" found in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, and after DNA testing, it was finally found that it was a "keel" made up of whale bones. From this point of view, the ancient people's "counterfeiting" technology is also very first-class, if there are people who have the heart to deliberately create something out, the ancients who have not read much, can not distinguish between true and false, they believe it to be true.

After reading this historical story, I don't know if everyone has any feelings. Therefore, I suggest that you should read more history and learn from the lessons of your predecessors. After all, in all the history books, the Zizhi Tongjian is almost a book that can comprehensively improve the quality of people in all aspects, and after reading it, it is equivalent to living for 1300 more years.

Therefore, through the "Zizhi Tongjian", we can learn from the experience and lessons of the successes or failures of predecessors, as long as we learn well, whether it is for people or learning to work, we can be at ease. But for the general public, reading the text is still more difficult. Therefore, I recommend this book to everyone.

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