
Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

author:Hefei Huishang Broadcasting

Do you know what the most mysterious "hotel chain" in China is?

Above all star hotels, the existence of the State Guest House is a unique scenery of each city:

They do not have a star rating, but their supporting and service specifications are higher than those of high-end city hotels;

They are relatively closed, and even after the reform and opening up, some urban state guesthouses have implemented a semi-open business model;

They originally had no name, and most used to refer to "** guest house" ...

However, it is these mysterious buildings that gather the talents of the first generation and influence the wind and clouds.

As the highest place for foreign guests, heads of state and government officials to stay, the State Guest House not only represents the highest courtesy of a city to foreign guests, but also an important platform to show the country's cultural heritage and soft power.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a state guesthouse you don't know</h1> about

What's the secret behind China's most mysterious "hotel chains"? Peeping leopards in the tube, you can see one or two from the most famous Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

Referring to Diaoyutai,

Many people will think of diaoyutai state guesthouse,

It is comparable to the American Camp David Resort,

10 Downing Street, UK,

It is the "most mysterious" top hotel in China.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

Diaoyutai State Guest House

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

The classic logo pattern of the Diaoyutai

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

State Guest House Special Vehicle

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

Diaoyutai "Green Car"

Diaoyutai State Guest House is located in an ancient imperial garden and modern State Guest House complex on the east side of Yuyuantan (39°55'N 16°19'E) in Beijing's Haidian District, China. Completed on the eve of the National Day in 1959, it is an important place for Chinese state leaders to carry out foreign affairs activities, and it is also a super-star hotel for the state to receive heads of state and important guests.

According to the Qing Dynasty's Yinglian compilation of the "Old Wen Kao under the Sun", 800 years ago, there was a magnificent place in the northwest of the capital, and since the Jin Dynasty, it has been deeply loved by the emperor and fishing, named "Diaoyutai".

In the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor built a palace here, and accepted it as a royal garden, personally inscribed a plaque for each pavilion, platform, building, and pavilion, and now the wall of the Wengmen Gate on the west side is still embedded with the three words "Diaoyutai" of the Qianlong Royal Book.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Diaoyutai Scenic Area)

In the summer of 1958, considering that the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of New China would invite heads of state and dignitaries to China, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed to build a high-end hotel with characteristics as a place for visiting state guests to stay and meet.

The reason why it was built in the western suburbs of Diaoyutai is also because "guests must pass through Tiananmen Square on Chang'an Avenue when they get off the plane, and the visual impact from classical to modern will make them leave a very intuitive impression on China."

According to statistics, so far, the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse has received more than 1,300 foreign heads of state and government, because its large area is basically not open to the public, from the beginning of its construction and use, this area has gathered too many mysterious colors.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Diaoyutai State Guest House)

From the geographical point of view, Diaoyutai State Guest House is located 5 kilometers west of the Forbidden City, only 11 minutes away from the Central Beijing Tiananmen Square drive, not only located in the core of Beijing, the upper wind and water, but also occupies the natural landscape and historical context of ancient gardens.

It can be said that the location of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse brings together many of the capital's top urban resources, and it is such a place that deserves to be called "the benchmark of the highest courtesy of a country".

Expanding our vision to the whole country, we can find that, like the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the State Guesthouse of important cities such as the West Lake State Guesthouse in Hangzhou, the State Guesthouse in the Western Suburbs of Shanghai, and the Guangzhou Zhudao Hotel are located at the intersection of the urban context and the geographical vein, with excellent and scarce urban resources.

Take the Hangzhou West Lake State Guest House as an example, the site of the west of the Millennium West Lake, formerly known as "the first garden of the West Lake in a hundred years", Liu Zhuang, three facing the lake, one side of the mountain, can be the Shili West Lake and Baili Su Causeway panoramic view, more importantly, the West Lake State Guest House is located in the center of Hangzhou's city, traffic is accessible, but also the tilt of urban resources.

Similarly, the State Guesthouse in the western suburbs of Shanghai, founded in 1960, is located on Hongqiao Road in Shanghai's Changning District, which is the "engine" of Shanghai's rapid development, and its value and development space are also beyond doubt.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(West Lake State Guest House, Hangzhou)

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(State Guest House in the Western Suburbs of Shanghai)

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Guangzhou Zhudao Hotel)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam</h1>

Like these famous state guesthouses, there is also such a state guesthouse in Jinniuba, the land of the wind and water in Chengdu, the country of Tianfu.

Tracing the founding legend of Chengdu, it can be found that the origin of the name of Jinniu Dam originated from a period of history of the Qin dynasty and the Shu kingdom. According to the Chronicle of The Lands, Qin wanted to cut down Shu, and there was no reason to enter the road, but he carved five heads of stone cattle, placed gold in the back, and falsely said that this cow could gold, in order to leave Shu behind. The king of Shu coveted it, and ordered the five dings to lead cattle together, and the valley of the mountains and valleys was sent to Chengdu. ”

In later legends, the location of the Jinniu Dam today is the place where the King of Qin placed the stone cattle at that time, hence the name.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Wuding Kaishan Sculpture)

As the foundation of the cultural origin of Tianfu, the area where Jinniu Dam is located also gathers many historical and cultural resources.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Taurus Ancient Road - picture from the Internet)

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Taurus Road Route Map)

Chengdu people know that the Golden Bull Hotel is "not small", in the past, the gate was guarded by guards, and the gate was closed all year round, and in recent years it has only been partially opened to the outside world.

Jinniu Hotel was founded in 1957, when it was named jinniuba guest house of the provincial party committee, the following year it was renamed as box 26 of Chengdu, then changed to the 5th guest house of the provincial party committee, and renamed rongcheng hotel again in June 1975, until after 1978, it was named by Comrade Deng Xiaoping himself and inscribed the name of the museum, and finally named Jinniu Hotel.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam
Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Taurus Hotel)

According to records, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping returned from a visit to Burma and returned to Chengdu to stay at the Golden Bull Hotel. At the request of the relevant personnel of the hotel to write the name of the museum, Deng Xiaoping successively wrote down the words "Rongcheng Hotel" and "Golden Bull Hotel", and after comparison, said: "It is still a 'Golden Bull Hotel'!" "The Taurus Guest House came from this.

In addition, the Golden Bull Hotel is also inextricably linked to the Master of Chinese Painting Zhang Daqian.

Mr. Zhang Daqian's first private residence was located here, and when the Golden Bull Hotel was built in 1957, it was not demolished due to Zhang Daqian's departure, but it was well preserved and has become a unique cultural landscape in Chengdu. Mr. Zhang Daqian's "Xiyuan YajiTu", based on the ink painting "West Garden Collection" by the Northern Song Dynasty painter Li Gonglin, is a representative of his peak work.

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Former Residence of Zhang Daqian)

Demystify the story behind China's most mysterious "hotel chain" state guesthouse you don't know the Chengdu "secret" on the Jinniu Dam

(Zhang Daqian, Xiyuan Yaji)

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