
Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

author:Sucha Network

China drinks more green tea, and foreign countries drink more black tea.

Morocco, a country bordering Europe on the Mediterranean coast, in northwestern Africa, across the Strait of Gibraltar, is an exception and also drinks green tea.

However, the drinking method is different, they will add mint and a lot of sugar, called mint tea.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse
Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

Come to drink tea, can not refuse

Morocco's hot climate and dry air will consume a lot of physical energy and water, and their diet is mainly beef and lamb and flapjacks, with few vegetables and more local mint, and a lot of mint can be seen in the market.

Therefore, mint tea has become a daily routine of Moroccans, cooling off the heat, digesting and quenching, quenching thirst and refreshing. You can't leave it all day, and you can see it in the streets.

The traditional practice is to first wash away the dust in the tea leaves with boiling water, wash away some bitterness, and then spread it on the bottom of the tin-plated pot, put in the scrubbed fresh mint leaves, and then add a large amount of sugar, heat it for a few minutes, and the spicy peppermint and the fragrance of the tea blend with each other.

In addition, there are various ways to cook, such as putting mint in a cup, pouring tea, or adding lemon, verbena, sage and other herbs, sweet and fragrant, with a unique flavor.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

Morocco is the country that imports the most green tea from our country, most of which are pearl tea and eyebrow tea, and also use tea to entertain guests like us.

They entertain guests and have tea three times.

There is a proverb: the first cup is like the tenderness of life, the second cup is like the intensity of love, and the third cup is like the bitterness of death.

Go with the flow, you have to drink, don't refuse, refuse any cup, is disrespectful, after all, in the proverb, it is life, love, and death, all said so seriously.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse
Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

Bai three teas

Speaking of tea hospitality, the most well-known in China should be the Bai three teas.

The three teas of the Bai ethnic group, which compare the taste of tea to the taste of life, were originally the admonitions and wishes of the elders to the major life activities such as study, art, business, and marriage of the younger generations, and later gradually expanded to welcome and entertain guests.

Xu Xiake, a super donkey friend of the Ming Dynasty, was entertained and can be described as a long tradition.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

The first course, bitter tea. The meaning is to accomplish things, first suffer hardships, and eat bitterly before being a superior person.

After the hot sand pot is roasted, put in the tea leaves, turn the sand pot, wait for the tea leaves to make a crackling sound, emit a burning aroma, and then pour boiling water for a while, pour into the cup, the entrance is bitter.

The second course, sweet tea. The meaning of bittersweet, the cup is filled with brown sugar, walnut kernels, roasted milk fan, cinnamon, and then poured tea, sweet and fragrant.

The third course, aftertaste tea. Put honey, ginger slices, minced cinnamon and peppercorns into a teacup, and then brew hot tea, sweet and spicy, spicy and fragrant, making people reminisce.

Recall the various tastes of life, recall the road traveled, and walk fast and steadily in the future.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse
Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

Huzhou three teas

In the Huzhou region of Zhejiang Province, there is also a tradition of three teas for hospitality.

The first sweet tea, also known as wind tea. Fresh glutinous rice is made into a thin white, slightly caramelized pot, broken into pieces, sugared, and brewed in boiling water, and it is sweet and crunchy to drink.

The second course of salty tea, namely smoked bean tea. In the bowl, put green tea, smoked beans (made of edamame), orange peel, perilla, or sesame seeds, dried carrots, and lightly salted ginger slices, osmanthus flowers, flat tips, and dried fragrant tofu. Rich in condiments and salty flavor.

The third course of clear tea, this is the usual brewed tea, full of fragrance, Huzhou since ancient tea, generally choose local tea.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

"Three" is just the right degree, as the saying goes, it is only three.

After three, it is excessive, less than three, and it seems insufficient.

The way of hospitality lies in sincerity, and the sincerity of the tea ceremony is in the "three", such as the tea flushing technique Phoenix three nods.

Three teas at home and abroad: people in Morocco, pour tea you drink, do not refuse

"Just roast the tea and sit down with the guests, and return to the mouth to consult."

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