
Can drinking yogurt prevent cancer? The 1.9 million population figure confirms...

author:Shangguan News

After studying the data of more than 1.9 million people, The team of Professor Deng Zhenhua of the West China School of Basic Medicine and Forensic Medicine of Sichuan University found that eating yogurt was very significantly related to the overall risk of cancer reduction, as high as 19%.

And studies have shown that people who eat yogurt have the most reductions in esophageal cancer (36%), bladder cancer (21%) and colorectal cancer (12%).

The paper was published in the authoritative journal International Journal of Cancer.

This means that the anti-cancer diet that everyone pursues every day is within reach!

In addition to the research of scientists at Sichuan University, an article from the top medical journal The Lancet in 2018 also pointed out that compared with people who do not consume dairy products, drinking only one serving of milk or yogurt has a 10% and 14% lower risk of death, respectively.

Yogurt is more than just cancer prevention

Prevent diabetes

Food and Health – Consensus on Scientific Evidence (2016) states that drinking 80 grams of yogurt per day (100 grams of yogurt in a small cup of supermarket plastic cup) reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 28% compared to not drinking yogurt at all.

Control blood pressure

Studies have shown that increasing milk intake, especially low-fat milk, is beneficial to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Prevent stroke

High blood pressure is the most important risk factor for stroke, so drinking yogurt is conducive to preventing stroke to some extent.

Eating yogurt is better than bird's nest

Everyone knows that yogurt has the effect of laxative, whitening and weight loss. But did you know? Yogurt alternative drinking method, beauty and beauty effect is not lost to bird's nest Oh!

Yogurt + banana: moisturize bowel movements

Principle: Bananas are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, high in nutrition, low in calories, and easy to produce a feeling of fullness.

Banana + yogurt, in low-calorie conditions can get a strong sense of fullness, reduce food intake, thereby moisturizing the intestines and losing weight.

How to eat: Replace dinner with yogurt and bananas, nutritious and healthy!

Yogurt + orange juice: moisturizes the skin

Principle: yogurt can improve gastrointestinal digestive function, inhibit the production and accumulation of harmful substances in the intestine, orange juice is rich in vitamin C, can help promote the metabolism of skin cells, make the skin white and healthy.

How to eat: Prepare 1 fresh orange, honey, yogurt to taste, peel the fresh orange to take the meat, beat the juice, and mix well with yogurt and honey.

Yogurt + Strawberry: Nourishing conditioning

Principle: Strawberries are rich in carotene and vitamins, which have a tonic effect on the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

How to eat: Strawberry pickled yogurt, easy to make!

Yogurt + Apple: Nootropic Stress Relief

Principle: Apples are rich in amino acids and sugars, which have the effect of soothing the mood and reducing stress, and are known as wisdom fruits.

How to eat: Make apple salad, add some honey, delicious!

Yogurt + nuts: nutritional health

Principle: Nuts are rich in protein, oil, minerals and other nutrients, which have the effect of supplementing nutrition and preventing diseases.

How to eat: When eating yogurt, pour some nuts that you love to eat, which is nutritious and delicious!

Yogurt + flaxseed: nourish the face and fight aging

Principle: Flaxseed contains α- linolenic acid, lignans and flaxseed gum and other nutrients, these three ingredients, in the balance of essential fatty acids, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, delay digestion and control of postprandial blood sugar and other aspects of the role, as well as a certain delay in aging and cancer prevention.

How to eat: When eating yogurt, we can add 1 small spoonful of cooked flaxseed to the yogurt, stir well and eat it, which can not only increase the nutrition of yogurt, but also enrich the taste.

Because the shell of flaxseed is relatively hard, it should be taken care of when eating, and it should be carefully chewed before eating.


The yogurt is left for a day or two to precipitate the yellow water is "whey".

Whey protein powder used by athletes to gain muscle and whey powder used to prepare infant formula are extracted from whey.

It is non-toxic and harmless, contains easily absorbed protein, and is also rich in calcium and vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is yellow, and whey is yellow.

So these yellow waters are edible.

Source: Health China, Health Times, CCTV4, CCTV Life Circle

Editor: Wang Yusi

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