
Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Go all out to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction

author:Henan Daily Rural Edition

Top News • Henan Daily Rural Edition Reporter Huang Hongli

Correspondents Wang Yong Wang Dan Lu Liping

On August 4, after listening to and watching the video conference on the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of the agricultural and rural system in the province, the Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs immediately held a special video conference to conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, mobilize the city's agricultural and rural system to focus on replanting and replanting and the harmlessness of sick and dead livestock and poultry, act quickly and go all out to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction, and restore the city's agricultural production and normal rural living order as soon as possible.

Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Go all out to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction

Tong Yupeng, secretary of the party group and director of the Luoyang Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau

In his speech, Tong Yupeng, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stressed that it is necessary to do everything possible to resist disasters and win a bumper harvest. The first is to pay close attention to eliminating stagnant water. For farmland that still has accumulated water, organize the deployment of various types of pumping machinery, drain water as soon as possible with full horsepower, and guide farmers to dig ditches and dredge plots where open water has been eliminated and the humidity in the field is large. The second is to speed up the repair of the sheds of damaged facilities. Actively strive for the funds issued by the finance for the restoration of agricultural production and the restoration of water-damaged water conservancy engineering facilities, do a good job in dredging high-standard farmland drainage and irrigation ditches, and repair wells, electricity, roads, canals and other field projects as soon as possible. For the damaged greenhouse, full reinforcement and maintenance. Damage the shed that seriously needs to be rebuilt, and raise the standard of shed construction. The third is to do a good job in field management. For autumn grain crops that have not been affected by disasters, mobilize and guide peasants to do a good job in fertilizer and water management, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and strive to increase production, and for autumn grain crops that can be restored by disasters, organize socialized service organizations to spray foliar fertilizers and plant regulators in a unified manner, promote crop growth, and strive to reduce yields. The fourth is to pay close attention to organizing the replanting of seeds and replanting. In accordance with the principle of easy before difficult, free supply of seeds, make good use of agricultural production disaster relief funds, carry out a thorough investigation of planting intentions as soon as possible, coordinate the implementation of seed sources, do a good job in the allocation of agricultural machinery, strengthen technical guidance, and accelerate the change of seeds. Fifth, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insects. In view of the situation that the humidity in the field is large, the maize disease may be aggravated, and the migratory pests such as the grassland moth may be partially biased, strictly implement territorial responsibilities, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of major diseases and insect pests, and timely carry out emergency prevention and control and unified prevention and control to prevent epidemics.

We must make all-out efforts to do a good job in restoring animal husbandry production. First, do a good job of drainage and killing. For flooded breeding pens and forage machinery warehouses, we should organize drainage and drainage as soon as possible to transfer livestock and poultry. After draining, we should pay close attention to the comprehensive disinfection of enclosures, appliances, vehicles, warehouses, road surfaces, etc. to eliminate the source of disease. The second is to open roads. Actively coordinate with relevant departments to restore water supply and power supply to farm households as soon as possible, strengthen the inspection and maintenance of enclosures, facilities and equipment, and water and electricity lines, and ensure the smooth transportation of young livestock and chicks, livestock and poultry, forage, eggs and fresh milk. The third is to strengthen material reserves. Do a good job of rain shower, blister inspection of forage feed, timely drying and detoxification, and destruction of moldy forage. Prepare emergency forage, waterproof sandbags, pumps, disinfectants and other materials. The fourth is to replenish the fence in time. Guide farm households to replenish breeding in a timely manner, and establish a "safe island" for livestock and poultry breeding with high dryness. Fifth, strengthen the prevention and control of animal diseases. Strengthen the immunization of livestock and poultry, make every effort to strengthen the monitoring and epidemiological investigation of major animal diseases such as African swine fever and highly pathogenic avian influenza, as well as zoonotic diseases such as anthrax and cloth disease, scientifically study and early warning, timely discover and eliminate hidden dangers of the epidemic, and strictly prevent "major epidemics after major disasters".

It is necessary to do a good job in restoring the living environment in rural areas. The first is to actively mobilize the masses, take effective and effective measures, solidly carry out village cleaning actions, carry out comprehensive and large-scale cleaning inside and outside villages, rivers, ponds and ditches, and in front of and behind houses, thoroughly clean up and remove accumulated garbage, silt, sewage, human and animal excrement, animal carcasses, agricultural production waste, etc., and collect and deal with garbage at designated points. The second is to guide and educate livestock and poultry farm households to clean up the overflow manure in a timely manner, and disinfect the farm area, and strictly prohibit direct discharge and random stacking. The third is to guide the masses to dismantle dangerous houses in a timely manner, clean up private construction, clean up the ruins and broken walls, and avoid secondary disasters. Public places such as schools and homes for the elderly should also be comprehensively inspected. The fourth is to carry out the activities of eliminating and eliminating the "four pests" in the village environment, eradicate the breeding environment of vectors, pre-prevent the spread of epidemics from the source, and ensure that there is no major epidemic after the catastrophe. Fifth, we should earnestly do a good job in the harmless treatment of dead livestock and poultry. Increase the intensity and frequency of investigations in key districts and cities and key periods, and organize forces to promptly salvage and collect cases and dispose of dead livestock and poultry carcasses. In accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Specifications for the Harmless Treatment of Diseased and Diseased Animals", according to local conditions, a variety of methods such as chemical system and deep burial are adopted to deal with it in a timely manner to prevent the spread of animal diseases and pollution of the environment. For places and means of transport for the discovery, collection, and treatment of dead livestock and poultry, disinfection and cleaning are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the norms to prevent the spread of pathogens.

Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Go all out to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction

Meeting site

The meeting demanded, first, to strengthen organizational leadership. The Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has set up a leading group for post-disaster reconstruction work, further established and improved the information day reporting work system, and promptly collected and reported the progress of the work and the post-disaster census. Set up four professional guidance groups to subcontract counties (districts) to comprehensively carry out agricultural production restoration guidance work. It is necessary to sink the front line, focus on the key points of post-disaster reconstruction work for supervision and inspection, tighten the responsibility of compaction, and implement detailed measures. All counties (districts) should also organize expert guidance groups and agricultural technicians to pack the villages in pieces, go deep into the fields, and carry out technical guidance for agricultural production after disasters to ensure that the post-disaster reconstruction work is carried out in a down-to-earth manner.

Second, it is necessary to carry out disaster relief and epidemic prevention at the same time. It is necessary to make overall plans for the epidemic situation and the disaster situation, implement various measures for epidemic prevention and post-disaster reconstruction, and ensure the "double victory" of disaster relief and epidemic prevention.

The third is to implement it quickly and within a limited time. In accordance with the unified arrangements of the provincial departments, we must implement inventory management, strictly implement the "daily report" system, strengthen overall planning and coordination, and ensure that the post-disaster reconstruction goals and tasks are completed on schedule.

Fourth, it is necessary to plan post-disaster projects. In accordance with the arrangements made by the superiors, it is necessary to scientifically plan post-disaster reconstruction projects, do a good job in the preliminary work of compiling and reporting projects, seize opportunities, comprehensively improve the quality of planning and reporting, and ensure the implementation of planned post-disaster reconstruction projects.

Fifth, it is necessary to put a good clean and honest government at the bottom line. The disaster relief funds used for the relief of the disaster-stricken people should be strictly in accordance with the scope of use of funds, earmarked for special purposes, and it is strictly forbidden to squeeze, intercept or misappropriate them in any way, so as to ensure that the post-disaster reconstruction work is completed in accordance with the established time node and high standards, and truly achieve the post-disaster reconstruction work in the hearts and minds of the people.

Members of the leading group of Luoyang Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, heads of departments such as Development Planning Department, Planting Industry Section, Animal Husbandry Section, Aquatic Products Section, Agricultural Machinery Section, Farmland Construction Section, Veterinary Medicine Section, Feed veterinary medicine Section and other departments attended the meeting, and the Agricultural and Rural Bureaus of various counties and urban areas attended the meeting at the sub-venue.

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