
Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

author:CITIC Appraiser

Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

A bag of drugs is in front of you, and there is no longer any temptation

Through the polygraph test, the return to society can not relapse

On May 20, 2021, at a compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation center in Sichuan Province, student Zhang Dasan (pseudonym) took a deep breath and sat in the assessment room chair of the Sichuan CITIC Forensic Appraisal Center, which specializes in "polygraph detection" for drug rehabilitation centers.

He has eight years of drug abuse history, this is also his second admission to the institute, has been detoxification treatment for two years, if this time can pass the joint assessment of the drug rehabilitation center and sichuan CITIC Judicial Appraisal Center, Zhang Dasan can return to society.

It is understood that since the establishment of the Sichuan CITIC Judicial Appraisal Center Drug Rehabilitation Diagnosis and Evaluation Committee in 2015, a total of 751 drug rehabilitation trainees have been diagnosed and evaluated, of which 28 have failed to pass the "lie detector test" and still need to continue to undergo compulsory drug rehabilitation.

Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

Whether to lift compulsory drug rehabilitation in advance, lack of rigid technical equipment

Compulsory drug rehabilitation personnel are a special group, many practitioners in the drug rehabilitation center to complete the compulsory drug rehabilitation, ostensibly get rid of the dependence on drugs, but once returned to society, contact with the past "drug friends", often occurs "relapse" phenomenon.

According to an anti-drug policeman, the temptation of drug addicts is one of the reasons for the relapse of drug addicts, but the lifting of compulsory drug rehabilitation is not strict, and high-tech is not used as a criterion to measure whether to be lifted, which also causes drug addicts to not really get rid of dependence on drugs.

According to its understanding, for the lifting of mandatory examination questions, some old students have been familiar with it, and new students can also pass the pass smoothly after passing through experience, "It can be said that the mandatory in this case is only a matter of time, and it is time to leave."

Although a drug rehabilitation center in Sichuan has taken five aspects of trainees' behavior, cognition, physiology, psychology, and family as evaluation criteria, it still lacks a rigid technical equipment to judge.

Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

Polygraph became the key to compulsory drug rehabilitation

In order to solve this problem, the Sichuan CITIC Judicial Appraisal Center has established a compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation supervision system, and clarified the business procedures for assessment and supervision, including the supervision of admission, release, and diagnosis and evaluation.

In addition, the Sichuan CITIC Forensic Appraisal Center is also equipped with psychological testers and forensic doctors, who will conduct psychological tests on suspicious students to make the results more accurate.

According to the tester of Sichuan CITIC Forensic Identification Center, the professional term of "polygraph detection" should be called CPS multi-channel electrogram physiological and psychological test, which designs problems from 10 aspects such as somatization, compulsion, interpersonal, depression, anxiety, hostility, terror, paranoia, psychosis, and others, and is tested by CPS instruments.

The designed questions are carefully prepared and tested to ensure an accurate measurement of the comprehensive evaluation, and the participants will also conduct the Eisenk Personality Questionnaire as an auxiliary scale for reference.

It is conceivable that after the implementation of the new technology, the students of the drug rehabilitation center could not hide their "desire to go out" and expressed their dissatisfaction one after another, and the cadres and policemen in the drug rehabilitation center also had some doubts about its role.

With the large amount of data produced by the testers, after the forensic doctor provided a health scale for 20 drug addicts, they all underwent a "lie detector test" except for those who did not want to quit drugs.

Interestingly, when a student who passes the urine test enters the first stage, the forensic doctor will first measure his physiological index, then take out a pack of prepared drugs and ask questions such as "Did you smoke this before" and "Do you still want to smoke?".

If the trainees have excitement or agitation, the physiological indicators such as pulse and blood pressure will change greatly, and they will be sent to the "lie detector" stage for technical testing.

Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

Eight years of drug addicts successfully passed

Zhang Dasan, 46 years old this year, made friends carelessly, smoked a drug called "yellow skin", and now his parents are still there, and his daughter-in-law is waiting for him outside, he really wants to quit drug addiction, so he feels that joining the "lie detector" link is a good thing for students who are sincerely rehabilitating.

According to reports, in September last year, when he was treated for a year, he was ready to leave the drug rehabilitation center, but he encountered a second assessment of the Sichuan CITIC Judicial Identification Center, and the results were analyzed on the computer test map, and the conclusion of "strong psychological dependence on drugs" was drawn.

Zhang Dasan felt that answering the question with drugs in his hand was the same as the question he encountered during the exam, and he panicked in his heart, and some people would see it and his eyes would glow, "The deterrent force is too big, and it is really cowardly to test."

According to expert analysis: the results of "polygraphy" are only a reference, and when the trainees get drugs, whether they have a sincere determination to quit drugs, the life indicators reflected are different, not the only standard.

After more than a year of treatment, Zhang Dasan is still very confident in himself: "Although A little nervous, but I have more confidence than a year ago, if I went out a year ago, I would really relapse." Now that my body is stronger, I want to know through this diagnostic assessment whether it has really reduced my psychological dependence on drugs. ”

Being able to pass the lie detector test shows that drug rehabilitation is successful

At 11:30 yesterday, Zhang Dasan successfully passed the test.

Experts from the Sichuan CITIC Forensic Appraisal Center said that drug addicts have a strong dependence on drugs, and the use of physical examination methods to determine key assessment objects and the use of polygraph methods to check can ensure the fairness of diagnostic assessment work, "After two years of trial, the effect is very obvious, and the relapse rate has decreased significantly." (Sichuan CITIC Judicial Appraisal Center)

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