
The police used a lie detector to check the case of Ali's female employee being violated, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicking now

author:Little B herding sheep

When the rumors on the Internet were overwhelming, the news was difficult to distinguish between true and false, Lin Shengbin responded once on July 8, and wrote so much, nothing more than fantasizing about continuing to be affectionate and consuming his deceased wife to continue to earn money, but it would not be so easy to set up a tree again.

Recently, the joint investigation team has a circular, for the rumors on the Internet many have been characterized rumors, since the qualitative rumors must be listed according to the basis, we citizens have the right to know and the right to supervise and question, right? Just the text description believes that the masses can not be convinced, the notice also mentioned That Huang in Jiaozhou will be dealt with according to law, but the follow-up has not yet, I don't know if there will be a reversal again? Jiaozhou is not Hangzhou after all, Lin Shengbin even if the capital is strong, it is not thick enough for Ali, Ali is quite passive in this incident, how can it be directly regarded as Hangzhou?

The police used a lie detector to check the case of Ali's female employee being violated, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicking now

Ali female employees this matter, evidence collection is very troublesome, after all, there is no direct video evidence, just rely on the mouth to say how can it be convincing? The police have adopted the method of polygraph detection, and now both parties have stopped, the scientific means have stood the test, the facts have proved that rape did not occur, indecency really existed, and Ali female employees did not raise doubts.

So whether our actor Lin Shengbin can withstand the test of the lie detector, after all, time has passed so long, at that time, everyone did not expect lin Shengbin to perform in front of the relatives who were killed, public opinion basically stood in line Lin Shengbin, who dared to have doubts and was immediately sprayed without skin, so that everyone ignored Lin Shengbin himself may make unimaginable moves. At that time, which one of the doubts was not attacked by the Internet, but if you want people to know, unless you have nothing to do, now Lin Shengbin people set collapse, everyone knows that Lin Shengbin is a good actor, have woken up, looking back on the past only to be surprised to realize that he was deceived by this suspicious person for 4 years.

On July 8, you issued a document: 67% of the adjustment compensation for fire civil litigation is used to repay the loan of the fire house, the bank loan of the company for 16 years, the aftermath of Xiaozhen and the children, the cemetery, and the rights protection costs incurred during the period. The remaining 33% (well above the legal ratio) was left to my mother-in-law and father-in-law, and the Porsche sports car in the family was also given to my father-in-law. Xiao Zhen's other property, including the money on the bank card and the fire house, I have not notarized, withdrawn or transferred so far. Personally, I have always felt that Lin Shengbin is not simple, and the current briefing of the joint investigation team may not be the final result.

The police used a lie detector to check the case of Ali's female employee being violated, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicking now

67% of the compensation was used to repay the loan of the fire house, the bank loan of the company for 16 years, the aftermath of XiaoZhen and her children, the cemetery, and the rights protection costs incurred during the period. 67% of the proportion of loan repayment in the end, why do you owe so many loans, your financial problems if there is really no problem you Lin Shengbin may land safely, if the financial problems do have a big hole, I am afraid that when the time comes to follow the vine to touch the melon, Lin Shengbin will really know what is the domino effect.

My personal opinion is that the abnormal relationship between Lin Shengbin and Mo Huanjing is a rumor, whether the conclusion is true or false can no longer be drawn by normal means, after all, who will do that kind of thing and let people see it? Unless Lin Shengbin and Mo Huanjing have special hobbies, Mo Huanjing is already a person from another world. If this conclusion is more convincing without this conclusion, but even this conclusion has come out, then what is the basis, now it can work for Lin Shengbin, and the only convincing thing is the lie detector.

The police used a lie detector to check the case of Ali's female employee being violated, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicking now

This kind of thing itself is not clear and unclear. Will the people who steal love be naked in the public, Lin Shengbin is originally a person with a family and a mouth, Zhu Xiaozhen and two brothers, even if he maintains an improper relationship with Mo Huanjing, how can he blatantly come? At that time, I did not catch the current, as Zhu Xiaozhen said to his father Zhu Hengren, there are people outside Lin Shengbin, Zhu Father can only helplessly say to Zhu Xiaozhen that you have to have evidence for this kind of thing, I can help you come forward, if you can't catch the evidence, it will be over, this kind of thing is difficult to collect evidence, and this conclusion that came out this time is very easy, so what is the basis?

The police used a lie detector to check the case of Ali's female employee being violated, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicking now

Didn't the joint investigation team mention Huang Moumou in Jiaozhou, just this time the Jinan police used a lie detector, the best way to prove Lin Shengbin's innocence is the lie detector, of course, since shandong can go to Qingdao or Jinan through a third party to do it, after all, it is not very convincing to do it in Hangzhou. Time has passed 4 years, Lin Shengbin originally thought that the lie could continue, never expected that Hangzhou said something unclear, Ali said something unclear, Jinan police helped you solve, the joint investigation team reported a lot, according to what did not say a reason, so that many people can not be convinced. Just take this opportunity to use a lie detector for Lin Shengbin, after all, it has been very uncomfortable to live in doubt, why not prove Lin Shengbin's innocence through the lie detector?

The police used a lie detector to check the infringement of Ali's female employees, and asked Lin Shengbin whether you are panicked now, as long as you are innocent, you will not be wronged, if there is really something to hide in the sky, it will not help.

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