
Fight the traitors! South African national parks introduced lie detectors to identify members of poaching gangs in rangers

Source: Global Times

In order to identify the members of the poaching gang lurking in the ranks of rangers, South Africa's Kruger National Park will introduce lie detectors and test all staff.

According to the British "Times" reported on the 17th, Kruger National Park is the world's largest rhino colony, in the past 10 years, the number of rhinos has been reduced by 2/3 due to poachers. Meanwhile, more than 40 staff members were fired on suspicion of involvement in poaching. Kruger Park managers suspect that a team of more than 400 rangers has long been planted by poaching gangs. Park spokesman Fahra said: "We have learned that someone asked our staff for information and that the amount of money involved was huge. ”

According to the report, the South African constitution stipulates that the person concerned cannot be forced to take a lie detector unless he or she agrees. In view of this, the South African National Parks Service plans to add a clause to the new employment contract that all staff, including senior management, must agree to a polygraph. "Internal corruption is the most terrible thing, not just Kruger, it can seriously damage all park operations," Fahra said. We can't lose more rhinos, and we need people we can trust to protect them. ”

South Africa's Ministry of Environment said that although poaching has decreased during the epidemic, poaching gangs have become increasingly rampant as lockdown measures have been gradually lifted. It is reported that each kilogram of rhino horn can sell for a high price of 55,000 pounds (about 500,000 yuan), and 13 rhinos in South Africa were killed by poachers in 2007, and surged to 1215 in 2014. (He Shan)

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