
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

author:Walker Ma Jian
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

From October 7th to 8th, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of zaoqiang county party committee of the Communist Party of China, the national network big V of "Happy Travel Development, Happy Travel Zaoqiang" takes you to explore the tourism development activities and walk into the main venue of the Fifth Hengshui Tourism Industry Development Conference - Zaoqiang. A number of network "celebrities", such as the national network V, cultural tourism experience engineers and short video masters with millions of fans, have deeply experienced Zaoqiang's tourist attractions, commercial blocks, traditional cuisines, etc. through on-site punching and on-site visits, and have felt the unique charm of "Millennium Qiudu Ecological Zaoqiang" in an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging manner. Through the way of "new media + new cultural tourism", a number of "had to" series products that can reflect the regional characteristics and urban connotation of Zaoqiang and Zaoqiang's new "net red punch card" have been introduced on the whole network.

Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

Have to travel - ecological jujube strong new cultural tourism

Zaoqiang is the first national garden county in Hengshui City. They always adhere to the green as the background color of the garden city, work hard to highlight the natural "beauty", and strive to create an ecological and livable environment. A Suolu River runs through the city, they rely on the "river system" to build a lake to retain water, according to the water landscape, the joint scenery into a garden, the South Lake, the North Lake and other ecological beauty jump in front of them, the Torch Square sky is blue and green, the water is blue, everywhere is poetic, the beautiful natural ecological environment has become a bright business card of Zaoqiang; Du Yan Spring Rain, Guo Cun Evening Photo, Sha'an Pear Blossom, Changhe Maple Leaf, Ferry Fishing Boat, Plain Hunting Horse, Qu garden to cool off, Gaoge Linqiu ... Eight ancient scenery in the past, a resort in the present dynasty. The 18-meter-high "Flower of Life" 3D printed sculpture next to the park shows the endless weather of the park in the form of "jujube flower", representing the world's leading digital manufacturing level of public art modeling; strolling on the banks of the Suolu River, returning to nature, enjoying the comfort of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which is both an "ecological river" and a "people's heart river", and the clean and tidy environment has become a good place for citizens and tourists to relax and play!

Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

Had to visit - cultural jujube strong ingenuity

Zaoqiang has a long history and splendid culture, is an ancient and magical land full of vitality, Qiuzu culture, Dongzi culture, immigrant culture, red culture and other historical and cultural characteristics are distinctive. In the Qiu zu cultural park and the fur culture expo hall, reminiscing about the Bigan qiu, witnessing the 3,000 years of Qiu zu culture passing on the torch; in the first academy in zaoqiang's history, The Dayuan Academy, and Dong Zhongshu like a dialogue through time and space to inherit The Confucian classics; "To ask where the hometown is, Zaoqiang County directly under the province", Zaoqiang is also the second largest immigrant birthplace facing Shandong in the early Ming Dynasty, and the immigrant cultural park continues to write a splendid chapter of 600 years of thick immigrant culture; in the Zaoqiang County Tanhuage Traditional Architectural Skills Museum The exquisite exhibits present the unique aesthetics, ingenious decorative techniques and elegant and spectacular momentum of traditional Chinese architecture; the text, pictures, images, physical objects and other materials in the air-conditioning museum show visitors a panoramic picture of the development and evolution of air-conditioning civilization... The culture is strong, the ingenuity is inherited, the vitality is vigorous, and it shines brightly.

Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

Had to eat - flavor jujube strong old brand

Zaoqiang cuisine has a unique flavor, inherited for nearly a hundred years, well-made, exquisite usage, Zhao family bacon fire, Sanyuan fast food, Jiahui Hujia roast chicken, Sanliying bacon, Liuchang Cao's old tofu and a number of other internet red food shops, not only every Zaoqiang people's daily life, but also deeply loved by foreign tourists. Jujube strong Zhao Ji bacon skin rotten meat tender, consistent appearance, bright color, mellow taste, fat not greasy, thin teeth, not only unique flavor, rich nutrition; shoe sole baked cake is the sole of the shoe as large as the baked cake, with a knife cut a long knife edge, inside the bacon, is the most distinctive food of jujube strong and even Hengshui. The facilities for making shoe soles are not very complicated, but there is a unique set of recipes and processes, and only pure handmade, will bake the flavor; the three-yuan cake roll is golden in color, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and fragrant bread rolled with mellow bacon, full of fragrant flavor; indispensable is a bowl of Liu Chang Cao's old tofu, the strong aroma of tofu, with pickled leek flowers, the taste is excellent... Each unique jujube strong specialty food hides the ingenuity of countless craftsmen from generation to generation.

Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

Had to buy - wind goods jujube strong happy to buy

Daying fur is the hottest "net red commodity" in Zaoqiang County, which is a national geographical indication product of China, and has always been known worldwide for its "large scale, variety and low price". Good looks and excellent quality, attracting more and more fashionistas to Zaoqiang to buy fur, China Daying West Asia Fur New City, China Daying International Fur Trading Center, China Daying Qiudu World Trade City is a tourist to daying must punch the "net red shopping mall". In addition to offline punch cards can also place online orders, Zaoqiangying Town, relying on the West Asia Fur New City, Xizha Live Broadcasting, and Yanyan Incubation Base, has built a "one-stop" live broadcast base integrating content manufacturing, video technology, and live broadcast scenes. Nowadays, in the major shopping malls and fur stores in Daying Town, Zaoqiang County, a mobile phone, a bracket, four or five people can form a set of "live broadcast - operation - after-sales" e-commerce live broadcast industry chain closed loop, the traditional fur industry and the new format of e-commerce have achieved perfect docking, network promotion, online drainage and other activities continue, the annual transaction volume of more than 1 billion yuan. Furs that used to cost tens of thousands of yuan now appear in front of consumers with a more people-friendly attitude, and with the continuous enrichment of styles, fur products have become more fashionable and young, becoming ordinary consumer goods. Jujube qiang is rich in products, not only people see the beloved camp fur, but also marilyn jujube, roast duck egg, gyokuro pear, sweet potato and other agricultural products with jujube strong regional characteristics are favored by the majority of consumers. Located in Zaoqiang Folk Culture Street, the special agricultural products exhibition center displays dozens of Zaoqiang County agricultural products, fruits, livestock and poultry meat and eggs, grains and various local specialties with local characteristics, highlighting the "original origin" and attracting countless citizens and tourists to choose and buy.

Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire
Travel hair "jujube" knows that Hebei Zaoqiang these new "net red punch card" fire

The internet celebrity punch card place launched by this event not only has the landmark attractions of Jujube Strong, but also the ecological beauty close to nature, as well as the Net Red Shop for tasting food and buying goods, showing the happy and beautiful life of the people of Zaoqiang while meeting the differentiated needs of tourists. The online "planting grass" + offline drainage method provides a complete punch card strategy and heat reference for the general public and tourists to punch in Zaoqiang, uses the positive traffic of the network to create the urban magnetic field of Zaoqiang's "net red punch card place", helps Zaoqiang to create a new form of cultural tourism industry that integrates eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment, continuously attracting more citizens and tourists to punch in, prospering the urban economy, enhancing the agglomeration, radiation and driving ability of cultural tourism projects, and creating a rich atmosphere for hosting the Fifth Tourism Development Conference of Haoshi.