
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

author:Shandong Zhongchuang Yifeng Fertilizer Group

On May 21, Liu Heliang, the regional manager of Zhongchuang Yifeng in charge of the Shaanxi market, drove to the winter jujube shed of Xu Zhanguo's eldest brother in Anren Town early in the morning, and heard that in just half a month, the winter jujube tree of Xu's family had undergone considerable changes, and this time he came at the invitation of Xu Brother.

Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

Coming to the shed, Brother Xu was excited to say to Manager Liu: "It's only been a few days, the jujube tree that uses our K25+ fruit fungus agent has undergone such a big change, this jujube color is really good, and the fruit is very full, I will use it later, not only for my own use, such a good thing must be told to everyone!" ”

Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

It turned out that on May 4th, Brother Xu made a set of comparisons in his own shed, one used a barrel of Zhongchuang Yifeng K25+ fruit fungus agent, and one used other fertilizers. I carefully use the book every day to record the changes day by day, I never expected that it took only half a month, the effect comparison came out, the color of the K25 was much worse, and the fullness was even worse! I was stunned.

Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

"This K25 fruit fungus agent is really a good product, and I will continue to use it next year!" Brother Xu said excitedly.

Let's take a look at the video of the interview with Brother Xu during the return visit.

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What is K25+ Fruit Fungus Agent

Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

This product is rich in pure sulfur-based potassium oxide, which perfectly integrates nutrients such as complex bacteria, biological enzymes, organic matter, proteins, amino acids, fulvic acid, trace elements in chelation, etc., through digital technology (PLC); high purity, high content, high effect; and significant improvement effect in crop expansion, coloring, taste and other aspects.

The ≥ of complex bacteria is 200 million / ml

Specification: 10KG

Implement the standard GB20287-2006

Registration certificate number microbial fertilizer (2018) quasi-character (3536) no

1. Full fruit: The fruit is larger. The fruit structure is compact, the fruit shape is positive, the volume and weight of the fruit are enhanced, and there are no hollow fruits and deformed fruits.

2. Bright color: the fruit is very beautiful. Shape the fruit beautifully, enhance the color of the fruit, and make the fruit bright and vivid.

3. Pure taste: the taste is five degrees high. Improve the total sugar, starch and vitamin content of the fruit, the fruit taste is pure, fruity, juicy and delicious.

4. Increase root and strengthen: the stem is thick for one round, and the root system is five times more.

5. Increase in production and income: 40% increase in output and 50% increase in income.

Irrigation root dilution 500 times solution, into the root of the crop; flushing, drip irrigation per acre of application of 10-20 kg, it is recommended to apply once in 10-15 days (or every stubble picked); according to the soil fertility, crop growth, target yield is different, appropriate adjustment of the amount of application.

Effect cases

Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well
Dates with dates know! Why does the old Xu family color well

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