
The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

author:Kung Fu martial arts cool

The use of footwork in the actual combat of modern martial arts is the foundation of thousands of moves. Fist notation: Those who do not know the use of footwork cannot be said to have a deep understanding of the way of martial arts. The reason why footwork plays a pivotal role in actual combat technology is because the correct choice of footwork can determine the application of its offensive and defensive techniques, such as the adjustment of offensive and defensive distances, the search for offensive timing, and even how to organize the implementation of a series of offensive and defensive technologies such as offensive and defensive counterattacks. Therefore, in the process of attacking and defending actual combat, if the actual combatants can integrate scientific and correct footwork into actual combat, their role can be multiplied with half the effort.

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

The following article will dedicate the super footwork that must be used in modern combat. The super footwork referred to here refers to the footwork that must be used in modern combat, and these footwork can be called the best footwork in modern combat in terms of speed, instinctive reaction, or technical effect.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > (i) to statically brake the step</h1>


Start with standing, take a step forward with your left foot, take a good distance, and your toes are 45° to the front of your right; your right foot is behind, your toes are about 90° outward, and your knees are slightly bent. The left forearm is slightly more than 90°, the elbow tip is slightly outward, the hand is naturally bent into a virtual palm, at the same height as the nose, the right hand is placed in the left elbow and the anterior flexion arm is 90°, and the elbow tip is slightly outward into the virtual palm (Figure 1).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 1


Before the battle, the body should remain stable and motionless, the muscles around the body should be relaxed, the attention should be concentrated, and the attack and defense should be quiet in a state of physical rest. It is intended to be on both feet, to hide the defensive counterattack in the quiet, if the enemy position moves, you can use the rear foot to adjust the angle, and avoid moving forward and backward jumping.


This footwork is often used for late strikes, suitable for the tactic of waiting for the rabbit, in actual combat, it is accustomed to seven points defensive three-point attack, and when it is used, it is quiet, easy and stable, and it is not alarming. When the other side does not appear threatening pre-move, do not act rashly, if the enemy enters the effective attack range, the attack should be sudden and rapid.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (ii) yin and yang indefinite steps</h1>

Taking the left combat style as an example, the left foot leans half a step to the right foot and then quickly draws an arc to the right front to take a step; at the same time, the right heel slips half a step and then turns to the rear arc to retreat; the left foot is immediately followed by a repeated arc to the front to take a step forward, and finally the two feet form an irregular curve movement with the enemy as the center. At the same time, the left hand moves with the left step to swing from bottom to top, and the right hand is the same as the left hand, forming a footwork movement, and the two hands swing naturally (Figures 2, 3, 4).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 2

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 3

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 4

Keep your hands empty, walk as if walking, and your muscles and spirit are loose. The detour route is adjusted according to the enemy's need to adjust the curve of advance and retreat, the feet should be mopped on the ground, and the center of gravity should be stable.

Adjust the distance between attack and defense, look for the angle and timing of the attack, hide the meaning of attack and defense when walking, and be agile and changeable to give the enemy a false and indistinguishable feeling. When circling, it is necessary to attack and defend and retreat into retreat. This step applies to a seven-point offense and a three-point defense.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (3) multi-directional dodge</h1>

This step can dodge in multiple directions, that is, forward turn, back turn, left turn, right turn and so on.

Taking the right-hand combat type as an example, the center of gravity shifts to the left foot, the right foot takes a step forward to the left front, and then the right foot is used as the axis, and the left foot rotates 180° with the body to form the original actual combat style. The upper body coordination action is: the right hand is worn forward and upward under the elbow of the left hand when the right foot is up, and the left hand is rotated from the bottom up to the ribs of the right hand when the upper left foot is rotated from the bottom up (Figures 5 and 6).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 5

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 6

When progressing, the feet are slightly off the ground, the body should be fast, the rotation should be stable, and the continuous body can form a circle route. When practicing, you should move your hands with your hands, and you can use the addition and subtraction footwork to adjust the direction of the rotation.

Suitable for sudden attack, sudden defense dodge counterattack, etc., entering the body to cause a mysterious and unpredictable feeling to the enemy, agile and rapid.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (iv) follow</h1>

Taking the right-hand combat style as an example, the left foot is slightly lifted forward to progress, and the right foot slides forward with the left foot step, no matter how to follow the step forward, the distance between the original actual combat feet remains unchanged, maintaining the original actual combat style.

The left leg should be fast, the right heel should be moped, the progress should be rapid, and the follow-up should be coordinated (Figure 7).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 7

Suitable for all kinds of punch attacks and with all kinds of punches. It is also suitable for short-distance close-quarters sticking and so on.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (5) step</h1>

Taking the right-hand combat type as an example, the right foot lifts the pad to place the left foot position, and then the left foot quickly moves forward, forming a post-solid form (Figures 8 and 9).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 8

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 9

When the right foot replaces the position of the left foot, the left foot should be quickly forward and forward, and the right foot pad step should be consistent with the forward movement of the left foot.

Suitable for sudden foot attacks.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (vi) forward slide</h1>

Starting from the actual combat style, the left foot slides forward further, and the right foot follows the slip further, forming the position of the right foot on the left foot, and the left foot steps up, maintaining the original actual combat style (Figure 10).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 10

When the two feet slide forward, they should rub the ground and enter, and when practicing, they should use continuous forward sliding action, and the speed and center of gravity should be stable when sliding forward.

It is suitable for approaching the opponent, or with various punches and legs to attack.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" slides after > (vii</h1>).

Starting from the actual combat style, the right foot slides back one step, and the left foot follows the original right foot position one step to form a continuous sliding action, no matter how to recoil, the original actual combat style remains unchanged (Figure 11).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 11

The same as the front sliding step, it is the reverse movement of the forward sliding step, regardless of the front sliding step or the rear sliding step.

Suitable for dodging when retreating or defending a counterattack.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (viii) step forward</h1>

Starting from the actual combat style, with the left foot as the center, the right foot advances forward from the right side, the body turns left, and the right foot advances slightly high when stepping up, forming two feet that alternately step forward. The lower body coordination action is: when turning left and stepping up on the right foot, the right hand is moving forward down the left elbow. The top is pierced into a combat style (Figures 12, 13).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 12

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 13

Step up and turn around without losing your balance, and your feet mop the floor.

Suitable for use when the offensive and defensive gear is combined or when entering.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (IX) step back</h1>

Starting from the actual combat style, with the right foot as the center, the left foot turns back with the right side of the body, and the right hand is worn from bottom to top under the elbow of the left hand, maintaining the original actual combat style.

When retreating, it is necessary to be quick and steady, and the feet should be withdrawn from the ground, and the main points should be slightly the same as the forward steps (Figure 14).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 14

Suitable for retreat with defensive dodge.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (ten) left flash step</h1>

Starting with the actual combat style, the left foot leans forward to flash further, and then the right foot turns 90° behind the left foot to follow the step. Hand coordination: the left hand is up and down when the left foot is up and down, and the right hand is arced from the bottom up when the right foot is walking, maintaining the original practical style (Figures 15, 16).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 15

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 16

The left foot flash step should be fast, and the right foot should be coordinated.

Suitable for time difference defense or defensive counterattack.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (eleven) right flash step</h1>

Starting from the right actual combat style, the right foot leans forward to the left front and takes a step forward, and the left foot follows the left rear right turn 90° up step to restore the actual combat style. (Refer to the left flash step)

The technique is the opposite of the left flash step, leaning slightly lower, flashing faster, and the left leaning flash step is the reverse movement.

Suitable for playing time difference right dodge defensive counterattack.

(xii) Left body flash step

Start with a right-hand combat style with your right foot up to the right. Fang took a step forward and was two feet away from the left foot and parallel to it, and then the left foot quickly withdrew to the right foot and formed a left combat style. The hand cooperates, the right foot steps up, and the left foot retreats while the right hand is worn out from bottom to top under its left elbow to form a left combat hand style (Figures 17 and 18).

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 17

The super footwork practice in modern martial arts combat, the mystery of quick dodging and rapid attack (1) static braking step (2) yin and yang indefinite step (3) multi-directional dodge step (4) follow-up step (5) pad step (6) front sliding step (7) back sliding step (8) progressive step (9) retreat step (10) left flashing body step (11) right flashing body step (13) right body flashing Related articles and videos recommended in this account:

Figure 18

The whole body should quickly dodge to the original center.

Suitable for long-range attacks and dodging counterattacks.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (xiii) flashes around the right side</h1>

Starting from the left actual combat style, the left foot progresses to the upper right parallel to the right foot, and then the right foot quickly retreats backwards to form a right actual combat style. Hand coordination, the left foot steps up, the right foot retreats at the same time, the left hand should be along the right elbow from bottom to top, forming a right combat style. (Refer to the left body flash step)

Flashing steps with the left side.

Suitable for right-sided long-range defensive counter-attacks.

In summary, the actual combat super footwork is a necessary footwork in actual combat. When learning practical combat techniques, it is necessary to practice repeatedly until you become proficient. The leg method, the elbow method and the knee method are integrated and closely coordinated.

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