
"Chinese Doctor" First Exposure Special 1:1 To Create a "Medical-Grade Set"

Source: International Online

"Chinese Doctor" First Exposure Special 1:1 To Create a "Medical-Grade Set"

The movie "Chinese Doctor" released its first special edition today, and the "medical-grade set" created by the film crew according to the real hospital construction standard 1:1 was exposed for the first time. Director Liu Weiqiang said that the production scale of the movie "Chinese Doctor" is higher than that of the previous work "Captain China", and the difficulty of creation is unprecedented, but everyone in the main creative team will definitely present a shocking excellent work for everyone with the greatest awe and sincerity.

The movie "Chinese Doctors" is based on the real events of the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020, with Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital as the core story background, while taking into account Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, Wuhan Union Hospital, Wuhan University People's Hospital (Hubei Provincial People's Hospital), Huoshenshan Hospital, Fang Cabin Hospital and other fraternal units, with Wuhan medical staff and medical teams from various provinces and cities across the country as the prototype of the characters, and the panoramic record of the magnificent and arduous anti-epidemic struggle.

In April 2020, after Wuhan lifted the control measures for the passage from Han to Hubei, the creative team organized by Bona Film Group entered Wuhan for the first time, visited major hospitals and collected a large number of first-hand information, and after nearly a year of preparation and filming, it was finally officially completed at the end of December 2020. All the hospital equipment used in the filming of the film is built in strict accordance with the real hospital construction standards 1:1, and even the professional hospital transformation staff is put into filming after the acceptance of the scene, and every scene filmed has professionals who have personally experienced the frontline of the fight against the epidemic to guide them, and many people in the group performance are also real medical workers.

Ran Xiao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, was invited to serve as the film's medical consultant, and he said that the film "Chinese Doctor" is very authentic in restoring the anti-epidemic scene, and in many film and television works, "it can be said that it is a teaching-level film". Another medical consultant of the film, Liu Xueqing, head nurse of the emergency department of the Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, also highly praised the professionalism of the entire crew, "We joined the crew and participated in all aspects of the discussion before the studio began to be built." Director Liu Weiqiang is almost harsh in his art. ”

This time, Zhang Hanyu and Yuan Quan cooperated again, and the two played comrades in the film who fought together to fight the epidemic. Zhang Hanyu revealed that before starting the machine, he took the initiative to go to Jinyintan Hospital and lived with President Zhang Dingyu for three days, "following President Zhang to meeting and checking rooms, not only saw his working state, but also found that he was a very personality, love and hate clear person, but also observed many important details to help me shape the role, let me know how to shape a more three-dimensional grassroots hospital president." ”

Yuan Quan also said that in order to play the role of the director of the department of critical care medicine, in addition to constantly practicing wearing protective clothing and learning medical knowledge, he also had to ask medical workers who had experienced the frontline of the fight against the epidemic for personal experience, "More important than learning technical operations is psychological support." ”

It is reported that the movie "Chinese Doctor" is directed by Liu Weiqiang, co-produced by Liu Weiqiang and Li Jinwen, starring Zhang Hanyu, Yuan Quan, Zhu Yawen, Li Chen, Yi Qianxi specially invited to star, Ou Hao special starring, the main actors also include Feng Wenjuan, Geng Le, Liang Dawei, Xiao Ai, Ya Mei, Yang Qiru, Ye He, Jiang Linyan, Mei Ting, Zhou Ye, Li Qin, Zhang Tianai, Song Jia, Yu Feihong, Ni Hongjie, Feng Shaofeng, Zhou Bichang, Zhang Songwen, Zhang Zifeng, Tong Liya, Gu Jiacheng, Zhao Ningyu, Wang Ting, Yu Haolei, Huang Lu, Yin Xiaotian, Zhang Jiani, Shi Xiaolong, Gao Ge, Liu Lin, Lai Xi, Wan Guopeng, Wang Zhao, etc. The film will be released nationwide in 2021.