
Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

author:People's Sankei Observation

On the morning of September 10, the Central Enterprise Aid to Xinjiang Work Conference and the State-owned Central Enterprises To Help Xinjiang High-quality Development Conference were held in Urumqi, Xinjiang. Chen Quanguo, secretary of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee, and Hao Peng, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, attended and spoke at the meeting. Shikeleti Zakir, deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region PARTY Committee and chairman of the government, and Wang Junzheng, deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee and political commissar of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, respectively introduced the stable development of the autonomous region and the corps and the corresponding support work of state-owned central enterprises. Ren Hongbin, member of the party committee and deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, presided over the meeting Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the meeting on behalf of the company.

Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

The scene of the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference

At the meeting, on behalf of the autonomous regional party committee, government, corps, and people of all nationalities in the whole region, Chen Quanguo expressed his heartfelt thanks to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the central enterprises, as well as to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and state-owned enterprises of Xinjiang provinces and cities that have long shown concern, support, and assistance to Xinjiang's work. Chen Quanguo said: The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, persistently regarded the work of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang as a major political task and placed it in an important position, organized and led the central enterprises and state-owned enterprises in provinces and cities to aid Xinjiang to solidly promote industrial assistance to Xinjiang, effectively promoted Xinjiang's economic and social development, made important contributions to social stability and long-term peace and stability, and created a good situation in which state-owned assets and central enterprises in the new era helpEd Xinjiang's stable development.

Hao Peng pointed out that state-owned central enterprises should take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", completely and accurately implement the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, effectively unify their thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee, firmly grasp the overall goal of Xinjiang's work, take the solid sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, deeply understand the important significance of doing a good job in aiding Xinjiang, adhere to comprehensive assistance to Xinjiang, precise assistance to Xinjiang, and long-term assistance to Xinjiang, and further enhance the sense of responsibility. Sense of mission and urgency, persist in strategically planning and promoting the work of aiding Xinjiang; focus on national unity and cohesion, vigorously implement employment assistance to Xinjiang, strive to do a good job in cultural enrichment of Xinjiang, and add strength and empowerment to the sense of forging a solid Sense of the Chinese National Community; aggregate the strengths of Xinjiang's advantageous central enterprises, closely follow the people's livelihood to promote Xinjiang's better integration into the new development pattern; deepen reform and innovation, and give more prominence to the development of industrial and industrial cooperation; promote deep embedding and deep integration, and fully support the corps to deepen reform and develop to the south; increase policy support for intellectual support. Continue to promote the deepening and solidification of the work of aiding Xinjiang.

Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

Liao Jiasheng met with Zhang Yuxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Urumqi Municipal CPC Committee, executive vice mayor, and secretary of the CPPCC leading group

On the afternoon of September 10, after the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference, Liao Jiasheng met with Zhang Yuxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Urumqi Municipal Party Committee, executive vice mayor and secretary of the PARTY Group of the Municipal CPPCC Municipal Committee, and the main responsible persons of the municipal natural resources, planning, development and reform, commerce, Ganquanbao Economic Development Zone, etc. The two sides exchanged views on deepening cooperation between the central government and the local government, carrying out investment in the field of logistics in Ukraine, and supporting the development of Chinese iron in Xinjiang enterprises, and made a special trip to Urumqi Ganquanbao Industrial Development Zone the next day. On-site investigation of the planned logistics land of the park, Tang Shan, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Ganquanbao Economic Development Zone, all members of the teams of the two committees, and some settled enterprises in the park conducted detailed exchanges on logistics function planning and logistics needs of the park, and determined the work class to promote the relevant work.

Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

Investigate the planned logistics land of Urumqi Ganquanbao Industrial Development Zone Park

During his stay in Xinjiang, Liao Jiasheng investigated Tianshan Building Materials and its affiliated Guotong shares, fully affirmed the achievements made by Tianshan Building Materials in production and operation, poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention, party building, etc. in recent years, praised the achievements made by Guotong Co., Ltd. in increasing operation and development and promoting transformation and development, and asked enterprises to further consolidate the foundation of operation and management, fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises in Xinjiang, and continue to contribute to Xinjiang's economic and social development.

Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

Liao Jiasheng investigated Tianshan Building Materials and its affiliated national shares

In addition, Liao Jiasheng also investigated Xinjiang Chengtong International Logistics Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Chengtong Western Logistics Co., Ltd., which belong to China Logistics Co., Ltd., to understand the basic situation of the two enterprises' operating varieties, business qualifications, warehousing and operation.

Liao Jiasheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of China Iron & Steel, attended the central enterprise assistance to Xinjiang work conference and the state-owned central enterprises to help Xinjiang high-quality development conference and conducted research in Xinjiang

Liao Jiasheng investigates companies owned by China Logistics Co., Ltd

Li Xiangyang, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Logistics, Li Hongjie, assistant general manager of China Iron & Steel and chairman of Guotong Co., Ltd., the main responsible person of China Iron Planning and Development Department and Tianshan Building Materials, and the main person in charge of China Logistics Xinjiang Business Department accompanied the above research visit.

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