
Looking back at the original heart, paying tribute to the martyrs 24丨Ren Changlun martyrs: combat heroes heroic killing of the enemy

author:Qilu one point
Looking back at the original heart, paying tribute to the martyrs 24丨Ren Changlun martyrs: combat heroes heroic killing of the enemy

Huangxian Civil Affairs Bureau

There is a Yingling Mountain in the eastern part of Qixia County, and on the rolling hills, rows of awe-inspiring revolutionary martyrs are buried. On the platform on the top of the mountain stands a majestic and spectacular memorial tower of anti-Japanese martyrs. On the high pedestal on the west side of the memorial tower, a bronze soldier of the Eighth Route Army, standing with a gun and a resolute and sharp gaze, guarding the beautiful Jiaodong Peninsula, is the beloved Shandong Military Region "first-class combat hero" Ren Changlun.

He enlisted in the army for 4 years and experienced hundreds of battles; heroically killed the enemy and hung up the lottery 9 times; rescued comrades-in-arms and was not afraid of hardships; fought hard with the enemy, held his position, and played the prestige of the Eighth Route Army. Unfortunately, on November 17, 1944, Ren Changlun was honorably killed in the battle against the Japanese at Changsha Fort in Haiyang County. The bronze statue of Ren Changlun stands on the top of Yingling Mountain surrounded by cangsong cypress, as if he is watching his hometown, he is a monument to the great shore in the hearts of the people of Jiaodong.

Looking back at the original heart, paying tribute to the martyrs 24丨Ren Changlun martyrs: combat heroes heroic killing of the enemy

Bronze statue of Ren Changlun.

Ren Changlun was born in 1921 to a poor peasant family in Sun Huzhuang (now Changlunzhuang) in Huang County (now Longkou City), Shandong Province. He lost his father at the age of 6 and his mother at the age of 10, was raised by his uncle, enrolled in school for four years, and then dropped out of school to work as a farmer. In 1938, the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement was in full swing. Ren Changlun, 17 years old, joined the Self-Defense Corps this winter. Soon, he received an earthen gun, and if he received the most precious treasure, he loved it. Work up the hill with it, stand guard and hold it, sleep with it at night; wipe it when there is a small space, wipe it when there is a big air, the barrel of the gun is shining, and whoever sees it praises it. He often said to others, "Don't look at our soil to make goods, the foreign devils will touch it and tell him to see the king of Yama." ”

In the spring of 1939, after breakfast one day, Ren Changlun, Wang Baoyu, and Wang Jianwu were ordered to go to Shiliangji to reconnoiter the enemy's situation. At that time, they were divided into workers, each with two grenades and set off. On this day, the people who came to Shiliangji to catch the market were bustling. Ren Changlun stayed at the west bridge of the village with a dung basket on his back, and the second king went straight to the egg market in the street. There was a pseudo-officer crouching in the street buying eggs with a cassette gun pinned to his waist. The two kings exchanged glances and jumped up together, Wang Baoyu reached out and grabbed the puppet officer's box gun, Wang Jianwu raised his grenade and smashed it on the head of the fake officer, only to hear him fall down with an "ah" sound, and the box gun was grabbed by Wang Baoyu. The two kings greeted each other, set up the unconscious pseudo-officer and ran to the west of the village. At this time, the set exploded, and people rushed out like a swarm. Ren Changlun was sitting at the head of the west bridge of the village, and when he saw that the Second King had come to a puppet army, he was overjoyed.

He calmly said to the second king, "You will quickly cross the river with him, and I will deal with the enemy here!" Sure enough, the ghosts in the street found out, carrying three or eight guns, and rushed to the west of the village in the crowd.

Ren Changlun saw clearly, frowned, counted his heart, and before the devil was near, he threw a grenade head-on, and it exploded with a bang. Then he shouted loudly: "The Eighth Route Army has entered the village, run!" "As soon as the crowd who rushed to the market heard the explosions and shouts, they ran even more chaotically, bumping and bumping outside the village, shouting and shouting, making the devils dizzy, and because they were afraid of suffering losses, they stopped chasing them.

In this way, Ren Changlun covered the Erwang and carried the pseudo-officer to the Wangwu Mountain in one breath. The three of them went deep into the tiger's den to capture the bandits and capture the box gun, which was praised by their superiors.

At that time, the Self-Defense Regiment often went out at night to disturb the enemy and cut wires, and Ren Changlun took the initiative to participate every time, always setting off with great interest and returning with joy.

Once, the Self-Defense Regiment was ordered to go to the Sui family in Wan Dao to sabotage the road from Huangchengji to Shiliangji. There were a lot of people going this night, and after digging for a while, suddenly someone said, "No, there are devils in front of you!" As soon as everyone listened, they ran back. Ren Changlun felt that something was not quite right, so he boldly ran to the front to inquire, and it turned out that the masses who were digging the road had mistaken our army for the enemy.

What to do, to complete the task or to give up halfway? Thinking of this, he turned around and went to chase after the villagers, and ran for more than five miles in one go to catch up. He explained the situation to everyone and patiently mobilized everyone to turn back to the Sui family in Wan Dao, until they had dug the 15 pits of the share, and then they all went home together.

In August 1940, Ren Changlun joined the local armed forces of the Eighth Route Army, and in October was promoted to 14 regiments, 2 battalions and 5 companies. During a battle against the enemy, he bravely rushed into the wall, and as he was advancing, his left arm was painted. The squad leader told him to get out of the line of fire and bandage, but he said: "For the sake of the party and the people, when it is time to bleed, we must shed blood." What's the point! He said as he charged forward with a grenade.

It wasn't until his injured arm could no longer move that he accepted the squad leader's order and reluctantly walked down the line of fire. Later, in the monkey ditch ambush battle, he took two fighters and was the first to jump on the car and fight with the ghosts. He suffered two wounds on his leg, jumped down and bandaged it, and then hurried back to surround the devil...

In January 1941, in the Battle of Ye county south, Ren Changlun was tasked with delivering ammunition to the line of fire, and in the fierce battle, comrades fought with the enemy with bayonets. At this moment, Ren Changlun rushed up with a box of grenades. He saw that the three comrades were fighting with the three devils, so he put the box down, like a fierce tiger pounced, and stepped up to hug the back of a devil, and the warrior on the opposite side jumped forward and stabbed the devil with a whimper, Ren Changlun took the opportunity to grab the devil's big cover gun, turned around and poked, and the bayonet stabbed into the devil's chest. After the battle, the battalion decided to issue this three-eight-big cover gun to Ren Changlun for use. He used the gun he captured for the first time to learn and practice hard, killed and wounded countless enemies in subsequent battles, captured countless guns, and armed our army.

In June 1941, Ren Changlun gloriously joined the Communist Party of China. Under the cultivation and education of the party, he was politically active and progressive, more courageous in battle, and his performance was very outstanding. In the winter of that year, when the troops attacked the Xiaoluan family stronghold in Qixia County, Shi Deming, a platoon leader of the third squad, hung a color under a small earth cliff inside the deer. The enemy lit firewood around the bunker, which was illuminated, and when we went up to rescue it, the enemy shot. The first platoon leader, the second squad leader, and the third squad of a soldier climbed over to rescue them all hung up and had to retreat. Ren Changlun took the initiative to request to carry the third squad leader. He handed over his rifle, bullets, etc. to his squad leader, and the cat ran over to see that there was a big fire burning in front of the bunker, and the deer outside had also been lit by the enemy, and Shi Deming was lying in the middle. Ren Changlun lay down outside the deer, pulled the fire to the side, crawled forward, crawled all the way to Shi Deming's side, and said softly: "Third squad leader, I will pull you!" Shi Deming said sadly: "I can't move, the platoon leader and comrades have come to pull me all to hang up the color, you go quickly, this place is too dangerous, don't bleed for me anymore." ”

Ren Changlun replied decisively: "The party cannot throw you to the enemy, even if it sacrifices, it will pull you down." He said, immediately untying one of the leggings and tying it around Shi's waist. He took a step backwards, pulled a step, and all at once he broke the leggings. He climbed back again, untied the other leggings and closed them together, and crawled step by step to pull Shi Deming out of the deer, at this time, the enemy's fire was still unabated, Ren Changlun's left calf was also shot and wounded, and the blood stained the corners of his pants red. He desperately dragged Shi Deming out, and when he was close to the large army, Ren Changlun untied the bandages on his feet, picked up Shi Deming and ran to the soldiers waiting here, and quickly withdrew from the battlefield. Ren Changlun's deeds of risking his life and bravely saving his comrades-in-arms were highly praised by the commanders and fighters of the unit.

In June 1942, Chang Lun was appointed deputy squad leader and was soon promoted to squad leader. He was bold and alert in his mission. In mid-November, 20,000 Japanese and Kou people, with the cooperation of the recalcitrant Zhao Baoyuan, "swept up" the Jiaodong area. During the day, the enemy encircled a target in the form of a "dragnet", and at night, piles of firewood were lit on the encirclement circle to create a momentum in an attempt to block the breakthrough of our army. Ren Changlun's unit was ordered to turn to war and carry out anti-"sweeping." One night, the fifth company came to the station Ma Zhangjia, and the company commander saw that the piles of fire were connected in a line, blocking the way out of the breakthrough, but he did not know whether there was an enemy on the side of the fire, so he assigned Ren Changlun to go to reconnaissance. Ren Changlun cleverly and bravely touched the fire in front of him on the left, and found that there were enemy troops lurking in the low ground not far away, so he quietly crawled to the fire on the right and saw two puppet soldiers roasting the fire. He crawled and crawled gently, and when he reached a distance of four or five steps from the enemy, he grabbed a grenade and jumped in front of the enemy like a spring, "clicking" and smashing open the head of a puppet army. Another puppet army saw that things were not good, so he obediently became a prisoner and was led back by Ren Changlun. Based on what he learned, the company commander commanded the entire company to break through safely from the front right side of the fire.

In the spring of 1944, Ren Changlun had already hung up the lottery 7 times, and in order to take care of his body, the army let him temporarily leave the team and go home to recuperate. During his time at home, he spent every day with the militia, exchanging experiences and carrying out tasks together.

Since joining the army, Ren Changlun has participated in more than 120 large and small battles with the Japanese and the Pseudo, and has been wounded 9 times. In every battle, he charged forward, not only repeatedly completing the task of attacking the city and pulling out the wall, but also rescuing his comrades from the rain of bullets and bullets three times. In August 1944, Ren Changlun attended the Jiaodong Military Region and the Shandong Military Region Combat Heroes Congress, and was awarded the title of "First Class Combat Hero" by the Jiaodong Military Region for his outstanding combat achievements.

As soon as the Congress of Battle Heroes was over, he heard that the Japanese devils had colluded with the recalcitrant Zhao Baoyuan and began to attack the Asan anti-Japanese base area. Full of anger, he trekked 700 miles day and night to return to Jiaodong. At that time, he had been injured eight times, and he still had enemy shrapnel in his shoulders, and his physical strength had not yet fully recovered. When he hurried back to his troops, the chief asked him to rest, and he said in an anxious and pleading tone, "I will fight." I can't watch the devils run amok, and I can't stand it without calling me to war! In the end, the leadership decided to promote Ren Changlun to deputy platoon leader and approve him to participate in the battle.

On the morning of November 17, 1944, the battle began, and more than 700 ghosts were blocked in the northwest of Haiyang Changsha Fort. Ren Changlun and the entire platoon of 33 fighters were ordered to seize the commanding heights in case the enemy counterattacked and fled. He thought: As long as we seize this commanding height and hold it, the victory will belong to us! So he led the whole platoon of soldiers to charge, and he shouted: "Comrades, rush! Time is the victory! Only to see his athletic figure always rushing to the front, the rocks hurt his legs and feet, the sweat soaked his clothes, he ignored them all, and there was only one thought in his heart: grab the mountain and destroy the enemy! The heroic three rows of warriors, speeding forward, finally rushed ahead of the devils and occupied the commanding heights.

The devils launched two consecutive charges to regain the commanding heights. The battlefield was filled with smoke and artillery fire, and the devils twice howled and rolled down the mountain with the sound of explosions. Suddenly, dozens of devils seized another small height on the left side of the commanding heights, set up machine guns, and seriously threatened the safety of the regimental headquarters and the brother platoon positions. Ren Changlun rushed to the platoon leader and demanded in a resolute tone, "Platoon leader, you give the order, let me go and take that small highland!" The soldiers also pleaded in unison: "Let's go with the deputy platoon leader and resolutely complete the task!" The platoon leader thought about it for a moment and decided to let Comrade Ren Changlun lead the ninth class to seize the small heights occupied by the devils. Under the command of Ren Changlun, the heroes of the ninth class rushed to the cliff in front of the small highland, and Ren Changlun arranged two warriors to pretend to attack head-on, and the rest followed him along the cliff back to the side of the small highland and suddenly launched a fierce attack. A row of grenades blew up the devils and the ninth class seized the small heights. The enemy was not willing to lose, first frantically shelling the small heights, then an officer used a command knife to force a group of devils to howl and rush upwards, Ren Changlun calmly raised his large cover gun, pulled the trigger and knocked down the commander of the devils; then fired three shots in a row, knocking down three devils. My ninth squad of fighters had a high morale, and with one to ten, they heroically fought against the enemy who was ten times larger than me, and repelled the devil's crazy counterattack five times in a row. Just then, the soldiers ran out of grenades, the bullets ran out, and the reinforcements had not yet arrived. The devils fought back again, and a severe test was placed in front of the Ninth Squad of fighters.

Comrade Ren Changlun stood up, looked at the fire of the devils in the distant village, his eyes flashed with hatred, he raised the gun in his hand high, and firmly said to the soldiers: "Comrades, we have no bullets and bayonets, people are in the position!" At this time, the devils screamed and rushed up again, and the heroes of the ninth class shouted "kill", raised their sharp bayonets, and rushed towards the devils with strong hatred, and a fierce white-knife battle unfolded on the small high ground. Comrade Ren Changlun stabbed four devils to death in succession with unparalleled composure and bravery, and he himself was injured. But he still insisted on fighting, and when he stabbed the fifth devil, the fifth squad came up to reinforce, and the devils were in a mess.

Dozens of corpses were thrown down and fled. In the evening of the same day, the devils made a final counterattack on the small highlands, and Comrade Ren Changlun was confidently preparing to destroy the enemy with his comrades-in-arms. But unfortunately, a bullet of evil hit him. The fifth squad leader hurriedly rushed over and called out in succession, and Comrade Ren Changlun said with difficulty: "Fifth squad leader, leave me alone." It is important to hold the position, and to hold the position is victory! The soldiers looked at the badly wounded deputy platoon leader, and everyone was full of grief and indignation, and each one had a stronger fighting spirit. They calmly waited until the devils rushed over again, and a row of fierce grenades crushed the enemy down. The warriors launched a counterattack, attacking the Japanese puppet army from different directions, and the enemy eventually fled in a hurry. In this battle, a total of 258 Japanese puppet troops were killed, 12 people were captured, and a large number of weapons and materials were captured. However, our hero Comrade Ren Changlun, because he was too seriously injured and bleeding too much, was honorably sacrificed when he was carried to the xitou field health center. He shed the last drop of blood for the sake of the party and the people. At the time, he was only 23 years old.

After learning the news of Ren Changlun's death, Xu Shiyou, who was then the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, was deeply saddened. On this day, he did not enter the soup. In order to commemorate Ren Changlun, Commander Xu Shiyou personally organized an enlarged meeting of the Jiaodong Military Region, awarded Ren Changlun's 5th Company as "Ren Changlun Company", determined that November 17, the day of the hero's sacrifice, was the anniversary of the founding of the company, and called on the vast number of commanders and fighters to bravely resist the enemy and persevere to the end.

The military and civilians of Jiaodong composed Ren Changlun's deeds into the song of "Battle Hero Ren Changlun": "Battle Hero Ren Changlun ... In the battle of Changsha Fort, The "spirit of Ren Changlun who still kills the enemy with minor injuries, does not cry bitterly, sacrifices his life to kill the stubborn enemy, and persists in doing his best" forged with blood has become the company soul of the company. Over the past 70 years, it is precisely under the guidance of this spirit that the officers and men of the 5th Company have been constantly maintaining the fine style of fighting fierce tigers and charging ahead, and have constantly worked hard to advance.

In order to commemorate the hero, in February 1945, the Huangxian People's Government decided to change the hero's hometown of Sun Huzhuang to "Changlun Zhuang", and Ren Changlun's company was named "Changlun Company".

After Ren Changlun's sacrifice, the local people donated all the bronze objects they could find in their homes, and on July 7, 1945, on the top of Yingling Mountain, a bronze statue of him was cast two meters high and weighed 5,000 kilograms. This bronze statue has experienced 70 years of ups and downs and is a historical symbol of the memory of the martyrs by the people of Jiaodong.

In 2009, Ren Changlun was selected by 11 ministries and commissions including the Central Organization Department as "100 heroic models who have made outstanding contributions to New China", and in 2014, he was announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as one of the first 300 famous anti-Japanese heroes who fought tenaciously in the War of Resistance Against Japan and sacrificed their lives for the country.

In the clock of Ren Changlun's short life for 23 years, he wrote the loyal soul with a simple and upright disposition and indestructible stubbornness. The bronze statue standing tall on the top of Yingling Mountain shines with the essence of Ren Changlun's revolutionary heroism, forever calling people to fight ceaselessly for the motherland and the people! His heroic deeds will forever be recorded in the annals of history, and his noble spirit will last forever. (Adapted by Qi Jianying)

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Looking back at the original heart, paying tribute to the martyrs 24丨Ren Changlun martyrs: combat heroes heroic killing of the enemy

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