
Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

author:History is lamentable

On November 20, 1944, the Jiaodong military and civilians held a memorial meeting for a deputy platoon leader at the 14th Regiment of Shahe Village, West Port. At the meeting, Xu Shiyou, commander of the military region, and all the soldiers of the 14th Regiment performed a gun salute to a martyr, led the team around the remains of the martyr, and bid a final farewell to the martyr.

Xu Shiyou covered the body of a martyr with a new piece of clothing, and for the only time in the history of our army, the commander of the military region held a memorial service and delivered a eulogy for a deputy platoon leader.

What outstanding contributions has the deputy platoon commander made? What kind of immortal deeds were left in the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

In the early spring of 1921, at the head of Sun Huzhuang Village, Huang County, Longkou City, Yantai, Shandong Province, a woman's heart-rending cries were heard in a dilapidated hut, and a man turned around anxiously at the door. Suddenly, there was a loud cry of a baby, and the man was very excited.

When he heard the midwife say that it was a baby boy, the man was even more overjoyed, saying, "Although our family is poor, but there is still a house to live in, with a son, the family is more reliable, no longer need to move, the child is called moving prison", since then, "moving prison" has become the child's name.

Although the moving family has a few acres of barren land at the head of the village, because of the heavy taxes and taxes, the family still has a difficult life and is difficult to make a living. Parents often had no choice but to make ends meet, and in addition to their own land, their father had to work for the landlord in order to support his family.

When he was six years old, the Kuomintang went to the village to arrest Zhuang Ding, and the father who moved the prison had a solid heart, could not twist the soldiers, but did not want to be pulled away, and finally was beaten to death by the strong Kuomintang soldiers.

The mother who moved to prison saw her husband killed, and she was furious, and she died not long after, and since then, she has become an orphan. There was an uncle who saw that the prison was helpless, and took him to his home for him to go to school and changed his name to Ren Changlun.

Ren Changlun has been very sensible since he was a child, and his uncle's family is not rich, so he saves money for him to study. Ren Changlun saw it in his eyes and felt that he could not drag his uncle down, so he chose to drop out of school to work and help his uncle improve the living conditions of the family.

Sun Huzhuang once had a Boxer Rebellion, and many stories of uprisings were handed down, ren Changlun listened to the grandfather in the village tell the folk tales of "killing corrupt officials and "resisting foreign enemies" since he was a child, and he developed a jealous and hateful character from an early age.

In 1938, the Japanese army invaded Yantai, smashed and burned everywhere, the corrupt Kuomintang officials fled, and many people became traitors, which made Ren Changlun extremely angry, and he planted the seeds of anti-Japanese resistance in his heart.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

Ren Changlun

At that time, Sun Huzhuang established an anti-Japanese democratic regime, and the 17-year-old Ren Changlun was the first to join the self-defense regiment, although he was young and short, he was always able to complete the tasks assigned by the organization very well. During this period, he continued to cut power lines, lay mines, fight guerrilla warfare, destroy road transportation facilities, and even began to harass Japanese strongholds.

In the spring of 1939, Ren Changlun and Wang Jianwu and Wang Baoyu two comrades in the nearby Shiliangji captured a puppet army officer, the Japanese army learned of it and rushed to arrest the three people, Ren Changlun said, "You quickly take him away, I will deal with the enemy", Ren Changlun took advantage of the terrain, threw a grenade at the enemy, and at the same time shouted "The Eighth Route Army is coming, run fast", Ren Changlun successfully attracted the attention of the enemy, but because it was too public, the enemy thought that there was an ambush and did not dare to pursue it again, and then Ren Changlun resolutely retreated, successfully covering his comrades-in-arms. Saved myself.

In 1940, the 19-year-old Ren Changlun married Mu Guilian, a 16-year-old village girl. On the wedding night, he said to his wife, "The chances of fighting with the devils in our village are a little small, and I want to become a regular army, only in this way can I fight the devils every day."

Although the wife did not give up, but seeing the domineering behavior of the devils in the village, she silently nodded her head and agreed with her husband's idea. After getting his wife's understanding, Ren Changlun officially joined the Huangxian Anti-Japanese Brigade, and within a few months, the Huangxian Anti-Japanese Brigade was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army Shandong Column, 5th Brigade, 14th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company, Ren Changlun has since become a regular army, which makes him very happy.

After the reorganization meeting, Ren Changlun met the company commander, who asked him, "Carrying a gun to fight a devil often bleeds and dies, are you afraid?" ”

Ren Changlun said firmly, "Don't be afraid, if you are afraid of death, you will not join the army, joining the army is not afraid of death, as long as I can fight the devil, I am not afraid of anything."

The company commander smiled and said, "Oh yes, it's quite personal, good!" The Eighth Route Army needs brave soldiers who are not afraid of difficulties, but now that there is a shortage of guns in the army, you should first send ammunition to the battlefield."

Ren Changlun nodded and agreed, "As long as I can go to the battlefield, I am willing to do anything." ”

In December of the same year, the 14th Regiment attacked the Japanese stronghold in Ye County, Shandong, and the battle was extremely fierce, and Ren Changlun came to the front of the position with ammunition and saw that his comrades were engaged in a white-knife battle with the enemy. At that time, three or four Japanese soldiers surrounded a comrade-in-arms, the situation was very critical, Ren Changlun could not care about safety, quickly rushed up, hugged a Japanese soldier and fell to the ground fiercely, and took off the three or eight large covers in his hand, turned around and stabbed the enemy to death with the bayonet on the gun, and rushed to the Japanese soldier next to him.

Because there was no professional training, Ren Changlun was very uncomfortable with the use of the bayonet, so he simply picked up the butt of his rifle and smashed it on the enemy's head, and after a few rounds, Ren Changlun knocked down four or five Japanese soldiers.

After the battle, the battalion commander admired Ren Changlun and said, "Boy, have you just joined the army?" The battle was well fought, very brave! This gun will belong to you from now on, and you will have to play its role well."

Hearing the battalion commander say this, Ren Changlun was overjoyed, he had his own weapon, and from then on he practiced his shooting and bayonet skills desperately, playing an important role in future battles.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

In 1941, Zhao Baoyuan, a traitor leader who surrendered to the Japanese army, used Facheng as a base to hoard heavy troops and constantly slaughtered anti-Japanese cadres of our army. Although Zhao Baoyuan boasted that his outer fortifications were impregnable, in less than three months, most of his peripheral fortifications were successfully cleared, leaving only three pillboxes north of the city.

On July 26, Ren Changlun's company of 5 platoons was tasked with capturing the largest bunker.

At the beginning of the battle, Ren Changlun was in charge of clearing the obstacles, specially using a knife to cut open the deer to clear the obstacles, and then igniting the firewood fire under the bunker to attack the enemy. The battle lasted for 9 hours, and at the end of the company, only 9 people were left, all of them were wounded, and Ren Changlun's shoulders and legs were seriously injured, but the enemy curled up in the bunker still stubbornly resisted.

Ren Changlun and his comrades did not care about the injuries on their bodies, set up a ladder and began to attack, Ren Changlun was the first to climb the ladder, gritting his teeth in severe pain and climbing up step by step, when he was about to reach the gun hole of the bunker, suddenly, a brick flew out of the bunker, which was smashing on his head, and he was about to fall down with his eyes black, and in a hurry he quickly pasted it on the ladder.

When Ren Changlun's head was slightly conscious, he pulled out the grenade, stuffed it into the hole of the gun with difficulty, and then jumped off the ladder.

With a loud bang, the grenade exploded in the bunker, and the comrades took advantage of the smoke and smoke to rush into the bunker and completely annihilate the enemy.

When Zhao Baoyuan learned that our army was fighting tenaciously and cleared all the bunkers, he fled with two feet and a smear of oil.

After this battle, Ren Changlun was praised by his superiors and agreed to join the Chinese Communist Party, and since then, he has grown more rapidly.

In the ambush of Monkey Gully in Fukuyama County, he took the lead in climbing into the Japanese car and engaged in a bayonet battle with the Japanese army, and the two wounds on his body were still stubbornly fighting. In another battle, he was hit by a bullet in his left arm when he rushed into the enemy's wall, but he continued to throw grenades until his left arm was completely unable to move, and he withdrew from the battle according to the orders of the squad leader.

Ren Changlun also often rescued his teammates in danger, in a battle to attack a japanese outlying stronghold, Ren Changlun and Ji Leting, Xu Shaotong encountered the enemy's pursuit, Ren Changlun said", "You two go first, I will come to pad later", after saying that he left, he chose a hidden location to shoot at the enemy, a shot killed a Japanese army, the enemy smelled the wind, the two comrades were safe, Ren Changlun fell into the enemy's encirclement, fortunately, in the end Ren Changlun had a big life, with his familiarity with the terrain, and finally withdrew safely.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

Another time, he and his troops pursued the puppet army, and in hand-to-hand combat, he saw his comrade-in-arms Sun Fuli surrounded by the enemy, and he bravely rushed up and shouted. The enemy was stunned to hear the sound, and he took up three or eight large covers to kill two puppet soldiers on the spot, and stabbed down another one with his hand, quickly freeing Sun Fuli.

In the winter of 1941, when the troops attacked the Japanese stronghold of Xiaoluanshan in the north of Yashan Mountain in Qixia County, they fought for half a day without conquering it, and our army had to make a retreating deployment, but in the process of retreating, it was suddenly found that the third squad leader Shi Deming was missing.

Ren Changlun said to the regimental commander, "Regiment commander, I'll take a look," and rushed back with his rifle and bullets. It turned out that When Shi Deming was covering the retreat of his teammates, he was seriously injured in the thigh, unable to walk, and could only lie next to a stone, and the enemy's artillery fire continued to explode around Shi Deming, just when Ren Changlun appeared, the enemy's bullets continued to fly around, and Ren Changlun quickly lay on Shi Deming to protect him.

Stemin said, "You get out of here, it's too dangerous!" But Ren Changlun replied, "My task is to find you and bring you back, and I will never leave if I can't complete the task."

In the end, Ren Changlun carried Shi Deming back, but he was hit in the shoulder.

Because of Ren Changlun's bravery in battle, he was promoted to squad leader, in the ensuing battle of close branches, because the enemy's defense line was very strong, Ren Changlun led his comrades to rush to a pillbox, but was overwhelmed by the enemy's machine guns, and in the face of the enemy's fierce artillery fire, Ren Changlun rushed out with an explosive package, quickly rushed to the bottom of the bunker, stuffed the explosive package into the bunker, after a huge roar, the bunker was blown out of a hole, the enemy was blown up, and they all walked out with their hands raised.

On July 1, 1942, the Central Military Commission decided to establish the Jiaodong Military Region, and appointed Xu Shiyou as its commander, which belonged to the Shandong Military Region, and Ren Changlun's 14th Regiment was thus under the jurisdiction of the Jinan Military Region. Since then, the name Ren Changlun has been constantly mentioned in Xu Shiyou's ear, and Xu Shiyou is very appreciative of his own tiger general.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

In July 1944, Ren Changlun was named a combat hero, attended the Shandong Military Region Combat Heroes Congress, was elected as a member of the presidium, and was awarded the title of a combat hero of the Shandong Military Region.

No sooner had the Congress of Combat Heroes ended than the 14th Regiment received a new assignment.

At that time, our army received information: Zhao Baoyuan's two regiments were driven from Emperor Wandi laiyang to Guocheng and Changsha West Lutou, and Commander Xu Shiyou, in order to combat the arrogance of the Japanese army, surrounded and annihilated Zhao Baoyuan's troops with his main force, so as to attract the Devil's Oshima department entrenched in Qixia.

Commander Xu Shiyou judged that if our army surrounded and annihilated Zhao Baoyuan's troops, the Oshima troops would inevitably take advantage of the situation and attack our army's arsenal in Sujiadian, so Xu Shiyou ambushed some of his troops in Sujiadian, and the other part had Du Guanghua's 14th regiment ambushed near Changsha Fort.

Xu Shiyou said to Du Guanghua, "Du Guanghua, if you can't stand it and let the big island eat it, then you don't have to come back!" ”

Du Guanghua replied confidently, "Commander, please rest assured, the 14th Regiment guarantees the completion of the task."

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

Du Guanghua

(Note: After Du Guanghua joined the Communist Party at the age of 17, he made outstanding military achievements and was also an outstanding young military general in our army.) Unfortunately, he died heroically in the Defense of Linjiang in February 1947, at the age of 32)

When Ren Changlun heard that the Japanese army and Zhao Baoyuan's troops had launched a sweep of Asa Mountain, at this time he still had shrapnel on his shoulder and his body had not yet recovered. Ren Changlun took the initiative to find Du Guanghua and asked the regimental commander to fight. Du Guanghua was very distressed about Ren Changlun and rejected him. Ren Changlun had to grind hard bubbles, he said, "I am a combat hero, and I will die on the battlefield, please, regimental commander."

Du Guanghua looked at him painfully, and finally helplessly said three words, "Return to the team", and promoted him to the deputy platoon leader of the third platoon.

On November 17, 1944, the battle began, the battle was as Xu Shiyou expected, Zhao Baoyuan's troops were surrounded by our regiment, and immediately asked Oshima for support, but Oshima told him that "I can send a small amount of assistance, but my goal is Sujiadian." ”

Subsequently, Oshima troops pounced on Sujiadian, while Ren Changlun on the east hill of Changsha Fort was anxiously waiting for his arrival.

At that time, the regimental commander Du Guanghua conveyed an order to Ren Changlun to "hold the position no matter what, and launch a general offensive in the evening."

Ren Changlun said, "Please rest assured, as long as I ren Changlun is here for a day, the devils will not think about coming up."

In the process of advancing, the Japanese army quickly found the position of the 14th Regiment and attacked it, and the entire hill was filled with gun smoke and the sound of artillery was tremendous, and the enemy quickly launched an attack.

The platoon leader was seriously wounded in the course of the battle, and Ren Changlun had to organize two squads of forces to continue to hold, and within two hours, Ren Changlun repelled four enemy charges. But the battle was extremely fierce, the bullets were quickly exhausted, and in the face of the swarming Japanese troops, Ren Changlun could only raise his bayonet again and rush to the Japanese army and start a white-knife battle.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

At that time, 4 Japanese soldiers surrounded Ren Changlun, one of the soldiers came fiercely, stabbed at his right rib, it was Ren Changlun who stabbed back with his right hand, knocked the Bayonet stabbed by the Japanese army to the side, and then a forward charge pierced the bayonet through the front chest of the Japanese army.

Ren Changlun pulled out his bayonet. He stabbed another soldier, who fell headlong. Ren Changlun flew up and kicked him down the hillside, at this time, a bayonet stabbed out at his back, Ren Changlun heard the sound, turned 180 degrees, quickly used the shoulder of the gun to pull away the Japanese bayonet, smashed it on his head with the butt, followed by another knife, ending the life of the Japanese soldier, but a Japanese soldier behind him took advantage of the gap in his drawing of the sword to plunge the bayonet into his body.

Looking at the corpses of his fallen comrades-in-arms, Ren Changlun was angry, he was eager to stretch out his three heads and six arms to kill all the devils, although he was seriously injured, he still rushed left and right to kill, and killed 5 devils. The enemy saw Ren Changlun, who had killed the red-eyed, and scattered and fled.

As Ren Changlun continued to pursue, a sniper fired a bullet that hit Ren Changlun in the head, and Ren Changlun fell in a pool of blood.

When the comrades-in-arms saw Ren Changlun's sacrifice, they were immediately excited and shouted, "Avenge the platoon leader, avenge our heroes!" At this time, the shouts were earth-shaking, and the comrades-in-arms pounced on the enemy like a fierce tiger, completely repelling the enemy. The battle killed 256 ghosts, and we also lost the hero Ren Changlun.

When the news of Ren Changlun's sacrifice reached the Command Department, Xu Shiyou listened to it and stared at the direction of Changsha Fort for a long time, without saying a word, that day, he did not enter the water, remembering this memorable tiger general.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

Xu Shiyou

When Ren Changlun came out of the funeral, Xu Shiyou took the leaders of the military region to attend the funeral and delivered a eulogy to him: "Although Comrade Ren Changlun sacrificed, he has set a brilliant example for us, and his spirit will always inspire us, be loyal and filial to the righteous, never forget, heroically kill the enemy, and protect our China."

At the same time, Xu Shiyou held an enlarged meeting of the Jiaodong Military Region and passed a resolution: Renaming Ren Changlun's 14th Regiment, 14th Regiment, 1st Battalion, and 5th Company to Ren Changlun Company, and designating November 17 as the "anniversary of the founding of the company." Since then, "light wounds still kill the enemy, serious injuries do not cry bitterness, sacrifice their lives to kill stubborn enemies, and persist in doing their work to the end" has become the spirit of this contingent.

In February 1945, the Huang County government decided to rename Ren Changlun's hometown sun huzhuang to Changlun zhuang, and Ren Changlun's body was also moved to the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese Martyrs Cemetery in Qixia Yingling Mountain in the same year. The people of Jiaodong voluntarily donated various bronze utensils from their homes to create a bronze statue with a height of 2 meters and a weight of 5,000 pounds, which still stands on Yingling Mountain.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

In October 1948, during the world-famous Tashan Blockade Battle, this unit defended the honorary title of Ren Changlun Company with its life and was awarded the first class of collective merit.

On March 25, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong and Commander-in-Chief Zhu De inspected the officers and men of Ren Changlun Company and other units at Xiyuan Airport; although our army had undergone several disarmaments after the founding of New China, a certain brigade of Ren Changlun Company had always retained its organization and was currently subordinate to the 75th Group Army of the Southern Theater.

In September 2009, Ren Changlun was awarded "100 Heroic And Exemplary Figures who Made Outstanding Contributions to the Founding of New China" by the Central Propaganda Department and 11 other ministries and commissions. The three-eight-large lid he took from the Japanese army has been placed in the military museum of the Chinese Revolution.

Ren Changlun was only 23 years old at the time of his death, and in his 4 years of combat life, he participated in more than 120 large and small battles, was wounded 9 times, and left 11 scars on his body, and there was still a piece of shrapnel on his left arm that had not been removed at the time of his sacrifice, and he was in his arm for 3 years.

Ren Changlun: After the bayonet stabbed into the body, he still killed 5 enemies, and after his death, General Xu Shiyou went on a hunger strike for a day

Ren Changlun said that "for the sake of the interests of the party and the people, when it is time to shed blood, we should shed no hesitation in shedding blood", so every time he fights, he is not afraid of death, calm and calm, persevering to the end, he defended the country and the people with his life, we should remember such an anti-Japanese hero, hero Ren Changlun!

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