
The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

The food is current, hungry and delicate, and after eating, it is delicious.

By Wendy_雯


Corn oil 75 g

Milk 60 g

Low gluten flour 90 g

6 eggs

Sugar 70 g

Cheese slices 5 tablets

Corn starch powder 10 g

Lemon juice (white vinegar) 2-3 drops

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

1. Prepare the materials to be used

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

2: Separate the egg whites and pour corn oil and milk together. Weigh the sugar and flour.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

3. Mix corn oil and milk and stir well to form an emulsified state

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

4: Stir the egg yolks according to Z-shaped

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

5: Add the egg yolk solution to the emulsified milk and stir well.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

6: Add low gluten flour and corn starch and stir well.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

7, whisk the protein, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice or white vinegar, add sugar three times (the first time to add sugar, the protein honeycomb is added; the second time, the protein bubble becomes smaller to join, the third time, the protein is more delicate when added), pay attention to the good to just hook up, the cake will crack when the cake is baked.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

8: Add the meringue to the egg yolk paste three times, and stir the meringue and egg yolk paste evenly by cutting and mixing (stir-frying).

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

9, pour two-thirds of the cake liquid into the mold (it is recommended to put a layer of silicone oil paper, easy to remove the mold and clean) shake it gently and exhaust the bubbles.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

10, add cheese slices (personally like to eat cheese, so put 5 slices, according to their own preferences to choose how much to put in)

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

11: Pour in the remaining cake liquid, cover the cheese and shake it gently.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

12, up and down the heat 150 degrees preheat for five minutes, 150 degrees bake for 50 minutes, bake for about 30 minutes on top of a layer of tin foil (so as not to overheat the cake burst), continue to bake for 20 minutes.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

13, out of the oven, full of milky milky.

The chef taught me the cheese flow cake to make more exquisite than I did myself

14, every bite is a strong cheese flavor, taste buds are satisfied.


1. The whisking of the meringue must be in a water-free and oil-free container, do not over-beat. 2. After putting in the cheese slices, it is good to shake them gently once or twice, because the cheese slices are heavy and easy to sink. 3. When baking, observe it every once in a while, adjust the temperature appropriately, the temper of each oven is different, and the general household oven temperature is high and can be adjusted down.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of corn oil</h2>

Corn oil is rich in vitamins A, D and E, which is easy for children to digest and absorb. If you can give your child vitamin B2 and vitamin E at the same time, then the ability to tolerate cold is stronger.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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