
Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

author:Dr. Lilac
Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

When talking about the topic of "no", men often don't admit it for the sake of their strong self-esteem, but if there is an opportunity to make themselves "strong" in private, they really don't want to let go of it.

I have eaten so many "good things" and used so many home remedies, why can't I do my business when it's time to do my job?

Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

Image source: Zhan Kuhailuo

Perhaps, you got it wrong from the beginning!

There are two main reasons why men can't do it: impotence and premature ejaculation. But because everyone often talks about impotence and premature ejaculation together, many people think that these two are the same thing.

Although impotence and premature ejaculation are both male sexual dysfunctions, they are two completely different diseases. Both can occur individually, sequentially, or at the same time.

Today we will talk about impotence and premature ejaculation to help you solve the problem at the root:

Impotence and premature ejaculation

What the hell is going on

Impotence, medically known as erectile dysfunction, refers to a sexual dysfunction in which a man lasts for more than 3 months, and the penis cannot get an erection during sex, or the erection is not hard enough after erection, and the erection time is short, so that there is no way to have sex.

The incidence of impotence increases with age, affecting about 40% of men by the age of 40.

Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

Image source: Zhan Kuhailuo

Premature ejaculation is a type of ejaculation disorder, which usually refers to a man's ejaculation shortly after sexual life, and the lack of ability to control ejaculation, so that sexual life cannot continue.

The clearest difference between the two is that impotence is an erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation is an ejaculation disorder.

So, what causes impotence and premature ejaculation?

Good man

Why can't it be done all of a sudden?

There are many factors that lead to impotence, such as: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and other chronic diseases, as well as bad lifestyle habits such as staying up late, drinking too much, and sitting for a long time. In addition, psychological factors such as stress, depression and anxiety can also affect normal erections.

Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

Image source: Zhan Kuhailuo

It is important to note that impotence can be a sign of many chronic diseases. It coincides with the pathogenesis of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that impotence can appear more than four years earlier than ischemic heart disease.

Therefore, if you find that you have erectile dysfunction, you should seek medical attention in time, on the one hand, you can improve your erectile function in time, and on the other hand, you can avoid delaying the treatment of other diseases.

Now that the causes of impotence are almost understood, let's talk about premature ejaculation. Some cases of premature ejaculation are organic, such as long foreskin, genital inflammation, and prostate disease, all of which are thought to be related to premature ejaculation.

Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

Image source: Zhan Kuhailuo

There is also a large part of premature ejaculation caused by psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, depression, nervousness when driving, conflicts between partners and other psychological factors are also important causes of premature ejaculation.

Although impotence and premature ejaculation are two different diseases, both of them can affect the quality of sexual life, and even cause difficulties in conceiving and affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Early detection and early treatment can achieve good treatment results to the greatest extent, reduce one's psychological pressure, and not fall into a vicious circle.

Impotence, premature ejaculation problems

Consult a tertiary doctor

There is no shame in seeking medical treatment for male sexual dysfunction, but a shortcut to the problem has been found.

At present, medical methods have been able to effectively improve impotence and premature ejaculation. In addition to the famous "little blue tablets", there are actually more options for drugs to improve erectile dysfunction, and the clinical effective rate of oral drugs can reach 70%~80%.

Having trouble having sex and being too embarrassed to go to the hospital? It's better to try Dr. Lilac's online gender consultation session, the top three doctors are professional and patient, and protect privacy.

Whether you have a problem yourself or are helping your partner with treatment, you can come to the consultation and let the doctor help you.

Sexual disturbances

Ask a third-class doctor privately online

The first consultation for the couple starts from only 9.9 RMB

Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis


*Online consultation should provide case information with a clear diagnosis, such as outpatient medical records, diagnosis certificates, etc., to help doctors judge the condition more accurately.

Sexual distress

A tertiary doctor is here to help you

Just describe your or your partner's situation, including age, gender, frequency of sex, whether you masturbate, and the problems you are experiencing, and ask the doctor about them, and the doctor will answer your questions one by one.

Your doctor can help you:

➊ Locate the cause: primary or secondary? Psychological or disease-based? Are other tests needed?

➋ Symptomatic treatment according to the condition: what causes it? Is it serious? How is it treated? How long will it be effective? How can a partner cooperate with the treatment?

➌ Give corresponding life advice: How often should you have sex in the future? How to communicate with your partner? How to regulate your mental state?

After all, it is a private issue, and online consultation can better help you avoid the feeling of "embarrassment", in addition, the consultation process of Dr. Lilac, uploading the checklist, etc., are only visible to the doctor, and there is no need to worry about privacy issues.

Hopefully, people who are still struggling can have a better sexual experience with the help of a regular doctor.

Impotence, premature ejaculation problems

Ask a third-class doctor privately online

The first consultation for the couple starts from only 9.9 RMB

Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis


*Online consultation should provide case information with a clear diagnosis, such as outpatient medical records, diagnosis certificates, etc., to help doctors judge the condition more accurately.

Want to video chat with a doctor?

Click on the card below to schedule a video consultation


Seriously talk about the fact that men "can't do it".

Click here to quickly see the doctor's response

A common Q&A is asked

❶ Consultation entrance: After searching for the Lilac Doctor applet, enter the homepage and click "Ask Doctor" to ask a doctor online

❷ Consultation method: At present, the platform supports graphic consultation, telephone consultation and video consultation.

The picture and text consultation includes 3 opportunities to ask questions (one question and two follow-up questions), each time you can enter multiple questions (up to 500 words), and supports uploading videos and pictures (inspection reports, drug pictures, etc. can be uploaded to photos), which is valid for 24 hours.

The duration of a single consultation is 15 minutes for a telephone consultation and a video consultation, and after the call, you can listen to the recording/watch the video and receive a text summary.

❸ View reply: If you have an ongoing consultation, you can enter the Lilac Doctor Mini Program and click "My" - "My Consultation" at the bottom to receive a reply from the doctor as soon as possible

Planning and production

Curator: Wen Sheng | Executive Producer: Fei Fei

Cover image source: Lilac Doctor Design Team

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