
As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

author:39 HealthNet

"Doctor, I just have leg pain, how can it be lung cancer?" Mr. Li held the report and was single-hearted.

It turned out that a few months ago, Mr. Li felt uncomfortable in his legs and feet, and he had been suffering from a dull pain.

It wasn't until one time that the pain was unbearable, so he went to the hospital for an X-ray, and the results showed that he had a bone tumor in his leg, and the source of the disease turned out to be lung cancer!

The doctor explained that because of the bone metastasis of lung cancer, which caused the restriction of limb movement, it caused his leg abnormality, and reminded that the leg is closely related to human health, and it is best to pay attention to any abnormality.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

1. Is the thickness of the legs related to the length of life? Research finds the answer

The authoritative journal "British Medical Journal" has released a survey data of more than 2.52 million people, and found that every 5cm increase in thigh circumference will reduce the risk of all-cause mortality by 18%. Many people only know that more fat will affect the health of the body, but in fact, different parts of the fat have different effects, and the thickness of the thighs also means that the higher the ability to store fat, which can avoid fat from running blindly to the parts that should not be destroyed.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has also published a related study on the relationship between leg circumference and blood pressure in the journal "Endocrine Connections", through the recording and analysis of 9,520 Chinese leg circumference, blood pressure, blood data and fasting insulin and other indicators, it was found that people with thick legs will have lower blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

The graph comes from the network

Not only that, the subcutaneous fat in the thighs can also promote the secretion of a variety of beneficial substances to help the body metabolize, such as promoting blood sugar metabolism and preventing the progression of diabetes.

2. If there are 5 abnormalities in the legs, beware of cancer warning signs

As the old saying goes, "The legs are the root of man, like the branches of a tree, and if the legs are sick, the whole body will be uneasy." "It reveals the reaction of the legs to health, and once there is a condition in the legs, the whole body is affected.

Indeed, 50% of the nerves, blood vessels, and blood in the human body are in the legs, which connect the body's large circulation tissues. Abnormal symptoms in both legs can often be an early sign of a condition, and many early signs of cancer can also be sent in the legs.

1. Inexplicable swelling

During the spread of cancer cells, the body's blood vessels and nerves will also be affected, and most of them are manifested as blood hypercoagulability, which slows down blood flow and may even induce blood clots.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

2. The pain is unbearable

The progression of cancer cells requires the consumption of a large amount of nutrients in the body, and bone metastases may occur in addition to the primary lesion area, and once it spreads to the bones, most of the abundant blood contained in it will be diverted by the cancer cells. According to the Expert Consensus on the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Metastasis of Malignant Tumors, cancers prone to bone metastasis will cause severe pain after invading the legs.

3. Changes in skin color

For example, malignant melanoma will cause abnormal melanin precipitation on the patient's skin, and the skin color will deepen to gray-black and brown, and as the disease progresses, it will also lead to abnormal nodules and bulges in the affected area.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

4. Appearance of lumps

It is also important to note that lumps and lumps in the legs may be caused by cancer metastases in the legs. If this phenomenon occurs, you can pay attention to the growth trend of the lump, whether the texture is soft and hard, whether the shape is clear, etc., to determine whether it is caused by the metastasis of cancer cells, and the lump caused by cancer will grow larger and larger, and the texture will be harder, and the shape of the edges will not be clear, and it will be difficult to move.

5. Abnormal bulge

If you have an unexplained bulge in your legs, you should pay attention to symptoms that may be caused by osteosarcoma. Generally, this symptom is also combined with pain, which is more common around the knee joint, and is easily misdiagnosed as trauma, and as the condition continues to worsen, the patient may also have limited mobility and claudication.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

3. People grow old first, and it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: often eat these 4 "leg vegetables"

Many people don't know that in fact, human aging starts from the legs, such as the legs and feet are no longer flexible, and they begin to sour and swollen after a few steps, especially after middle age, they will have leg pain after standing for a long time, their pace will begin to slow down, and the frequency of cramps will be more than when they were young.

With age, leg function will gradually decline, although this process can not be stopped, but through good maintenance, it can still delay the process of leg aging, so leg care is also the focus of health, in addition to exercise, daily supplementation of these four foods, for delaying leg aging also has a certain effect:

1. Deep-sea fish

Deep-sea fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the human body, which are important nutrients for preventing cardiovascular diseases, improving blood lipids, and reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis. Among them, it is rich in high-quality protein and vitamin D, which is also a good source of calcium, which plays an important role in maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

2. Nuts

Nuts are also rich in nutrients, such as fatty acids, high-quality protein, vitamin E and trace elements, which are beneficial to improve blood circulation in the legs, reduce the risk of inflammation, and are essential for maintaining leg muscles and various activities.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in many vitamins, and eating more vegetables can supplement the many vitamins needed by the body, which can help maintain the normal functioning of various parts of the body. Among them, vitamin K plays an important role in promoting bone health and reducing osteoporosis.

4. Soy products

The plant protein in soy products is an important nutrient that promotes joint flexibility and can promote the health of joint cartilage. In addition, the fiber rich in soy products helps to promote intestinal motility.

As the saying goes, "old legs decay first", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 4 things, and the legs and feet will be strong and in good health

In short, daily dietary intake also affects the maintenance of leg health, you can refer to the above suggestions in the selection of food types, eat more ingredients that are beneficial to leg health, start to maintain leg condition as soon as possible, in addition, maintaining good lifestyle habits and insisting on moderate exercise are also key elements to improve leg health.


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[3] "[Health] People grow old first! How to stop leg aging from coming early? 》. People's Daily.2015-11-29.

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