
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

author:Meet Minhou
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

In recent years, Fuzhou has actively docked with the national marine strategy of "building a marine power" and "expanding the blue economic space", creating an international brand of "Fuzhou on the Sea", the marine food market ushered in the spring, and all kinds of marine deep-processed foods came into being.

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(Fujian Yejiaji Health Food Technology Co., Ltd.)

Fujian Yejiaji Health Food Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yejiaji"), located in Minhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, seized the development opportunity and cooperated with Hongdong Fishery Co., Ltd. to develop deep-sea fish pine and draw a new blueprint for the company's development.

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(Deep-sea fish pine products jointly developed by Ye Jia Ji and Hongdong Fishery)

Founded in 1929, Ye Jia Ji is mainly engaged in the production, processing and sales of meat floss, preserved meat and other foods. The meat floss cooking method continues to use the traditional process, insisting on manual slow frying over low flames, less sugar, less oil, and less seasoning.

"Master Fried Pine has trained the golden eye of fire with many years of experience, controlled the heat by feeling, and fried meat pine, creating the unique taste of Ye Jia Ji meat pine with uniform color, pure flavor, delicate taste, and moderate sweetness and saltiness." Ye Shengtang, the relevant person in charge of Ye Jiaji, introduced.

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(Experienced fried pine master is working)

Thanks to more than 90 years of exquisite meat pine production technology, Ye Jia Ji and Hongdong Fishery Co., Ltd. reached a long-term strategic cooperation to jointly develop deep-sea fish pine. "At present, it has developed cod pine, longevity fish pine, sail fish pine, tuna pine, salmon pine and other products. The production of fish pine has high nutritional value, does not add food additives such as preservatives, and has good market feedback. Ye Shengtang said.

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(Freshly fried fish pine smells good)

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!
Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(The canned fish loose is sealed one by one by the machine)

A few days ago, Fuzhou City issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Promoting a New Round of "Maritime Fuzhou" Construction to Achieve High-quality Development of the Marine Economy (2021-2023)", which proposes to strive to reach 350 billion yuan of Fuzhou's marine GDP by 2023, and the city's aquatic production and fishery output value will continue to remain at the forefront of the country.

"The cooperation with Hongdong Fishery is an opportunity for the development and upgrading of the Ye Jia Ji brand, and Ye Jia Ji will take the 'Fuzhou on the Sea' express train to continue to increase its efforts to develop differentiated deep processing projects for seafood, produce and sell healthy and safe marine fish pine products, and further contribute to the 'Fuzhou on The Sea' project." Ye Shengtang told reporters that in the second half of the year, the company plans to invest in the construction of a new plant of 5,000-6,000 square meters, build 2 fully automatic production workshops, and further improve the level of production management.

After the completion of the new plant, the annual output value is expected to reach 150-200 million yuan, and the annual tax payment will be 3-5 million yuan, driving 80-100 jobs.

Minhou "Ye Jiaji" with fragrant fish pine, take the "Sea Fuzhou" express train faster and faster!

(Scene of hot production in the fried pine workshop)

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Hongdong Fisheries Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in distant-water fishing, fishery base operation, cold chain logistics, aquatic products processing, marine life, market management, and import

Export trade, etc., is currently the largest number of domestic single vessels, the most complete fishing methods, the most abundant product types, the most complete industrial chain of distant water fishery enterprises.

Minhou County Rong Media Center

Chen Qiuxia Chen Bao/Wen Chen Qiuxia/Figure

Editor: Pan Jie Wu Zihang

Proofreader: Lin Ye Song Guiyao

Review: Ni Xinxin

Producer: Xie Yongjie

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