
#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

The first bowl of chicken soup in autumn is here! Use pumpkin to make a golden and thick soup, simmer it with black chicken abalone until it is soft, and finally add matsutake mushrooms and cordyceps flowers to make the chicken soup full of flavor! The key is that it only needs to be seasoned with very little salt and black pepper, which can fully guarantee the delicious taste of the chicken soup! Healthy and delicious!

By Delicious Lump [Douguo Food Official Certified Master]


Half a chicken

Matsutake 100 g

Cordyceps flowers 60 g

Small abalone 6 to 8 pieces

Pumpkin 350 g

Ginger slices 6 tablets

Water to taste

Salt in small amounts

Black pepper to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

1. Prepare all the materials

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

2: Clean the abalone and eviscerate it, and put a flower knife on it

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

3: Wash the matsutake mushrooms slightly and slice them

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

4: Pour water into the pot first

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

5: Blanch the chicken nuggets in boiling water

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

6: Put the chicken nuggets back into the saucepan and pour in the water and ginger slices

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

7: Add 6 small abalones and bring to a boil over high heat

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

8: Put the pumpkin slices in a steamer and cook

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

9: After bringing to a boil, use a spoon to skim off the foam and sprinkle with a little black pepper

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

10: Press the steamed pumpkin into a delicate pumpkin puree

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

11: Put the pumpkin puree into the chicken soup

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

12: Stir well, cover the pot and simmer over low heat

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

13: After cooking for 40 minutes, open the lid, add the matsutake flakes and cordyceps flowers, sprinkle with a little salt to taste, continue to cover and cook for 15 minutes

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

After 14 or 15 minutes, turn off the heat and open the lid of the pot, and you're done!

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

15. Golden thick soup, umami taste of matsutake mushrooms, tender and juicy chicken.

#少盐饮食 Easy Life #Golden Abalone Matsutake Chicken Soup

16, abalone Q bomb is chewy!

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chicken</h2>

Chicken is flat, warm, sweet, into the spleen, stomach meridians; can be beneficial, sperm, add marrow; used for fatigue and thinness, less food, diarrhea, dizziness and palpitations, menstrual irregularities, postpartum milk less, thirst, edema, frequent urination, sperm retention, deafness and tinnitus, etc.

1. Strengthen the body: The digestibility of chicken is high, it is easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, and it has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

2. Improve immunity: In modern society, white-collar workers who are busy every day and are often in a sub-healthy state are best to eat more to enhance immunity and reduce the chance of disease. Chicken meat has the effect of warming up the qi, replenishing the essence and filling the pulp, benefiting the five viscera, and replenishing the weakness, and is used to treat symptoms such as fatigue and thinness, lack of food, diarrhea, dizziness, palpitations, menstrual irregularities, postpartum milk, thirst, and edema.

3. Kidney sperm supplementation: it can alleviate the symptoms of frequent urination, deafness, and coldness caused by insufficient kidney sperm.

4. Promote intellectual development: has antioxidant and certain detoxification effects. It has a better effect in improving cardio-brain function and promoting children's intellectual development.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to chicken</h2>

1. When eating, you should not drink soup and discard meat.

2. It is forbidden to eat multi-age chicken heads.

3. It is forbidden to eat the tip of chicken buttocks.

4. It should not be eaten at the same time as rabbit meat.

5. It should not be eaten at the same time as carp.

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