
How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

author:I love gourmet jun

Whether it is a hotel or a restaurant, or a roast chicken shop, a delicatessen... The more the brine is used, the more fragrant it is known and recognized by everyone. The "Li Liangui Flatbread" in the northeast is very well-known, and they are made with century-old soup. So, how can we preserve the brine soup and make it a "century-old soup"?

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

In fact, this needs to be passed down from generation to generation in harmony with preservation methods! Let's talk about the preservation of brine first!

The brine can be used repeatedly after preservation, the taste will become more and more mellow, and the brine meat will become more and more fragrant, which is called old brine. If there is no old brine, the taste of the general brine dish is not enough flavor. In reality, in practice, it is often encountered that the brine is sour (especially in summer), which leads to the brine cannot be used, and it is necessary to often change the new soup and re-mix. This not only wastes raw materials, wastes time, and most importantly affects the taste and uncertainty of the cooked food, which leads to the loss of a large number of customers. The following is a detailed analysis of the causes and solutions and remedies.

To find out why the brine is sour?

1, may put the meat together, remember:

Halogen things, especially tofu, must be put out of some brine alone, do not stew in a pot.

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

2, if you use red yeast rice to tone in the summer, then stop quickly, because red yeast rice is most likely to become sour.

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

3, the brine package to be fished out, the brine package can not be placed in the brine bucket all the time, some samples, it is very easy to become sour (fished out of the cold after the refrigerator refrigerated frozen, next time continue to use, 3 to 5 times for the new bag).

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

4, onion and ginger do not use unused oil fried, onion ginger is not fried thoroughly, in the soup is very easy to ferment.

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

5, watercress sauce, many local pot chefs like to use watercress sauce to mix the soup, as everyone knows, the watercress sauce is originally fermented, placed in the soup, no doubt plays a role in "fueling the waves", the most likely to become sour.

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

6, after each brine of things, with a dense fence over, the residue is removed, and then the brine meat products must be blanched in water after washing, the process of brine should be skimmed foam.

How is the century-old brine made, and how to make the brine (brine broth) sour?

7. Boil the soup every day (once in winter, twice in summer. Once a day in the Northeast region). The last thing to say is the cheat, if the soup is not very sour, you can first skim out the surface oil, then pour out some of the soup, put the right amount of water, skim the foam, and then put some edible noodle alkali or baking soda, which can be saved. Or put some high liquor and burn it for half an hour. 

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