
Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

author:Baixiu Agriculture

"You are a miniature version of lettuce, or a slimmer lettuce, and it sells for 40 yuan a pound, don't take it out to deceive people!" In the face of netizens' doubts, villager Wang Yunsan was helpless.

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Uncle Wang, 62, has been growing moss for more than 30 years, and since he fell in love with taking small videos and recording local specialty agricultural products with his mobile phone, he found that this kind of moss that made him proud had become lettuce in the eyes of netizens.

"Lettuce is lettuce, moss is moss, they look alike, but there is no impersonation, besides, lettuce is only how much a pound, processed moss is dozens of times that of lettuce, saying that using lettuce to impersonate moss is almost the same."

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Referring to the doubts of netizens, Uncle Wang seems to have a stomach to explain to everyone, but this can not blame the misunderstood netizens, after all, this vegetable and lettuce look too similar, even when the author first saw it, it was mistaken for a slender version of lettuce.

From the leaf point of view, the seedling moss is a live oil wheat vegetable, and so after growing, the stem is like a very lettuce, but the leaves are still like oil wheat vegetables, the key is to fry young leaves, you can also eat the taste of oil wheat vegetables, is it very magical?

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Speaking of leaves, let's talk about the stems, the stems of moss are slightly thinner and longer than lettuce, not as thick as the lettuce stems, scraping open the epidermis, the stem meat inside can be eaten raw, and can also be cooked like lettuce, but it has an advantage that lettuce cannot have, that is, it can be processed into dehydrated vegetables.

Dehydrated vegetables processed from moss are still creaky and crisp when made into dishes, while lettuce does not have this function.

In Wanglou Village, Shatu Town, Bozhou City, where Uncle Wang is located, the roads are lined with processed mosses on both sides of the road or on the sunny open space.

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

According to Uncle Wang, moss is a relatively good vegetable to grow, a year can be planted in spring and autumn two stubble, a stubble can process dehydrated vegetables on average about 150 kg, two stubble is 300 kg, according to the 22 yuan / kg land price calculation, two stubble moss income of 6000-7000 yuan, if you take the way of retail, before and after the Spring Festival can be sold to 40 yuan a catty, so that the economic benefits are higher.

After the processing of moss into dehydrated vegetables, the name becomes more familiar dried moss, but also become a tribute dish, planted in the local area has a long history, with the passage of time, this niche vegetable, but also gradually known to people, in recent years, tribute vegetables not only to major cities, and even exported to Southeast Asia and Europe and the United States and other places, the scale of planting is getting bigger and bigger.

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Although the prospect of moss is infinitely good, but there are still two aspects of hard injuries, always restricting the development space of moss, one is difficult to process, as Uncle Wang said, moss planting is simple, short growth period, low planting cost, growth period basically no pests and diseases, but processing is a big problem.

Harvesting, leaf removal, peeling, cutting, drying and other processes, because the machine that can replace labor has not yet been developed, resulting in labor difficulty and labor costs are very high.

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Second, storage is difficult, after processing into dehydrated vegetables, often have to be sold in time, farmers themselves storage, it is very easy to lead to discoloration, so as to lose the appearance, but also lost the sales value, and the only way to solve this problem is to enter the cold storage in time.

That is to say, the processed dried moss must be sold in time, and the farmers plant three acres and two acres of area, where can they have the ability to build cold storage? It's really not necessary, which also leads to passivity in sales.

Anhui farmers planted moss, which cost 40 yuan a catty, and were questioned by netizens about impersonating lettuce

Therefore, if you want to make the very distinctive moss into thousands of households, the above two problems must be overcome, otherwise it can only be planted in local areas, and it is not difficult to understand that it is misunderstood and recognized.

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