
How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

author:Sleeping mouse delicacies

Make the best home cooking with the simplest ingredients, hello everyone, I'm a sleeping mouse delicacy. Today, I would like to share with you a common practice of "stir-frying oil shredded moss". "How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shredded?" Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice." #一起学做菜 #

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

In March of Yangchun, it is the season when a large number of mosses are on the market, when the moss is not only emerald green and tender, there is no trace of tendons, it is particularly refreshing to eat, and, unlike other vegetables such as lettuce and cauliflower, it has a unique smell, the taste of moss is only a faint fragrance, even if the children who are very picky about vegetables, it is also a great pleasure to eat, relish. #家常菜谱 #

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

There are many ways to eat moss, the most common practice is vegetarian stir-fried moss or moss roast meat, especially when cooking vegetables, fresh and light moss completely absorbs the excess fat in the pork belly, coupled with the neutralization of smooth noodles, eating is particularly delicious and delicious, it is a home-cooked stew that I loved to eat when I was a child. I am used to moss as the main ingredient of the dish, and now I have made a side dish, and I did not expect the taste to be so wonderful.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Today's sharing with you is a small home-cooked stir-fry with shredded oil as the main material and moss as a side dish, moss stir-fried shredded oil, not to mention, with the neutralization of moss, this dish is not only less greasy, the taste of eating is only spicy and fragrant, special appetizers. Of course, even if the ordinary food wants to make an authentic and delicious taste, it is also necessary to master certain skills and tricks, take this home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds, first fry moss or first fry oil shreds? Do you want to blanch the moss? Soy products and vinegar do not match, do you want to put vinegar when frying this dish? Don't look at it as some inconspicuous small problems, but only by mastering the above three aspects of the trick, can you easily make this dish of moss that the whole family loves to eat.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Tip 1: Moss as a side dish does not need to be blanched

Stir-fried shredded oil is a relatively dry home-cooked small stir-fry, here we choose to make side dishes of moss it is best to choose only the stem, instead of using more water leaves, so the step of boiling water can also be omitted.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Tip 2: Stir-fry the moss first and then put the oil shreds

The oil shredded oil sold on the market is all spicy taste that has been marinated, and it only needs to be simply heated and disinfected, so we must first fry the moss, and then add the oil shredded and moss to taste each other.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Tip 3: It's best to add a little vinegar when stir-frying moss

If it is a single stir-fried oil shredded, it must not be able to add vinegar, otherwise it will lead to a strange taste of soy products, but because we first fry the moss, and the moss and vinegar are compared, so we can add a little vinegar to fry the moss until the flavor, and then put in the oil shredded to quickly stir-fry, which will make the fried moss more crisp and tender, and the oil shredd is more fragrant.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Well, the above is the moss stir-fried oil shredded delicious and simple method tips shared to you today, I hope to be able to help the kitchen friends, of course, if it is a kitchen white, you can also continue to read down, will continue to share the moss stir-fried oil shredded home-style method of the detailed tutorial.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Ingredients: Moss, shredded oil, peppercorns, shredded green onion and ginger, dried red pepper shreds, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, cooking oil

Methods and steps of stir-frying shredded oil with home-cooked moss:

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

1. Remove the leaves and roots of the moss, wash the stem of the moss and cut it into about three or four centimeters long segments;

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

2, the oil wire changed the knife, cut shorter, so that it is convenient to stir-fry and eat;

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

3: Add a little cooking oil to the wok, add peppercorns, green onion and ginger shreds, dried red pepper shreds and stir-fry;

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

4: Add moss pieces, add a little balsamic vinegar and stir-fry until it breaks;

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

5, adjust a little soy sauce and soy sauce, do not need to put salt, stir-fry well;

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

6, put in the shredded oil, stir-fry quickly on high heat for about a minute, crisp and tender and fragrant and appetizing the moss under the rice stir-fried oil shredded.

How to make home-cooked moss stir-fried oil shreds delicious? Three tips, crisp and tender, simple and delicious and under the rice

Well, friends, today's food article on "crisp and tender and fragrant simple and delicious appetizing and cooking moss stir-fried oil shredded" is shared here, if you have any different views on the production of this home-cooked dish, welcome to publish your views in the comments at the bottom of the article, I will carefully read your every heartfelt message.

From the initial baby food supplement recipes, to the later snack baking recipes, and then to today's home-cooked recipes, I have unconsciously accompanied everyone on the road of culinary cooking for five years. In the days we get along, we enjoy the fun of making food together, harvest and experience delicious happiness, life is really too good!

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