
All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

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All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

"God has not yet made this river, he has given up" – "Achill, the Wrath of God"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Niche Movies: The Big World - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12</h1>

Achille, the wrath of God

Werner Herzog / Drama & History / West Germany / 1972/93 min

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the recommended words of the main writer ™ of the gun manuscript</h1>

Not to mention the later imitators of "Apocalypse Now", "Lost City Z", "The Embrace of the Snake", even the space opera "Hyperion" about the priest chapter can not help but pay tribute, Herzog's film always has a pure spiritual level of support, so that people can automatically ignore his lack of technique or rough, he is born through the appearance of the essence, intuition is too good. The fanatical heart is precisely the greatest driving force for human progress, resulting in only being cursed, which is the meaning of heavenly condemnation, and no other filmmaker has ever felt that other filmmakers have spoken more thoroughly than Herzog, and "Overland Boat" is a unique existence.

- Rimbaud

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

One day in 1981, after seeing a movie in Seattle, Yang Dechang, an electrical engineer, abandoned Congwen and returned to Taiwan to make a film, so there was "The Juvenile Murder Incident on Muling Street". Years later, he described his mood this way: "After I came out of the cinema, I was already another me. ”

The film is Achille, The Wrath of God, the beginning of herzog and Kinsky's collaboration, the craziest page in the history of cinema.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

Herzog (right) is one of the four masters of the new German cinema, the rhapsody of the director, Klaus Kinsky is the most violent actor in the history of cinema

Inspired by the diary of an Amazon expedition member, Gonzalo Pizarro (Klaus Kinsky) takes more than forty people on the rushing Amazon River in search of the legendary Lost El Dorado. They had no reliable food source and had not been able to eat salt for months. The most terrifying thing is that the Indian natives on the shore are mysteriously firing cold arrows.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

The crew died one by one in a difficult environment, and fewer and fewer insisted on the expedition, but Akyr was madly paranoid. Money, power, and glory are rewards for conquering nature, but Achill is not interested in these by-products. He despised the selfish explorer, and the only thing that satisfied him was the conquest itself.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

Achille said, "Even if there are only trees and water here, we will conquer it." "The arrogance and blindness of that dictator is on full display

In the end, only Achille was left on the raft, who claimed in his usual hoarse voice that he had inherited the mantle of the Creator: "I am the wrath of God, and I will marry my daughter and establish the purest dynasty ever." Together we rule the continent and bear the curse together. ”

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

Achille always paced back and forth on his back and forth until he was the only one left on the raft

The film can be made is simply a "victory of the will". At that time, Herzog only had a simple camera stolen from the Munich Film Academy, and because he believed in "the magic of the field", he pulled the crew into the rainforest of Latin America and climbed the mountains under the bite of mosquitoes.

The landscape of Aquil presents an atmosphere of mysticism that inspired Coppola to photograph the rainforests of Vietnam in an equally religious way in Apocalypse Now.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

Coppola's Apocalypse Now also has a mystical sense of religion

It's not just the environment that's hard to control, it's people. It is rumored that the lead actor Kinsky is too grumpy, and Herzog once pointed a gun at him to act. Years later, however, the two denied the legend in different ways. Herzog's account is that Kinsky is indeed hysterical, but he always photographs his quiet temperament when Kinsky is exhausted. Kinsky, on the other hand, said grimly that it would never be possible, because he was the only one on the crew who had a gun.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

△ Herzog said that working with Kinsky is undoubtedly dealing with the most powerful plague in the world. Fortunately, he knew how to use Kinsky's energy

Both Herzog and Kinsky were passionate about grand themes and the myth of the savior. Their collaboration gave Achill the temperament of dictatorship, and the story of the expedition became a fable of German history.

Aguir was convinced that he represented civilization, giving a sublime sense of sacredness to his conquest of primitive tribes. This sense of sacredness gave hope to explorers for a time, but eventually destroyed everyone.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

△ The explorers who have hallucinations are led to death by Aguir

At the end of the film, the missionaries symbolizing Christian civilization are suffering from a severe fever and can no longer distinguish between reality and fantasy. But Achill pointed to a boat in a tree and said, that's the truth, we'll sail that boat back to the Atlantic!

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

△ Rowing in a tree

This scene is very meaningful, the self-proclaimed God's wrath Achilles can make Christians submit to the subordination, but can never represent "civilization" to conquer the "barbarians", but is beaten by the uncivilized Indians. Civilization is just a broken ship based on primitives, an unrealistic fantasy brought about by a fever. Any dictator who attempts to trample on others in the name of civilization is bound to suffer defeat.

If it stops there, the film cannot be called a masterpiece. The complexity of it is that Achill is not a hero, but he is a terrifying superman in the Nietzschean sense. He understands that his fate is only death, but he still chooses to live to death and continue to conquer the road.

For him, it was not the right path, but the path to greatness. What the film wants to explore is not only the failure of dictatorship, but also the origins of totalitarianism and its dangerous charm.

All dictators are heartless| Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Niche Movies Big Thousand Worlds - Gun Draft Weekly Movie Preferred Vol.12 Gun Draft Lead Author ™ Recommendation

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