
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

author:Eye-catching video


Lifelike Chinese cabbage dumplings, cute animal-shaped Western-style decorating, and attentive room service...... On June 28, sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Education, hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Special Education Professional Committee and Foshan Qicong School, the 2024 Guangdong Guizhou Eight Schools Secondary Vocational Student Skills Competition and Family-School-Enterprise Friendship Activity was held.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

The scene of the 2024 Guangdong and Guizhou Eight School Secondary Vocational Student Skills Competition and Home-School-Enterprise Friendship Activity.

There are a total of 5 skills competitions in the competition, including "Chinese pastry" and "Western pastry" for hearing-impaired secondary vocational students, and "cleaning service", "room service" and "dinner party service" for mentally handicapped secondary vocational students. Under the guidance of teachers and judges, the students demonstrated the skills they had acquired in the classroom and in internships.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

The scene of the "Chinese pastry" competition.

Huang Bo, a second-year secondary vocational student from Foshan Qicong School, participated in the "Western-style pastry" competition. "I like challenging things, so I deliberately chose to make three-dimensional animal shapes with cream." Huang Bo, who has experience in many competitions, said that the classroom usually learns and practices according to the standard requirements of the competition, so he is not nervous in the face of the competition. Cai Jiajun, a classmate, said that he learned about his strength through the competition and helped him improve in a targeted manner.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

Huang Bo is carefully making a cake decoration in the shape of a mouse.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

Huang Bo's "Animals and Football".

It is reported that the competition also invited a total of 43 contestants from 7 special education schools in different cities in Guangdong such as Zhanjiang, Maoming, Huizhou and Qiandongnan Prefecture to participate, aiming to show students' vocational skills and promote exchanges between special education schools inside and outside the province.

"Everyone took the game very seriously." Yang Guanghui, a student from Qiandongnan Prefecture National Special Education Senior High School, traveled to another city for the first time to compete. In the process of participating in the "Room Service" competition, he observed the attitude of students from other schools towards the competition, and he felt that he needed to continue to work hard professionally.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

Special education students from inside and outside the province conduct a "room service" competition.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

The judges and teachers scored carefully.

During the student competition, the teachers also held a roundtable forum with the theme of "Development of Vocational Education in Special Education" with the idea of communicating with each other and making progress together, and shared their teaching experience together. "Enhance students' employability through skills training, competition and other ways to promote learning." Chen Hui, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Principal of Foshan Qicong School, said that he hoped to integrate the resources of special education schools inside and outside the province in the future, establish a mechanism for each school to hold special education secondary vocational student skills competitions in turn every year, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive practical quality of special education students.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

A roundtable forum was held on the theme of "Development of Special Education Vocational Education".

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

The principals and teachers listened attentively.

In addition, during the event, Foshan Qideaf School and Hilton Hotel held an unveiling ceremony for the training room and the awarding ceremony of the guest room course to help the disadvantaged groups better integrate into society. "We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace environment that creates employment opportunities for more people." According to Liu Zongmin, general manager of Hilton Foshan Hotel, as of 2023, Hilton Group has more than 615 people with disabilities on the job in Greater China.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

Foshan School for the Deaf and Hilton Hotel cooperated to build it.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

The training room built according to the standards of star-rated hotels truly restores the employment environment.

"In the past, the cooperation was more based on the school's existing curriculum to train students, but now we can start customized training from the first year of secondary vocational education, from etiquette standards to service facilities." Huang Qi, Director of Human Resources of Foshan Hilton Hotel, introduced that Foshan Qicong School has cooperated with the hotel for more than ten years, and hopes to provide students, especially students with mental disabilities, with practical training places, to enter the real social scene as soon as possible to practice, so as to adapt to the future employment environment.

Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions
Skills make dreams come true, and eight special education schools in Guangdong and Guizhou jointly launched skills competitions

Text, pictures, video/Gao Pingheng, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

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