
"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

author:Princess Huining

Yesterday we learned the truth of that bizarre murder together: Ryoji Kirihara, in anger, faced his father's sins and killed his father with his most beloved paper-cutters.

Later, on the road to sin, they killed Terasaki Tadao again. In order to be adopted by a wealthy relative, Reiko Karasawa, he changed his fate. Snow Spike, who is still a little girl, coldly and ruthlessly contributes to the death of her biological mother, Xibundai. From Nishimoto Yukiho to Karasawa Yukiho smoothly, he went to his own adulthood.

Next, let's take a look at what kind of distorted life trajectory she has experienced when she is Already Karasawa Yukiho.

"There is no sun in my sky, it is always night, but it is not dark, because something has replaced the sun. It wasn't as bright as the sun, but it was enough for me. With this light, I can turn night into day. I've never had the sun, so I'm not afraid of losing. ”

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

1. Karasawa Yukiho's reading career.

"Intelligent countenance, elegant and impeccable manners". This is the snow spike after entering junior high school, which gives everyone the impression. By this time, her name had changed from Nishimoto Yukiho to Karasawa Yukiho.

After the death of her mother, Nishibundai, Yukiho was adopted by Reiko Karasawa, a distant relative who taught tea ceremony, so her name was changed to Karasawa Yukiho.

Karasawa entered the junior high school of the private Tsinghua Girls' Academy. Her delicate appearance, gentle tone, elegant and unique temperament made her an object of everyone's attention at school.

Etoshiko Kawashima was involuntarily attracted by the glow of the snow spike and became her inseparable good friend.

The shadow of childhood has always hung over the heart of Snow Spike. Beneath her quiet and elegant exterior, she is a twisted humanity deep inside. The slightly better women who intersected with her were jealous and unhappy. At a young age, she was meticulous and ruthless.

The first person to be the target of her harm was Touko Tengcun, who was in the same school as her in junior high school, and it is said that It was because Toko was talking about her origins behind her back. At her behest, Ryoji Kirihara attacked Toko in a remote alley and took pictures of her victims.

Tengcun Duzi's soul was greatly traumatized, and at this time, Xuesui appeared in front of Duzi with a kind and amiable face, and won the deep trust of Duzi.

After Finishing High School, Karasawa Yukiho entered Tsinghua Women's University with Etoshiko Kawashima, and at this time, she became more bright and beautiful, elegant and charming.

The ordinary and kind Eiko Kawashima has always been the foil around Yukiho. After entering the university, Eiko met the handsome Kazunari Shinozuka at the university social dance club. Born into a well-known family and well-off family, Shinozuka is deeply in love with the simple and kind Elizi.

The misfortune that happened to Tengcun Duzi fell on Jiang Lizi. Eiko was also traumatized and became involved with Shinozuka.

Karasawa Yukiho fell in love with Eliko and did not choose her. She extended her sinful hands to Jiang Lizi, who had always accompanied her and regarded her as her best friend.

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

2. Karasawa Yukiho's marriage.

At the university social dance club, Shinozuka Ichisei lost his favorite Eiko, and even so, his eyes still did not focus on the delicate and elegant Karasawa Yukiho.

So, Karasawa Yukiho set his sights on Makoto Takamiya. Makoto Takamiya is also from a well-off family, and Yukiho becomes Makoto Takamiya's girlfriend.

After graduating from university, Yukiho uses Hiroe's pregnancy test stick to make Makoto Takamiya feel guilty and successfully achieves his goal of makoto Takamiya.

On the eve of his marriage, Makoto Takamiya fell in love with the woman he had worked with, Chitoru Misawa. The night before the wedding, he wanted to confess to Misawa.

However, after learning of Takamiya Makoto's plans and thoughts, Yukiho instructed Kirihara to impersonate a policeman and trick Misawa into staying at other hotel accommodations, causing Takamiya to stay in the hotel that Mizawa had booked before and not wait for Misawa Chito to stay.

Yukiho and Makoto Takamiya were married and became Takamiya Yukiho.

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

In the years after the marriage, Yukiho became more and more disdainful of Takamiya Makoto, and in order to achieve the purpose of divorcing Takamiya Makoto, she arranged very cleverly through Kirihara, and Takamiya Makoto and Misawa Chiun both stayed at the golf driving range to reunite, and let them develop extramarital love.

Yukiho finally used reasonable reasons to achieve the purpose of divorcing Takamiya Makoto, and also took advantage of Takamiya Makoto's guilt to share Takamiya Makoto's divorced property.

Yukiho once again uses her beauty and noble and charming temperament, so that Shinozuka's cousin Yasunori Shinozuka fell into a deep fascination.

This time, Yukiho has a higher goal, and Yasunori Shinozuka is the heir who controls the Shinozuka family business.

Kazunari Shinozuka is always suspicious of Yukiho's true face, so he hires a private investigator Naoji Imaya and begins to investigate Yukiho.

With Naoji Imago's investigation, Ichisei gradually sees the true face of Yukiho. However, no matter how hard he tried to prevent his cousin Kang Qing from marrying Xuesui, he could not stop Kang Qing, who had been deeply obsessed with Xuesui.

Yukiho succeeded again in marrying Yasunori Shinozuka, becoming Yukiho Shinozuka and successfully entering high society.

Yasuharu Shinozuka's daughter, Mika, is a teenage girl. At first, Mika dislikes Yukiho very much and willfully opposes her.

The vicious Snow Spike once again uses the same treatment of Toshiko and Eiko to instruct Kirihara to infringe on the young Mika. And when Meijia was greatly hurt mentally and physically, she treated Meijia with extreme tenderness, so that Meijia accepted her psychologically.

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

3. Karasawa Yukiho's career

Yukiho's career began with stock speculation.

She and Ryoji Kirihara completed the accumulation of original funds through crime, and initially she invested by speculating in stocks.

After she married Makoto Takamiya, through Makoto Takamiya's opposition, she pretended to agree to Makoto Takamiya and quit the stock market. Thus using the land use rights of the Takamiya family, she got the storefront of her first clothing boutique.

In fact, she has been investing in the stock market all the time. She then opened a second clothing boutique.

After marrying Yasunori Shinozuka, she continued to run her previous two stores, and at the same time, began planning to open a third branch in Osaka, which would be the largest, the entire size of a building.

Her plan came true, and a third branch in Osaka opened at Christmas.

Okay, today's content is almost finished here, let's review it together.

Today I talked with you about the twisted trajectory of Karasawa Yukiho's life. First of all, we talked about Karasawa Yukiho's reading career from junior high school to college, then we talked about Karasawa Yukiho's two marriages, and finally, we talked about Karasawa Yukiho's career development together.

Well, today's sharing is here, after understanding the life trajectory of the heroine Karasawa Yukiho, tomorrow we will talk about the dark life path of the hero Kirihara Sushi, so stay tuned.

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

The golden sentence of this article:

Are you going to give up all your efforts, stop honing yourself, and grow old every day with nothing to do? ”

After much painstaking effort to obtain the coveted information, the joy and sense of accomplishment cannot be felt anywhere else.

I think that clothing and ornaments are not used to disguise a person's inner nature, but to set off.

"White Night" 2 - Karasawa Yukiho's twisted life trajectory

The above is the original of Princess Hui Ningchang, the picture comes from the Network, and it is inappropriate to invade and delete.

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