
How much does Ryoji Kirihara love Yukiho Karasawa in "White Night"? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill? How much does Ryoji Tonghara love Yukiho? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill?


White Night is a suspense novel by Japanese writer Keigo Higashino. But if you look closely, it is actually a tragic love novel.

The male protagonist Ryoji Kirihara's love in this book is that Karasawa Yukiho looked at those few times in that dark, dark space.

Some love, just in those few eyes. Maybe something happened that made the two little children dependent on each other, dependent.

How much does Ryoji Kirihara love Yukiho Karasawa in "White Night"? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill? How much does Ryoji Tonghara love Yukiho? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill?

Ryoji Kirihara's first killing was for Karasawa Yukiho. It's not love at this time. Just a few glances. But the man who killed him was Ryoji Kirihara's father.

This fact is a big shock at the back of this book. Ryoji Kirihara's childhood environment created such a cold, intelligent dark man. Ryoji Kirihara's expression of love is to build a path to happiness for Karasawa Yukiho in the dark. He had lived the rest of his life for this. This way of living has surpassed love, even family affection. Kind of like twins, and a bit like dreams. When it came time for Tongrong, she would stand in front. When it comes to damage, he has to stand in front. Ryoji Kirihara's view of love is silent and pathological. In this feeling, he positioned himself, only need to pay. It needs karasawa Yukiho to do it, just need to accept it. And then help each other. There's a lot of unfairness here, but it's great.

In Ryoji Kirihara's world, there is only Karasawa Yukiho, walking in the darkness of the day, like a shadow to clear all obstacles for Karasawa Yukiho. Whether it's the building when you were a child, the domineering girl in school, or the stepdaughter when you grow up. There was no need for Karasawa Yukiho to say anything, Ryoji Kirihara would help her clean up.

Regardless of morality or justice, Ryoji Kirihara's love is not acceptable to many normal people, but it is Karasawa's greatest reliance. Despite the danger, Ryoji Kirihara was willing to stand in front of Karasawa Yukiho. Karasawa Yukiho was also willing to stand behind Ryoji Kirihara. Although intuitively, Ryoji Kirihara is behind Karasawa Yukiho, like a pair of indifferent eyes staring at Karasawa's world.

Like yin and yang, the two are white and black, one bright and one dark, complementing each other.

How much does Ryoji Kirihara love Yukiho Karasawa in "White Night"? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill? How much does Ryoji Tonghara love Yukiho? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill?

Killed Yosuke Kirihara in 1973. Reason: Want to be strong Karasawa Yukiho.

In 1977, he attacked Tengcun Duzi. Reason: Bullying Karasawa Yukiho.

Control of Kikuchi in 1977. Why: A photo in my hand makes the case ripple again.

In 1979, Huagang Xizi died. Reason: Help Tomohiko and cover yourself. Karasawa Yukiho helped.

Attacked Etoriko Kawashima in 1981. Reason: Karasawa Yukiho is jealous and framed, and there is Ryoji Kirihara behind her.

Nishiguchi Died in 1982. Reason: Stealing bank funds, being found by the police, and sealing.

Killed Isamu Matsuura in 1985. Reason: Cover up the truth.

In 1990, he framed Kazunari Tsuneka. Reason: Karasawa Yukiho broke off his floating feelings because of Ryoji Kirihara.

In 1991 he was hunted down, jumped off a building, and killed himself with scissors. Reason: After being chased by the police, I have no place to go. Only when he died could he protect Karasawa Yukiho, and the matter of that year was finally over.

There is only one sun in Karasawa's world, and that is Ryoji Kirihara. The opposite is true. When Ryoji Kirihara died in front of Karasawa Yukiho, he didn't look at it. Ryoji Kirihara didn't look at Karasawa Yukiho when he died. When you die, it's like two strangers. It was as indifferent as a dead cat on the side of the road.

How much does Ryoji Kirihara love Yukiho Karasawa in "White Night"? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill? How much does Ryoji Tonghara love Yukiho? How many people did Ryoji Kirihara kill?

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