
Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

author:The under-the-forester
This brutal joy will eventually end in brutality. —Shakespeare

Among the women portrayed by Keigo Higashino, Karasawa Yukiho is always the brightest one. This is an extremely complex woman, and you can't say exactly in one word whether she's a good guy or a bad guy. People who have seen "White Night" have sympathy and jealousy for Karasawa Yukiho's evaluation, and the most common labels are green tea and fox essence. She is beautiful but fierce, and she is a person who people can't love and hate. Every choice she makes, for herself, is the best solution, step by step, to the gorgeous high point of life, and it seems to be a winner indeed.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Yes, this 26-year-old woman occupies all the advantages of a perfect woman, such as stunning beauty, intelligent mind, and having an independent personality, rich knowledge and decent cultivation. For many women, at the age of 26, many women may still be just ordinary employees who have worked for two or three years, have an ordinary marriage or are still working alone.

However, the 26-year-old Karasawa Yukiho already has a seemingly indestructible marriage fortress in the eyes of outsiders. Her husband, Makoto Takamiya, is a typical rich second generation, who can inherit the family business without effort, and every day is muddy, there is no big dream and no big pursuit, life is comfortable, the appearance is elegant, and the personality is gentle and elegant. Such two people are simply a pair of talented women, made in heaven. Even they are a perfect example of a wedding dress from campus, such a marriage, which is a match made in heaven.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Even in his career, Karasawa Yukiho is perfectly set. She earns a lot of money in stock trading, completely exceeding her husband Takamiya Makoto's old capital. At the same time, she used the capital accumulation earned from stock speculation to open a chain business of luxury goods, and constantly developed chain stores, and her career was booming. Even if her career achievements allow her to have enough confidence to sit on an equal footing with her husband, she has always maintained her good cultivation, kind eyebrows and good eyes, and still as a typical Japanese wife, she is soft to her husband and does her wife's business, which is simply an impeccable good wife. Even when she sensed that her husband was tired of the family, she took the initiative to sell the stock business, return to the family, and be a perfect wife.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Although her marriage to Makoto Takamiya ended with her husband cheating on her first love, Miss Chitoru Misawa. And she, like all wives who feel sad about their husbands cheating, looks very distressing. Because of this, Takamiya Makoto felt more and more remorseful, believing that the failure of this marriage began with his own desires and betrayal. Therefore, he gave up most of his original property, all of which he left to this wife, who seemed to him very "pitiful". Even after the divorce, Takamiya Makoto often took great care of Yukiho in his life.

Then, Karasawa Yukiho's life began to go straight ahead, like a speedboat with full horsepower and running to a deeper wave.

Three years after her divorce, Yukiho marries the Shinozuka family, who is ten times more valuable than Makoto Takamiya, although not the Shinozuka Ichisei who was identified as when she married herself in college. At the same time, the new husband and her ex-husband Makoto Takamiya are completely different in personality, in terms of career, he especially supports his wife Yukiho's decision, investing in shares, allowing her to open her R&y boutique from Osaka to bustling Tokyo.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

However, did she really win? Let's take a look at karasawa's sympathetic, but also gritted teeth of the b-side.

Let's turn the clock back to the memory of Yukiho's 12-year-old. At that time, Karasawa Yukiho, oh, to be precise, should be called Nishimoto Yukiho. Her mother, Mrs. Nishimoto, was destitute in her house, and poor little snow spikes were brought up by her mother, Mrs. Nishimoto. Surprisingly, the main source of income of this poor family is not on the mother's meager salary, but on the young snow spike, selling out its young body. More than once, Yukiho's mother stripped her of what should have been a carefree childhood, stripping her of sugarcoating and leaving only her rotten and dirty shell. Poor little snow spike, again and again, accepted joy in the arms of the strange old man, and had to take the main source of income for the family.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Undoubtedly, the snow spike at this time is quite pitiful, and those pedophiles are even more damned. When Ryoji Kirihara kills the old man after buying the spring, Ryoji's father, Yukiho's life, in that abandoned building for her, a new transformation begins. Since then, she no longer has to endure the sexual assault of old men, and she has climbed out of the abyss of pedophilia. But slowly, she also walked into another abyss, an abyss created by her own hands.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

In order to get rich relatives to adopt her, and to protect Kirihara Ryoji, she used gas to leak accidents and killed her mother. A person who can destroy his daughter's life with his own hands will not be a good mother. And a child who can kill his own mother with his own hands also kills his lover's instinct at the moment he decides to do it. Indeed, she was successfully adopted by relatives, and since then she has changed her name to Karasawa Yukiho, learning the cultivation of a rich lady every day, reading flower arrangement tea ceremony, elegant and dignified, polite and courteous in her demeanor, gentle and humble flowing everywhere in her personality, if it is someone who has just met her, they all praise her cultivation.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

If the story ends here, Snow Spike can transform from pain and get a new life, the ending of the story should be very different, then there is no need to walk in the white night. However, she chose a deeper abyss.

In middle school, although she did the style of everyone's boudoir, she did not have the connotation of everyone's boudoir in her bones. Because of a bad evaluation of her classmates, she let Ryoji take nude photos of her classmates. She used the same tactic again during her college days, only this time against her "girlfriend". In the ballroom dance club, her carefully selected rich second generation Shinozuka Ichisei does not like her, but likes her mediocre good "girlfriend" Eiko. Out of jealousy, she asked Ryoji to perform the technique of hijacking nude photos again, breaking up The marriage between Kazunari Shinozuka and Etoshiko, even if she could not replace Etoshiko's position in Shinozuka's heart. I have to say that Snow Spike is really fierce, she doesn't even regard anyone as a friend, her world only has the distinction between what can be used and what can't be used, and she is simply a delicate egoist.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Such a woman can not show any mercy to others, and she is cruel enough to herself.

She can use the fake pregnancy to cause Takamiya Makoto to pity her, and successfully become the wife of the Takamiya family. The seemingly obedient wife turned out to be the mastermind behind her husband's cheating. She arranges for Makoto Takamiya and Chito to meet by chance, rekindles the old love, and sends detectives to secretly follow the movements of the two. Her life does not seem to need the love of others, let alone marriage, and does not need anything that needs to be treated sincerely.

Karasawa Yukiho: Behind the "perfect" goddess, she can only walk forever in the white night

Obviously, a person who has come from the abyss has never taken the right path, this is a completely indifferent snake and scorpion beauty. At the end of the book, facing Ryoji's corpse, she simply coldly says, "I don't know him." Many people say that there is love between her and Ryoji Kirihara, but their love, in essence, is only a symbiotic relationship described by the author.

Sad and deplorable Nishimoto Yukiho, poor and hateful Karasawa Yukiho who can't love it. Perhaps when Ryoji's body gradually became cold, Yukiho's heart began to freeze from that moment. From then on, she could no longer walk out of the abyss, and could only walk in the white night forever.

The only time she didn't disguise herself was when the light went out. From then on, she was the only one left, walking in the eternal night.

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