
My Shengjing Story 4

author:Evolution loves sports

#我是故事创作者 #

When I write these stories, a lot of memories always pop up in my head. Sometimes I can't get rid of it all, so I have to share it in the next chapter.

Li Liangui's bacon flatbread, people who have come to Shenyang must have heard of it. The first time I went to eat, it was Fa Xiao who took me there during the Dragon Boat Festival in 2008. I remember sending a small phone call that day and asking if I would go home, and I said no. He didn't come back either, asked me to spend the holiday with me, and invited me to eat the Li Liangui bacon flatbread that they had eaten in their bedroom. At that time, we only knew that there was a shop on Middle Street. When I took the bus at 9 o'clock in the morning and was still a few stops away from middle street, I was motion sick. There was no way me and Fa Xiao had to get out of the car and walk for more than half an hour.

Seriously, I forgot what I ate at that meal, whether it was good or not, what it tasted like. I always remember this because I sent a small hair to take me there. I have been a child of someone else's family since I was a child, sensible, and hard-working. My mother always compares hair to me, such as I send small hair to help my parents work and so on. The good thing is that I am not jealous, or I may be too lazy to be jealous of others. So I have a good relationship with Fa Xiao, but I am not the kind of dead party who does not say anything. In fact, the family conditions are not too good, his father is not in good health, relying on his mother to earn money to support the family, and he has a sister above him. Therefore, Fa Xiao was particularly sensible, helped the family to do farm work, and was very able to bear hardships. Compared to him, I was a child who grew up in a honeypot and knew nothing about human sophistication. When we were in the car together, he told me that after he went out with his classmates to eat, he thought it was delicious, so he was going to invite me to eat during the festival. Later, for many years, as soon as I mentioned Li Liangui's bacon flatbread, I would think of Fa Xiao.

In the first semester of our sophomore year, we moved to a new campus. The area around the new campus was particularly desolate. There were only two lines on the bus, and at that time, we were also assigned to the suburbs, basically the same as Li Yiyi's school. Now the two of us are physically farther apart. However, the distance did not reduce my enthusiasm or I had time to chat every day. After more than a month of school, she finally agreed to go to her school to find her. I tried to make myself as decent as possible, then reversed three buses and took two and a half hours to finally her school. Her school is also very large, and I walked around for half a day to find the right place. She wore a white short-sleeved crewneck shirt blue denim shorts with a little heeled sandal that day. I first saw that I thought she had Uyghur ancestry, big eyes, cheekbones were relatively tall and a little wide, not the kind of cherry small mouth, but with the face shape was just right, the skin was particularly white, dyed yellow half-long hair, almost one meter seven, not thin but not fat. Later she told me that the first thing she saw was dark and thin (I wasn't skinny at all), like a child, and she didn't look at me. I remember we walked together at school, and then sat by a lake at her school, and there was a small talk without a ride, and the most memorable sentence was that she took a leaf, told me that your eyes are so small, and then gave me the nickname Xiao Er Hei, which was also the screen name I used for many years.

So the first date ended, she didn't say yes or completely reject me, and we still talked every day after we went back.

School days are still as plain as water, with a few minor changes. In our sophomore year, our bedroom changed from 4 people to 6 people, and the rogue went to another bedroom, and we slept in panda, Mingge, and then chi chi, dog brother and bald man. Panda is addicted to online games in her freshman year, and although she still has a high prestige in the class, she still decides to resign as the class leader and play his game with peace of mind. Hooligans they sleep with Brother Hong and the chairman to form a new cabinet, our original squad leader is Panda, the branch secretary is called Lü Bu. Now that Panda has resigned, Lü Bu, despite his domineering name, is a lewd man, and he has a nickname, Film King. Therefore, the position of the branch book is also shaky.

We all thought that Hong Ge and the new cabinet of the chairman would be successful in the election, and the result was unexpected. After Brother Hong was elected as the class president, when he was elected as the secretary of the branch, the sports committee of our class suddenly wanted to run. Our body committee is called Shan Li, and we have a nickname called Silly Monkey. He befriended Panda, was rude and unruly, organized a lot of activities for Panda in his freshman year, and had a good relationship with everyone. The nickname Silly Monkey is also a nickname obtained because the freshman organization participates in the English drama competition. At that time, the script selected by our class was three dozen white bone essences, the little natives played the white bone essence, and there were four masters and apprentices such as the big bamboo pole little dragon silly monkey, and the silly monkey played Sun Wukong. During the rehearsal, silly monkey never dared to touch the head of the little native with a stick, and everyone advised him to act really. As a result, during the performance, the silly monkey did not know how to suddenly open the trick, and directly hit the little native on the head, when the little aborigin was defenseless and almost fainted. It is estimated that it is also to see this stick hit fiercely, and the performance in my class also won the first prize. However, Shan Li has since received the nickname of Silly Monkey. At that time, everyone did not expect that Shan Li would run for the election, and as a result, he ran for the election, because he accumulated some popularity in his freshman year, and really dropped the chairman PK. Our president, my senior, claimed that I was the president of the student union in high school, because I came a little late, I didn't enter the class committee, and my sophomore year was preparing to do a big job. Since then, the chairman has never moved the mind of the class committee and has thrown himself into the student council of the Raiders School. The defeat of the chairman is actually reasonable, at that time, our class committee was in turmoil, only the school committee was the most stable, our school committee Li big cat and silly monkey have always been good friends, she took the lead, the girls all voted for the silly monkey, this time a quarter of the votes of our class into the pocket of the silly monkey, the chairman can not be defeated?

If later, Brother Hong was the shoulder handle of our boys, then Li Big Cat was the girl in my class. What do you think a big cat is? It's a tiger! So the so-called Li big cat is actually Li Tiger, but we don't dare to call her that. Big Cat Li also has a strong point, that is, a Mai Ba. Singing k in our day was definitely a favorite of the student party, often singing k all night on weekends. Li Big Cat claims to have sung songs from the 5060s of the last century to the 21st century, and the strength is really not covered. Li Big Cat and Wei Xiaomei have a very good relationship, so good that the two people we all think that the two people are in love. However, the two solemnly stated that they were just friends! Later, we learned that Li Da cat and Wei Xiaomei both went to college with their families from high school. The two of them have been stuck together for four years in college. Later, when Wei Xiaomei was drinking with us, she said: If there is no girlfriend, he will chase Li Big Cat. But by then they were already married to their respective partners. Lee big cat and high school first love of the knot. Wei Xiaomei'er and her first love have not found a girlfriend since they broke up. After Li Da cat got married, after two years, he married a girl introduced by the family. But that's all a story.

At that time, we were still carefree teenagers, busy playing every day, preparing for exams, and dating on weekends. It's as if time is infinite and energy is infinite. Tireless running, running, running.

The various things in the class had nothing to do with me, and I still drank with Anko occasionally. The rest of the time is in the classroom or in the dorm room Internet access (we can bring a computer in our sophomore year). On the weekends, I basically went to see Li Yiyi, sometimes we found a place to date, sometimes I went to her school to find her.

One day while drinking, I asked Anko what she had been doing lately, and he told me he was running a community with people. He is now the vice president of our school basketball association. I was quite surprised at the time, his career was almost flat. Later, I learned that their so-called basketball association was to sign up for a club at school. Then when the freshman comes, knock on the door from dorm room to recruit people, the participants pay ten yuan in the membership fee, give you a testimony, and then you are a member of the basketball association. If you go to a new recruitment event in your sophomore year, then the worst is to get you a title of a certain minister. Anko may be more capable, directly to a vice president, normally we do not get this title until the third year of college to quit the community. Obviously, Anzi's career is indeed smooth.

At that time, I saw that Anzi was working so hard to be self-motivated, and I also had to try to mix with what kind of minister, chairman, or whatever. At that time, I had a good relationship with the film and television teacher I elected, and it was just that the school newspaper he was responsible for recruited people, so I entered the school newspaper. Just in time for the school to hold the school games, I simply let me be a small reporter, doing interviews and writing newsletters between the various venues. Don't underestimate this little reporter, only the press card issued by the school newspaper can enter the competition venue and get close to the athletes. At that time, I was very serious, and I wrote a bunch of text messages and sent them to our sister who was in charge of the school newspaper at that time. However, in the end, it was obvious that the text message I wrote was not very qualified, and one did not publish, but I still saw my name in the column of my newspaper editor XX. I can only say thank you to the student sister ~

In this way, the first semester of sophomore year, unconsciously passed. After sending Lu Yiyi, I myself squeezed onto the train home.

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