
Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

author:Enjoy the delicious food

Hello everyone, I am Miaomiao, sharing a delicious life with the same original intention. Welcome to live happily with me and enjoy delicious food! Today brings you the classic spring seasonal dish - "pineapple grunt meat" method.

Recently, we have a large number of pineapples on the market here, and you can smell the strong pineapple aroma when you pass by the fruit stalls on the street, which makes people can't help but stop. In addition to eating the fruit directly, pineapple is also one of the few fruits that can be added to the dish, and a classic spring seasonal dish made with it - pineapple grunt meat is especially popular with the children at home for its fruity, sweet and sour, soft and delicious taste. Every time I make this pineapple grunt meat at home, the child can eat a big bowl of dry rice

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

Speaking of pineapple gollum meat, it has a long history, is a classic Cantonese dish, according to legend, in the early years of a group of Chinese immigrants missed their hometown cuisine, with the only local pork, pineapple, sauce and flour these Western food ingredients made with Chinese flavor "pineapple meat" with Chinese cuisine. Therefore, its dish name is also called "pineapple ancient meat" - "ancient" represents the long history of the dish.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

Pineapple gollum meat This dish is simple in ingredients and not complicated in practice, but if you do not pay attention to some details, the dishes made may have problems such as meaty firewood, pineapple meat sticky and not crisp and tender, sauce is not flavorful, etc., which greatly affects the taste and appetite, and wastes ingredients.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

This article introduces the 3 points of making pineapple grunt meat for everyone, master it well, everyone can make the taste of the restaurant at home, the meat is smooth and tender, full of flavor. Let's take a look at the specific methods!

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Food distribution]</h1>

Ingredients: 1 pineapple, 300 g pork

Ingredients: 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper, 1 egg yolk, cooking wine, corn starch, tomato paste, sugar, white vinegar, salt, oil - each appropriate amount

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [cooking steps].</h1>

1, first of all, to pick a good pineapple that is pleasing to the eye. Pineapple is one of the main ingredients of this dish, and the choice of ingredients is sloppy. Generally, we have to choose a pineapple with a moderate maturity, so that the flesh will be crisp and juicy, sweet and sour. The half-cooked pineapple meat is not only hard but also very sour, which affects the quality of the whole dish. The overcooked pineapple meat is too soft and rotten, and the taste is equally bad. Of course, you can also buy pineapple, pineapple is actually another variety of pineapple, the taste is sweeter than pineapple, the price is more expensive.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

2: After the pineapple is bought and the skin is removed, cut into four equal parts, cut off the hard core in the middle, and then cut into small triangular blocks of uniform size, and put aside for later. After washing the green peppers and red peppers, they are also cut into small triangles, their role in this dish is mainly used for color matching, it is best not to use green and red peppers with spicy flavor, otherwise it is easy to make a fuss, grab the taste of the main ingredients, and the dishes made are not authentic.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

3: Next, treat the pork. I've seen different people use different parts of pork to make versions of this pineapple grunt meat, with lean meat, with tenderloin, with plum head meat, and with pork belly. In fact, it is more recommended to use plum head meat or pork belly to make this dish, because they are both fat and thin, and the taste is not easy to produce wood after pickling and cooking. Usually I use pork belly more.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

4: First cut the pork belly into small cubes about the size of the pineapple meat cubes. Then we'll marinate the pork belly. Add the right amount of salt to add the bottom flavor to the meat, then add an egg yolk and stir. Egg yolks can add stickiness to the meat, and it is easy to hang powder later. Add some pepper wine (or cooking wine) to add fishy flavor and mix the diced meat evenly.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

5, then add an appropriate amount of corn starch, pay attention to a small amount of multiple times to add, so that each diced meat is wrapped in a layer of corn starch. After the diced meat and egg yolk are scratched and mixed, it becomes particularly sticky, it is easy to hang the powder, and the hanging powder is also even. When hanging powder, pay attention to the thin thickness to be even, do not wrap too thickly, as long as the surface is firmly glued to a layer and not easily dropped.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

6: Next, mix a simple sweet and sour sauce. Three tablespoons of tomato sauce plus a large spoonful of white sugar and a large spoonful of white vinegar to bring out the sweet and sour taste. Don't forget to put salt, salt is the soul of sweet and sour juice and can be a good taste. Add 3 to 5 grams of salt and stir well with a small spoon. So the sweet and sour sauce is mixed.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

7: Heat the oil at a temperature of 50% and fry the diced pork belly with the flour on it. During the frying process, the oil temperature should be as high as possible, so that the diced meat is easy to set. If the oil temperature is too low, the diced meat will stick together and absorb more oil. Fry the diced meat until golden brown and all floating, then turn off the heat. At this time, the green and red pepper slices are also put into the pot and fried with a spatula for a few seconds, so as to maintain the bright color and crisp and tender taste of the green and red peppers.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

8: Then put the diced pineapple on a colander, put it on a large bowl, pour the oil from the oil pot with heat directly on the diced pineapple, and also pour the diced meat and green and red pepper slices in the oil onto the colander and drain the oil. Doing so removes the sour taste from the pineapple while maintaining the crisp and refreshing taste of the pineapple. If you take the pineapple to blanch the water, the texture will be sticky and soft, and the sweet and sour fruit flavor will be reduced a lot.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

9: Leave some bottom oil in the pot, pour the sweet and sour sauce made before into the pot and heat it up. When making sweet and sour juice, there is no need to add additional water, and the sweet and sour flavor will be diluted by at least half after water, and the color made is not very good in comparison. Add a spoonful of water starch to contour, add a spoonful of oil, and stir well so that the sweet and sour juice will have a shiny texture.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

10. Finally, pour all the main ingredients of the pineapple grunt meat that has just been processed and drained into the pot, stir-fry evenly on high heat, and you can start the pot and plate it. Look, the dishes produced in this way are bright and full of color, with rich fruity and meaty aromas. Taste it, the meat is tender and not woody, the pineapple is crisp and sweet, not sour.

Make pineapple gollum meat pay attention to these 3 points, meat does not send firewood, sweet and sour, children especially love to eat [ingredients] [cooking steps] [3 points]

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > [3 points].</h1>

Point 1: Pork as far as possible to choose fat and lean, before the powder need to add an egg yolk to scratch mix, can increase the stickiness of the meat, so easy to shoot the powder is not easy to fall.

Point 2: Do not blanch the pineapple, directly rinse it with hot oil, or you can directly stir-fry the juice evenly and then out of the pot, which can ensure the crisp and tender taste.

Point 3: In the preparation of sweet and sour juice, do not add additional water, you need to add salt to enhance the taste, remember to add a spoonful of cooking oil after hooking, and stir it well, so that the sauce can be clear and sweet and clear and the color is bright and full.

The above is the method of [pineapple grunt meat] shared today, have you learned it?

I am Miaomiao, insist on creating high-quality food works, welcome to leave a message, collect and pay attention, and explore a delicious life with me!

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