
Stir-fried radish shrimp with celery lilies, crisp and tender and fragrant delicious stir-fry, can be made in just a few simple steps

author:Leisure time for Fu Ma

As soon as autumn enters, the weather becomes particularly dry. Today, we will make a classic dish of dried and moisturizing lungs, fried shrimp with celery lilies. Celery can promote gastrointestinal motility and can also lower blood pressure. Lilies can not only relieve fire and dryness, but also nourish and nourish the face. In order to enrich the taste and color of the dish, add some shrimp and carrots, it is more delicious and nutritious.

The ingredients are ready, so let's start

Sautéed carrot shrimp with celery lilies


1 celery, 2 fresh lilies, 10 fresh shrimp, 1 small carrot, 1 chives, 1 garlic, salt to taste.

Stir-fried radish shrimp with celery lilies, crisp and tender and fragrant delicious stir-fry, can be made in just a few simple steps

Practices and steps:

1. Prepare: Peel the carrots and cut them into diamond-shaped slices; wash the celery and cut into thick slices with a knife; wash and peel the lilies; cut the chives into green onions, slice the garlic, peel the shrimp and remove the sand.

Stir-fried radish shrimp with celery lilies, crisp and tender and fragrant delicious stir-fry, can be made in just a few simple steps
Stir-fried radish shrimp with celery lilies, crisp and tender and fragrant delicious stir-fry, can be made in just a few simple steps

2. Boil water in a pot, open the water into the celery and carrot slices, blanch slightly and remove for later.

3. Sauté the shrimp in the bottom oil and serve.

4. Sauté chives and garlic, add celery and carrot slices, stir-fry until broken, then add shrimp and lilies, stir-fry evenly, until the lilies edges are a little transparent, add salt, quickly stir-fry a few times, you can plate.

Stir-fried radish shrimp with celery lilies, crisp and tender and fragrant delicious stir-fry, can be made in just a few simple steps

A few simple steps, a crisp and tender and low-fat low-calorie dish is ready! Try it out in front of the screen!

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