
Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

author:Tien Shan cocoa

Introduction: Eat dried vegetables, especially dried radish do not fry directly, add one more step, not dry Baba is really delicious

Dish name "Dried radish stir-fried meat skin"

My family's dried radish is dried last autumn, which is a dried radish that is cut open and dried directly with radish, not a dried radish directly pickled with radish. I say this to declare dried radish, because there are two kinds of dried radish, one is pickled salted radish dried radish, the other is dried dried radish, and many people call pickled radish also called dried radish, so I can see it when I say this. I dried some dried radish every autumn, so that in the winter, I could stew and stir-fry the meat, and the taste was not lost to fresh radish.

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

I generally use fresh green radish to dry radish, this radish is less watery, good drying taste is heavier, after drying, the radish flavor becomes a lot lighter, if the stew fried meat to eat, the taste is particularly good. Some places to dry radish to use salt for a while to dry, this method I have not tried, do not feel very good, I generally wash the radish after directly cut into pieces of sun-dried, without pickling the radish. Although it has been dried for a long time, the taste has not changed, especially after it is soaked in cool water, and the taste is almost the same as that of fresh radish, and it is really good to fry. Stir-fry dried radish, do not fry directly, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish.

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

These days do not go out, are staying at home, is to eat dry vegetables, I New Year's brine meat skin, are frozen in the refrigerator, meat skin brine is really not afraid of freezing, with a fresh bag to seal the mouth, can be frozen for a long time without change the taste, my brine meat skin is preserved in this way. This time I used "dried radish stir-fried meat skin", with peppers together to fry, because the dried radish is more urgent to eat oil, be sure to fry out the oil of the brine meat skin, so that the dried radish absorbs the oil of the meat skin, and becomes not dry, eating full of fat is delicious.

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

Ingredients: 100 grams of dried radish, 300 grams of marinated meat skin, 2 green and red peppers

Excipients: vegetable oil, salt to taste, ginger 5 g, soy sauce 10 g, chicken essence 1 g

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

Method: 1, dry cleaning and washing the radish, soak in cold water for more than 2 hours, be sure to soak soft, there is time to soak overnight, so that the soaking is more thorough

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

2, wash several times, it is best to wash the dried radish into water, and then cut into slices or the same shape as the matching ingredients

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

3: Cut the skin of the marinated meat into strips, mince the ginger, wash and cut the strips

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

4: Heat the oil in a hot pan, heat the oil to 80% heat, and stir-fry the dried ginger and radish together to bring out the aroma

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

5: Add green and red pepper strips and stir-fry together to create a spicy taste

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

6, add salt and stir-fry evenly, add salt in advance because the skin of the marinated meat in the back already has a salt taste, so as to avoid having a salt taste again

7: Set aside the sautéed dried radish and marinate the meat skin

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

8, quickly stir-fry the aroma of the meat skin to produce the spiciness of oil and pepper

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

9: Stir-fry the three ingredients together, add raw soy sauce and stir-fry evenly

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

10, if it is too dry, you can add a little water and stir-fry evenly, so that it looks good and delicious

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

11, look at the shiny plus chicken essence

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

12, quickly stir-fry evenly out of the pot, dried radish is more oily, brine meat skin must be fried out of the grease out in order to integrate the dried radish delicious

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

Cocoa tips 1, dried radish is more oily, oil is more delicious, so the skin of the brine meat must be fried out of the fat, so that the dried radish absorption is delicious 2, the skin of the brine is salt, add salt must be before the skin of the brine meat under the pot, so that the skin will not have a salt taste again.

Stir-fry dried radish, do not directly under the pot, add one more step, the taste is delicious like fresh radish

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