
Today in history on October 15th

author:Daily classic excerpts

1. The Shenzhou No. 5 manned spacecraft was successfully launched

Today in history on October 15th

Shenzhou V, abbreviated as "Shen Wu", is the fifth spacecraft launched by China's manned space project and the first manned spacecraft launched by the People's Republic of China.

Today in history on October 15th

The Shenzhou No. 5 spacecraft carried astronaut Yang Liwei at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9 o'clock on October 15, 2003, and ran 14 times in orbit, lasting 21 hours and 23 minutes, and its return module returned to the main landing site in Inner Mongolia at 6:23 Beijing time on October 16, 2003, and its orbital module remained in orbit for half a year.

Today in history on October 15th

The successful launch of Shenzhou-5 has fulfilled the Chinese nation's wish to fly for a thousand years, is a high degree of condensation of the wisdom and spirit of the Chinese nation, and is a new milestone in China's aerospace industry in the 21 st century.

2. China's first cross-river bridge - Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge opened to traffic

Today in history on October 15th

Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge (Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge) is a river crossing channel connecting Hanyang District and Wuchang District in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, located on the Yangtze River waterway, is the first public railway dual-purpose Yangtze River Bridge built after the founding of New China, and is also one of the important historical landmarks of Wuhan City, known as the "First Bridge of the Yangtze River".

Today in history on October 15th

Construction began on 1 September 1955 and it opened to traffic on 15 October 1957. The bridge starts from chuqin interchange in the west, spans the Yangtze River waterway in the upper part, and reaches Zhongshan Road in the east, with a total length of 1156 meters, the upper bridge deck is a two-way four-lane urban trunk road, and the lower layer is a double-track railway track, with a total investment of 138 million yuan.

On March 8, 2021, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was rated as one of the "Top Ten Scenic Spots in Wuhan".

3. Chinese scholar Li Yuanzhe won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Today in history on October 15th

Yuan Tseh Lee (born November 19, 1936), male, Han Chinese, born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan Province, famous chemical scientist, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, National Medal of Science, Harrison Howe Award of the American Chemical Society, Peter Debye Prize for Physical Chemistry, Lawrence Prize of the United States Department of Energy, National Science Prize, Royal Baifarth Prize in Chemistry, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician of the American Academy of Humanities and Sciences, Academician of the German Academy of Sciences, Taiwan" Academician of academia Sinica, member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, honorary professor of the University of California, Berkeley.

Li Yuanzhe graduated from the Department of Chemistry of National Taiwan University with a bachelor's degree in science in 1959 and a master's degree in 1961.

In 1986, Li Yuanzhe and The United States Receiveddley Hirschbach of Harvard University and John Polani of the University of Toronto in Canada jointly won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research achievements in reaction dynamics using cross-molecular beam experimental methods. Among them, Li Yuanzhe's research is to apply the cross-molecular beam experimental method to chemical reactions in general, especially the chemical reactions of larger molecules, and use lasers to excite molecules or atoms that have been accelerated but have not yet collided, so as to control the type of chemical reactions that occur. On January 15, 1994, Lee renounced his U.S. citizenship and returned to Taiwan.

Li Yuanzhe is mainly engaged in the research of chemical dynamics. He has made outstanding contributions to chemical kinetics, kinematics, molecular beams and photochemistry.

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