
Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

author:Cover News

As May Day approaches, many foreign tourists regard Chengdu as a destination. And come to Chengdu, how to eat happy and eat at ease? This cover news, Chengdu Fan'er and 11 mainstream media across the country released the "Chengdu Cheats" is indispensable!

Many tourists come to Chengdu, and the hot pot is bound to be eaten. Unlike the dry and spicy of Chongqing hot pot, the spicy of Chengdu hot pot is mild. At the same time, Chengdu hot pot also extends many branches, such as frog fish head hot pot, rabbit hot pot and so on. The beauty frog and the fish head are two unrelated things, but in front of humans, they coincidentally collided together to form the beautiful frog fish head hot pot. There are many beautiful frog fish head hot pots in Chengdu, and the delicious hot blood beautiful frog fish is definitely one of the best.

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

Cross-border joint name features the beauty of the frog must be

Weizhizhi has been open in Chengdu for ten years and is a well-known old brand. There are many branches in Chengdu, and you can eat in the southeast, southwest, and northwest.

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

For foreign tourists, it is recommended to go to the Weizhi Branch Hua Shop or Judu Shop. Kehua main store won the public comment 2019-2021 for 3 consecutive years must eat list of restaurants, at the same time with the happy mahjong hair boy to do the east of the IP cross-border, together to create a mahjong theme store, in addition to the exquisite waiting area that can punch the card out of the film rate is very high, foreign tourists can also taste the theme time limit set mahjong style dessert - frog happy cup in the store; judu store is located next to the South Gate Bridge Wanli, adjacent to Wuhou Temple and Jinli, After eating frogs, you can feel the historical and cultural atmosphere of Chengdu.

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

And come to the taste of the meal, hot blood beautiful frog, silver carp head, snow top bean cup, ice soup balls these specialties must order. Especially the beautiful frogs, each one is killed and made, and the whole big fat beautiful frog is directly under the pot, full of carnal desire. The soul of the delicious taste lies in the rapeseed oil! More than 200 degrees of high-temperature rapeseed oil is poured on the head of the frog fish, and the aroma of pepper and pepper is exerted to the extreme in the sound of the oil rolling.

And the rapeseed oil pot bottom in the store is disposable, safe and safer, do not have to worry about acne on the face after eating

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot
Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

Ten years of hard work just for this pot

Participating in the "Chengdu Cheats" activity, Weizhizhi also specially sent out 50 yuan no threshold voucher to let foreign tourists eat happily and save money!

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

Seriously do the taste, do the service in a down-to-earth manner. In the brand concept of taste, Sichuan taste is not only a taste, but also a service and spirit. "It can experience the precipitation of time and the test of the market, and can adapt to the changes of the times, which can not only be recognized by consumers in the local market, but also establish a hot pot brand with the label of 'Sichuan taste' nationwide." This is the philosophy we pursue. The person in charge of the taste explained.

Chengdu Cheats Beauty Frog Fish Head: Taste of the Absolute Blood Beauty Frog Fish Ten years of hard work is only for one pot

As a well-known brand merchant in Sichuan, Weizhizhi is equipped with a perfect kitchen operation sop management manual, regional inspection and mystery shopper spot check system, and each store has a clear file, which can see all the operations in the kitchen. Therefore, for tourists who go out, everyone can not only taste the delicious frog head of Chengdu for 10 years, but also let everyone eat comfortably, eat with confidence, and eat with peace of mind!

Ten years of hard work, just for this pot. During May Day, everyone is welcome to pull grass!

Cover news reporter Lu Yangyang

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