
The different "June 1st" Changsha special police came with the police dog "Wang Wang Team"

author:Red Net
The different "June 1st" Changsha special police came with the police dog "Wang Wang Team"

The training subject exercise of the police dog "Wang Wang Team".

The different "June 1st" Changsha special police came with the police dog "Wang Wang Team"

Safety literacy.

Red Net Moment May 31 (reporter Guo Weican correspondent Duan Yiliang) "Wow, this wall-piercing radar is so powerful!" "The camera on the head of the police dog can communicate in real time, handsome!" On the afternoon of May 31st, in Yucai Dongtun Primary School in Furong District, Changsha City, hundreds of children ushered in a different "June 1st" Children's Day, and the SWAT team members of the Third Special Police Brigade of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau Special Patrol Police Detachment came to the school with advanced special equipment and police dogs "Wang Wang Team" to send a unique police technology exhibition and safety knowledge popularization activity for the teachers and students of the school.

"Kids, please look to the top right, now flying to you is the latest police rescue drone." Swat police team members used a variety of police drones to interact with teachers and students on the spot and carried out an air show, and the training subject drill of the police dog "Wang Wang Team" won the applause of teachers and students of the whole school. At the scene of the event, Changsha special police also exhibited more than 100 pieces of scientific and technological equipment such as police wall-piercing radar and real-time wireless communication devices, carried out safety knowledge publicity and campus security team skills training, and carried out a police academy linkage all-element anti-terrorism and anti-riot practical exercise.

It is reported that this safety knowledge into the campus activity is the Changsha special police actively implement the "four joints, four visits, I do practical things for the masses" work requirements, in-depth promotion of the province's public security organs science and technology week activities continue to carry out the specific practice, equipment display, knowledge publicity, riot drills and other activities to further strengthen the campus protection, enhance the students' safety awareness, tighten the police academy linkage mechanism, fully demonstrate the new achievements and new progress in the reform and innovation of public security work.

"Popularize scientific and technological knowledge, popularize the application of science and technology, disseminate scientific ideas, and cultivate innovative thinking", the relevant responsible comrades of the special patrol police detachment of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau said that the Changsha special police will always be guided by "rejuvenating the police through science and technology", deepen the scientific and technological innovation of the police, promote the development of police science and technology, vigorously improve the scientific and cultural quality of the SWAT team members, organically combine the scientific and technological innovation of the police with the maintenance of peace and stability, and serve the people, so that the new achievements of police science and technology and scientific popularization activities will further enhance the people's "sense of gain, happiness and security".