
Boling Cui clan and Boling Anping tomb group
Boling Cui clan and Boling Anping tomb group

Epitaph of Cui Jingyi of the Northern Wei Dynasty

The Song Dynasty's "Guangyun" says that Cui Shi "went out of the Qinghe River and looked at Boling erwang". The Boling Cui clan is a famous and prestigious family that has endured for thousands of years. From the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the Boling Cui family has produced more than twenty prime ministers, hundreds of officials above the level of generals and attendants, and countless poets, writers, calligraphers and painters. Cui Zhouping is only one of the brilliant stars of this family.

Boling was originally the name of the mausoleum, and there are still a huge tomb group of the Cui family in Anping. Later, it was changed from the name of the mausoleum to the name of the county, which began in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Book of Later Han and the Chronicle of Emperor Huan reads: "(In the second year of peace) in May, Xin Di was buried with Empress Xiaochong. "In the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Boling County was established, and the seat of governance was in Liwu, which is today's Li County, Hebei. In the first year (158) of the Han Huan Emperor Yanxi, Boling Commandery (博陵郡) moved to Ping'an County, which is today's Anping County, Hebei. During the Jian'an period of the Han Dynasty, Boling County was deposed and returned to Anping County. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Tai of the Western Jin Dynasty, he set up the State of Boling, and the seat of government was still in Anping. The Song dynasty Ouyang Chen wrote in the "Guangji of Youdi" that "the Jin Dynasty changed Boling to Bolu." "Northern Wei Fu changed to Boling County, which belonged to Dingzhou. At that time, Dingzhou was in charge of the five counties of Zhongshan, Changshan, Julu, Boling and Beiping. Boling County administers the four counties of Raoyang, Anping, Shenze and Anguo, and the seat of government is In Anping. Until the Northern Zhou Dynasty, there were few changes. During the Sui Dynasty, Northern Qi established Boling Commandery in Anping.

Tang Duyou's Tongdian Prefecture County, Boling County, said: "Emperor Jue initially established Boling County, which was later changed to Gaoyang County. Datang is Dingzhou, or Boling County. "Since the Tang Dynasty, Boling has been called exclusive dingzhou. Main house support:

Boling'an Pingfang, a descendant of Cui Ang, the tenth grandson of the Eastern Han Dynasty Taishou Cui Jun, is called Boling'an Pingfang

Boling Dafang, a descendant of Former Yan secretary Cui Yi's eldest son Ling Cui Yu of Julu County, was called Boling Dafang

The second room of Boling, the second son of former Yan secretary Cui Yi, Raoyang County Ling, and the descendant of Boling Taishou Cui Kun, is called the second room of Boling

The third room of Boling, a descendant of Cui Ge, the third son of Former Yan secretary Cui Yi, is called the third room of Boling

The fourth room of Boling, a descendant of Cui Miao, the fourth son of Former Yan secretary Cui Yi, was called the fourth room of Boling

The fifth room of Boling, a descendant of The fifth son of Former Yan secretary Cui Yi, Xiucai Cui Shu, is called the fifth room of Boling

The sixth room of Boling, the descendant of Cui Yi, the sixth son of Former Yan secretary Cui Yi, the seventh son Cui Bao, and the eighth son Cui Kan, is collectively known as the sixth room of Boling

It can be seen that Boling County has been abolished several times in history, the name has been changed several times, the jurisdiction has been expanded several times, and the administrative office has been relocated several times. However, in general, the area under its jurisdiction is between the historical Hejian Kingdom and the Zhongshan Kingdom. That is, the area around Anping, Raoyang, Shenzhou, Shenze, Gaoyang, Lixian, Boye, Anguo and Dingzhou in today's Hebei. The seat of boling was in today's Li County or Boye during the Eastern Han Dynasty, in today's Anping during the Jin Dynasty, in today's Shenzhou during the Sui Dynasty, and in today's Dingzhou after the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The main activity area of the Boling Cui clan is concentrated in the Anping area, so the history books mostly call the descendants of the Boling Cui clan "Boling Anping people".

During the Qin and Han dynasties, Cui Yiru, a descendant of Jizi, served as the grand master of the State of Qin (present-day Xianyang, Shaanxi) and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Lai. In the Han Dynasty, Cui Ye attacked the lord and lived in Qinghe. Cui Ye's younger brother Cui Zhongmu lived in Boling Anping, and later divided into boling an pingfang, Boling big house, boling second room, boling third room and other tribes. This is the beginning of the Boling Cui clan.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Boling Cui clan and the Qinghe Cui clan were both Shandong Wang clans, and during the Northern Dynasty, the Shi clan was paid attention to the Mendi, and the Cui clan was listed as a first-class surname "Cui Lu Li Zheng Wang". During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Boling Cui clan was a first-class high-gate clan. By the early years of the Tang Dynasty, among the five surnames and seven families in the first list of county surnames in the country, the Cui surname accounted for two, namely the Boling Cui clan and the Qinghe Cui clan.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, according to the surname of the Shi clan, it was said that "Cui, Lu, Li, Zheng, and Wang" were all first-class Shi clans. When officials in the early Tang Dynasty revised the "Clan Chronicle", according to the custom, they listed Cui as the first surname, and when Tang Taizong learned of it, he was furious and said: Cui has neither an official nor a talent, so why is it listed as the first? Am I the Son of Heaven of li, and I am still inferior to the Cui family? Later, the Tang government ordered that the imperial family Name Li be changed to the first, the Imperial Family's Sun Clan ranked second, and the Cui surname and other Shandong Shi clans ranked third.

From the Han to the Song Dynasty, the Boling Cui clan was constantly prominent among high-ranking officials. The most famous of these was Cui Xuanwei of the Tang Dynasty, who participated in the "Shenlong Coup", forcing the Zhou Emperor Wu Zetian to abdicate, restoring Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian to the throne, and restoring the Tang dynasty. Cui Xuanwei was later created the Prince of Boling County, and together with Zhang Kamzhi, Huan Yanfan, Yuan Shuji, and Jinghui, he was known as the "Five Kings" by the people of the time. The Song Dynasty's "Guangyun" says that Cui Shi "went out of the Qing River and looked at Boling erwang".

Shi Zai, Cui Clan "from the Han dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the reputation of The Great Prosperity Yixing, and the Longxi Li Clan, the Zhao Junli Clan, the Xingyang Zheng Clan, the Fanyang Lu Clan, the Taiyuan Wang Clan and the Thousand Year Old Clan... The smellers looked at each other one after another. "From the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, for more than a thousand years, the high-ranking officials of the Boling and Qinghe Cui clans have been endlessly prominent. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were as many as ten People of the Cui Clan (including the Cui Clan of Qinghe) and twenty-six of them who received knighthoods; as many as twenty-seven people were unbelievably popular in the Tang Dynasty, and more than 400 officials of the Five Pins or above in the Government and the Public, which was a temporary prosperity, and no other family was unsurpassed. Therefore, the cui surname is also known as the "surname of the prime minister". At that time, there was a folk saying that "the ugly daughter of the Cui family did not worry about marrying, but the royal princess married but was worried". In this sense, a considerable part of the history of the Northern Dynasty and the Sheng Tang Dynasty was written by the Cui people, and it is reasonable to become a county. These stories of the Cui family have been passed down as good stories by posterity. It is precisely because this family has many characters who uphold loyalty and filial piety, are upright and upright, and ask for the people's lives, which makes this family able to stand on the world with personality and maintain a strong vitality.

The Cui family has made positive contributions to the development and progress of Chinese culture, and it can be said that talents have emerged and history is endless. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were the literary scholar Cui Xiao, the calligrapher Cui Xiao, and the political commentator Cui Yu, all of whom were Boling Anping people. Most of the Cui celebrities during the Southern and Northern Dynasties came from the Eastern WuCheng of Qinghe, such as the Northern Wei official Shangshu, the White Horse Gong Cui Hong, situ Cui Hao, the scribe Cui Lingen, the historian Cui Hong, and the calligrapher Cui Yue. In the Tang Dynasty, there were poets Cui Guofu, Cui Hao, Cui Huo, politicians Cui Renshi, Cui Xuanwei, Cui Lin, etc., and their status was prominent for a while. Later, the Northern Song Dynasty had the painter Cui Bai, who was good at painting flowers and bamboo, birds and birds, and the scribe Cui Zifang. In the Yuan Dynasty, there was the calligrapher and painter Cui Yanhui, the Famous Minister Cui Chengxiu and the painter Cui Zizhong in the Ming Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, there were scholars Cui Shu and scribe Cui Ji. In modern times, there is the scribe Cui Shi.

The Tombs of the Cui clan in Boling are mostly concentrated in the area of Donghuangcheng Village in Anping County. According to the custom of the Cui family to return to their hometown after death, there are many ancient tombs left near the Cui family's gathering place. 500 meters southeast of Donghuangcheng Village in Anping County, there is the tomb of Cui Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty, also known as Cui Cemetery. 100 meters east of Cui's tomb, there is the tomb of Cui Jingyi of the Northern Wei Dynasty. There is also the tomb of Cui Chengxuan in the Qing Dynasty. In addition, there are dozens of ancient tombs of unknown sizes and unknown names nearby. The entire tomb group covers an area of about 25,000 square meters. At present, the tomb group of East Huangcheng in Anping County has been listed by the Hebei Provincial Government as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit.

【Link】Qinghe Cuishi

The Qinghe Cui clan was a famous clan in the north from the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang dynasties in China. The Cui clan of Qinghe was one of the Dukes of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, and lived in Qinghe County (清河郡, in modern Qinghe County, Hebei) during the Western Han Dynasty, and later became a Wang clan in Shandong after the Eastern Han Dynasty, of which Cui Yan once surrendered to Cao Cao. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Shi clan was particularly prominent, and in the north, later Wei listed the Cui clan as a first-class surname, Cui Lu Li Zheng. Until the Tang Dynasty, the founding state had five surnames and seven families, and the Cui family was still standing among them. Main house support:

The Zhengzhou Cui clan , the Northern Wei Dynasty Assassin Shi Cui Wei settled in Xingyang , and his descendants were named Zhengzhou Cui Shi.

Xuzhou Yanling House, Cui Wei's youngest son Cui Yu lived in Yanling, and a room was named Xuzhou YanlingFang.

The Southern Zu Cui clan, consisting of three branches: Wushuifang, Cui Kuang crossed the Yellow River with Murong De, and settled in Wushui in Qi County, and his descendants were called Wushuifang. The Northern Wei And Ji Prefecture Assassin Shi Cui Qun settled in Lantian County, and his descendants were named Nanzu Cui. The fifth son of the Northern Wei secretary and retainer, Cui Yi (崔祎四), was also known as the Southern Ancestor Cui (南祖崔氏).

Qinghe Dafang, the descendants of the Northern Wei Duzhi, The Seven Soldiers, and the Three Shangshu Cui Xiu in the Palace are called Qinghe Dafang.

Qinghe Xiaofang, the descendant of Cui Xiu's brother Prince Sheren of Northern Wei and Le'an Taishou Cui Wei was named Qinghe Xiaofang.

Qinghe Qingzhou Fang, Liu Song Taishan Taishou Cui Ji moved to Qingzhou, and his descendants were named Qinghe Qingzhou Fang.

The Cui family moved south, mainly Cui Ye's eighth grandson Cui Mi. Cui Mi had two sons: the eldest son Cui Ba, and the second son Cui Yan. This lineage roughly originated from Cui Yan to the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Cui Ba's one is not very prosperous. Cui Yan (崔琰), courtesy name Ji Jue, was a former lieutenant and lieutenant of Cao Wei. Cui Yan had two sons: Cui Yu and Cui Qin.

Cui Yu (崔豫), who served as the Shu Ling of Jinzhong (晋中書令), and Cui Yu (崔遇), the son of Cui Yu (崔宇), was Huang Menlang (黄門郎), and Cui Yu (崔匲), the son of Cui Yu (崔匳), served as the Former Qin Qi Commandery Taishou (太守) and the Northern Wei Imperial History of The Imperial History. Cui Qi had seven sons: the second son died early, and the other five sons were more famous as Cui Yi, Cui Yi, and Cui Yi. During the period when Liu Song occupied Shandong, Cui served as the Assassin of Qing and Ji Prefectures. Cui Yi served as an official in Liu Song, and after Northern Wei occupied Qing and Qi, Cui Yi's grandson xiangru entered Northern Wei and once held up Jizhou Xiucai. Cui Yi initially served as the Prince of Northern Wei to wash horses, then rose to the rank of Commander of the Scattered Horse, and was later appointed by Emperor Taiwu of Wei as the Assassin of Jizhou.

Cui Qin, this branch is called Qinghe Qingzhou Fang. Cui Qin's son Cui Jing, Cui Jing's grandson Cui Qiong, and Cui Qiong's son Cui Ji. Cui Qiong served as Murong Chui's vassal. Cui Ji moved south to Qingzhou with Murong Shi, and Cui Ji served as the Taishou of Mount Taishan of the Liu Song Dynasty. Cui Ji had two sons, the eldest son, Shuzhi, the second son, Mu Lian, and the second son, Cui Daogu. Cui Xiuzhi's son Yuansun served as Liu Song Shangshulang. Cui Liang, the son of the Yuan Sun, who lost his father when he was a teenager, first joined his mother Fang Shi in his uncle Cui Daogu, and after the Northern Wei Pingsan Qi, he was moved to Sangqian. Later, he was appreciated by Li Chong and recommended as Dr. Zhongshu. Cui Mulian's son, The Monk You, served as a general of the Liu Song Dynasty and later surrendered to Northern Wei. His younger brother, Monk Yuan, served as the Assassin of Southern Qingzhou in Northern Wei. Cui Daogu first served as an official in the Liu Song Dynasty, serving as the Assassin of Xu and Yan'er prefectures, and later successively held the posts of Assassin history of Jizhou and Xuzhou Assassin. Later, after descending to Northern Wei, he served as the Taishou of Pingqi County.

In the second year of Tianxing (399 AD), the Daowu Emperor Tuoba Si killed Cui Kui, and most of Cui Kuo's sons fled to the south to become officials. In the eleventh year of the Taiping Zhenjun (450 AD), Emperor Taiwu killed Cui Hao and killed all his people. Therefore, the Qinghe Cui clan mentioned thereafter mainly refers to the descendants of Cui Qi's descendants who fled south and the descendants of Lingmao, and the descendants of Cui Hao are little known to posterity. Lingmao's descendants began as Lingmao's son Zhi Bao (稚宝) as a Northern Wei ancestral minister before becoming an official in the northern regime.

After the Qinghe Cui clan, the Changshi Northern Dynasty, in which Cui Haolishi Northern Wei Daowu, Ming Yuan, and Taiwu Emperor, officials to Situ, participated in the military plan, and played a positive role in promoting the unification of the north of Northern Wei. Later generations praised him as "the first-rate military strategist of the Southern and Northern Dynasties". During the Sui and Tang dynasties of the Northern Dynasty, together with the Boling Cui clan, the Longxi Li clan, the Zhao County Li clan, the Fanyang Lu clan, the Xingyang Zheng clan, and the Taiyuan Wang clan, they were called "five surnames and seven families".

In the Tang Dynasty, the Cui clan was still prominent, and 23 people served as prime ministers. Officials in the early Tang Dynasty revised the "Clan Chronicle" and listed the Cui clan as the first, and Tang Taizong was furious after learning of it: "The Cui clan has long declined, and there are no prominent officials and no talents, so why is it listed as the first?" Am I the Son of Heaven of li, and I am still inferior to the Cui family? "It was ordered to be changed to the first of the imperial li clan, the second of the empress clan of the Sun clan, and the third of the Cui clan and other Shandong Shi clans. Despite this, the Cui clan is still a high gate of the Shi clan.

The Cui clan of Qinghe was once divided into the Boling Cui clan, which was also one of the famous warrior clans of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

In the Later Tang Dynasty, the system of taking scholars by examination gradually replaced the "Nine Pins Zhongzheng System", and the clans gradually lost the protection of imperial power, and at the same time, with the division and war of the Later Tang Dynasty, especially under the blows of the Huangchao Uprising, the entire social system formed since the Wei and Jin Dynasties was fragmented, so the power of the Qinghe Cui clan and other scholars basically disappeared. (Collected by Jia Zhan'an)