
Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

author:Chinese ramen mesh

According to the data of Meituan Dianping, the takeaway order volume under the school scene accounts for 13%, and the hotel accounts for 8%, but in the distribution of the transaction volume of the takeaway ordering scene, the transaction volume under the school and hotel scene accounts for the same 8%, because the people who live in the hotel generally have high spending power, mostly travel personnel, and the unit price of customers is much higher than that of students.

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

Therefore, you can't use your intuition to judge because you are familiar with which scene, so it is easy to make one-sided decisions.

But some bosses ask: Is it necessary to use data to make the right decisions?

So let's use the second option as an example, the number of hot pot restaurants in Chengdu in 2017 is higher than that in Chongqing. According to Meituan-Dianping data, the number of hot pot restaurants in Chongqing was 9777 in 2017, and the number of hot pot shops in Chengdu was 14980. The market in Chengdu is very large, we know at a glance, but does this mean that when we open a store in Chongqing, we have not opened a store in Chengdu to make money? Obviously not.

Through the comparison of different data, we found that the increase in hot pot orders in Chongqing reached 170.5%, and the order amount increased by 96.5% year-on-year, which was faster than that of Chengdu, and the market demand in Chongqing was greater.

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

So a single fragment of data can't help us make the right decisions, what is needed is multi-dimensional computation.

The catering industry has been upgraded from a large river to a vast ocean, the fish in the water are getting bigger and bigger, the species are becoming more and more abundant, completely using "intuition" and fragmented data to make decisions, it is inevitable to make empirical mistakes, then an old captain to upgrade the equipment, it needs a nautical compass, always grasp the sea trends, the first time to know when there is wind and rain, which sea is the most abundant.

In order to let the bosses set sail at sea, they returned with a full load. After 5 months of boiling, we have held hands with Meituan and created a nautical compass exclusive to restaurant owners based on Meituan-Dianping's all-dimensional massive transaction data--- "China Catering Report 2018".

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

Zhou Qiren, an economist and professor at the National Institute of Development Studies at Peking University, started the report for the first time on the day of its release.

He said, why does catering attract me?

First, the people take food as the sky, how noisy is the housing expenditure? Per capita daily expenditure is more than 20%, and eating accounts for 30%;

Second, the catering industry takes the lead in realizing the market-oriented allocation of resources, truly frugal by people, free choice, can develop;

Third, catering is the largest domestic demand consumer market.

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

Since the release of the report, more than 500 catering enterprises, upstream and downstream enterprises, investment and financing, and commercial entities have received orders.

For example, Xibei, Grandma's House, Zhen Kung Fu and other restaurant companies have purchased;

For example, Yum's multi-departmental procurement, repurchase, and also invited internal counselors to interpret the report at their companies;

For example, after purchasing 30 copies at a time, an enterprise in Guangdong purchased 30 copies at a time and sent 30 additional copies to the branch;

Alibaba, Huawei, Lenovo and other corporate giants have also purchased...

More than a large number of catering enterprises to data reports as an important business decision-making basis, operation and management guidelines:

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?
Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

△ After the launch of the "China Catering Report 2017", many readers suggested adding urban analysis.

Compared with last year's "China Catering Report 2017", data scanning and analysis of 18 cities across the country and special analysis of the takeaway market have been added.

The report last year was 30,000 words, this year 100,000 words.

More than 60 charts last year and more than 300 charts this year.

Last year, in addition to the catering industry context, a takeaway report and 18 city reports were added this year, which were divided into two volumes.

However, the price has not changed compared to last year.

The increase does not increase the price, only hope that the valuable report will be seen by more people.

Restaurant owners need intuition because it's the treasure they've accumulated over the years; at the same time, they need big data, the sea is unpredictable, and who can safely transport the treasure home is the real winner.

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?
Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

△ Some companies that have been booked. Among them, there are a large number of catering enterprises, upstream and downstream enterprises, but also law firms, banks, investors...

If you have studied the "China Catering Report 2018", welcome to share your impressions with us and give us your comments and suggestions.

If you haven't read it yet, you might as well learn about the value of this report from now on .

In the China Dining Report 2018, you will see:

(1) When you are busy with specific affairs every day, what is changing in the 14 trillion "entrance business"?

(2) In the 70% shuffle ratio of the catering industry every year, what point may your business be in?

(3) Which categories are rising and which categories are withering? What kind of track are you walking on?

(4) Which brands are attacking the city and which brands are retiring?

(5) What kind of migration has occurred in consumer groups? Have you ever stepped on the pulse of quasi-consumption upgrades?

(6) How many peers and what kind of peers are racing against you?

(7) Catering ushered in the era of full retail, to what extent did takeaway climb the passing line?

(8) In which field is capital "pinching", do you have any opportunities to pick up gold?

(9) Technology is the source of efficiency, efficiency is the foundation of the enterprise, what technologies can help you save time and efficiency?

(10) Organizational strength determines combat effectiveness, how large is the displacement of your combat system?

(11) The supply chain has become the underlying competitiveness, how deep will you build a moat?

(12) What about commercial feng shui in your city? What kind of ecology nourishes you more?

A catalogue of this report

Preface 1 Zhang Chuan: Looking at the future trend from the perspective of catering big data

Prologue 2 Qin Dynasty: When more and more new dimensions appeared in the catering system

First, the industry context

❶ Catering revenue in 2017 was 3.9 trillion yuan

P The main contradiction in society promotes the upgrading of catering consumption

E Consumption has been the primary driving force for economic growth for three consecutive years

S Well-off PLUS gave birth to lifestyle restaurants

T Mobile Internet technology expands the scale of consumption

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

❷ Catering practitioners increased by 7 million people a year

Cross-border Kochi promotes genetic mutations in industry talents

The accumulated advantages of the traditional catering industry have emerged

❸ A new wave of Chinese food going to sea

There are about 600,000 overseas Chinese restaurants

More than 1 in 3 Americans eat Chinese food at least once a month

❹ Takeaway into a catering universal ability module

2017 online takeaway 300 billion

The average price of takeaway units rose by 18 yuan in 3 years

In 2018, 13% of the takeaway penetration rate of restaurant enterprises was the passing line

❺ One-piece dining has exploded, with one dish opening fire to a restaurant

❻ Second-, third- and fourth-tier cities have become catering growth potential points

❼ Investment and financing: More than 60 investment institutions frequently "pinch the tip" and invest in more than 100 catering projects

❽ Changes in catering mixing: there is a bottleneck in cognition, and there is no boundary in business

New species: catering + retail + leisure + entertainment + N

New model: "dine-in + takeaway + delivery + circulation food" multi-core drive

New battlefield: 6,000 Mall into a new battlefield for catering brands

New speed: from 5 years a cycle to a 3 year cycle

2. Category report

● Overview of all categories

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

1. Changes in the number of stores: snack fast food increased by 610,000 a year, and bread desserts decreased by 100,000 a year

2. Fluctuations in order volume: the average price of light meal categories has risen, and the average price of meals, Western food and buffets has declined

3. Price band analysis: 1.7 million! Snack fast food customers have the largest number of shops with a unit price of 15 to 25 yuan

4. Search volume ranking: the popularity of drinks has risen sharply, and "meals" and "drinks" are equally divided

● Analysis of key categories

1. Snack simple fast food: The annual increase of snack simple fast food stores in 5 cities is more than 5,000

> The reason for the rapid development of snack simple fast food

> the biggest opportunity for category branding into snacks and fast food

> Snacks are the largest incubator for food and retail

2. New forces in drinks: The number of beverage shops surpasses hot pot to become the third major track

> Fundamentals of the Beverage Market: Ushering in the "Three Highs" in History

> The scale of the ready-made beverage industry exceeds 100 billion

> The potential for beverage consumption in second-tier cities far exceeds that of first-tier cities

> User population: The average age is 25.5 years, and seven become women

> User taste preferences: the north loves milk more, and the south loves tea more

> Beverage investment heat map

3. Hot pot subdivision chart: the subdivision trend is obvious, and the performance of skewers and fish hot pot is eye-catching

> Store changes: The number of hot pots in Beijing exceeds that in Chongqing, and the number of hot pot restaurants everywhere is decreasing

> Subdivision Category: Skewers of incense into the first major subdivision of hot pot

> New species of retail: The market size of convenient small hot pot is expected to reach 60 billion

> Queuing Index: Clear soup shabu catches up with Sichuan-Chongqing spicy

> customer unit price distribution: 50 ~ 80 yuan is the most competitive price band

4. New heat of barbecue: Beijing barbecue shops are the most, and Harbin barbecue has closed more than 2,000 times a year

> Three hot grills: production standardization, consumption scenario, and young customers

> Three factors lead to a high failure rate of barbecues

> New positioning and new models bring new impetus to barbecue

5. Sichuan cuisine hot and spicy value: the number of Sichuan cuisine stores in the country has decreased by 40,000 a year, and the closure rate of Sichuan cuisine stores in 13 cities has exceeded 10%

6. Competition in Japanese and Korean cuisine has intensified, with the number of Japanese and Korean restaurants in Shanghai decreasing by 4,700 in a year

● Brand heat

1. Order volume ranking: The top 5 are all "chicken"

2. The number of brand online stores ranked, and Zhengxin chicken steak won the championship

3. National taste, environment, service ranking: Haidilao ranked in the top five

3. Takeaway report

● Ten years of takeaway, great changes in the world

1. From 2013 to 2017, takeaway growth rate of more than 100% for four consecutive years

2. The number of takeaway users exceeds 300 million, which will be equivalent to that of Taobao users

3. The daily order volume is nearly 30 million, and at least 10% of users order takeaway every day

People aged 4.20 to 30 years old contributed 65% of the order volume, and 35 to 45 years old people had the highest unit price

5. From food delivery to delivery of everything, non-catering takeaway accounted for 7.4%

7. The non-dinner period grows rapidly, and the space for breakfast and supper is huge

8. The dining scene is more abundant, and the hotel has become a new growth point

● Four favorable factors for the development of china's takeaway

1. Chinese the uniqueness and richness of the diet

2. China's demographic dividend: the population is large and dense

3. The promotion of platforms and Internet companies

4. The traditional forces of the industry are relatively weak

● Natural selection, survival of the fittest

1. More than 30% of merchants access takeaway, covering 1600 cities

2. The takeaway market in third- and fourth-tier cities is vast, and there is still room in first- and second-tier cities

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

3. The Matthew effect is obvious, and 1/4 of the orders come from well-known brand merchants

4. The top 20 brands in terms of takeaway transaction volume account for 12.6% of the overall share

● The water depth is large and the waves are large, and the evolution is stimulated

1. The policy is strictly regulated

2. Capital investment in the middle and upper reaches

3. Intelligent system continuous progress

4. Merchants self-revolution

> Efficiency Revolution of Millions of Gold

> Haidilao adheres to the high-end market

> "Tamagoya" in a small county town

5. New retail is roaring up

> Retail brands maintain super-high growth

> Meizhou Dongpo increased its income by 300 million yuan a year

> Zhou Black Duck's takeaway revenue was 284 million yuan, and the e-commerce income was 344 million yuan

> Funiutang: "Breaking the Boundary" of New Catering

● Category wars

1. The proportion of fast food snacks has decreased slightly

2. The rapid rise of local cuisine

3. Japanese and Korean cuisine is treated coldly

4. Seafood/BBQ is the most uptick

5. Cantonese people prefer to eat Western food

6. Dessert drinks into potential tracks

4. Consumer Reports

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

The rise of post-90s consumption: The post-90s catering consumption is nearly twice that of the post-80s

2. The consumer demand of young people

3. Elements that young people pay attention to in food and beverage consumption

> products are very focused on taste

> style is very concerned about appearance

> Liked to be just right in terms of service

> Price is value for money

4. There are 940,000 more sweet and umami restaurants than spicy restaurants

5. City reports

Beijing| Shanghai| Guangzhou| Shenzhen| Chengdu | Hangzhou

Wuhan | Chongqing| Nanjing| Tianjin| Xi'an | Shenyang

Zhengzhou | Dongguan| Ningbo| Changsha| Harbin | Kunming

Why has this catering report attracted Alibaba, Huawei, and Lenovo to snap up?

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