
The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

author:Colorful magpie vkCsTe

Did you know? Who is the largest company in the world right now? That's Nvidia! These people are not only selling chips, they are the bigwigs in the technology circle, and their market value has exceeded 24 trillion! Let's break it down and talk about what's going on behind it.

The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

The name Nvidia is something you've probably seen on a computer, in a mobile phone, or in those tall tech gadgets. But you know what? The story of the company's transformation from an ordinary chipmaker to a giant in the tech world is dramatic.

Let's start with 2017, Nvidia is no longer satisfied with being a small chip player. They began to aggressively attack the AI and data center markets. You think, at that time, artificial intelligence was not as hot as it is now, but Nvidia was like an old fox who smelled the fragrance of this piece of fat. They're starting to focus on AI technology, and it's not just about selling hardware.

The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

In 2020, these people made a big deal and directly acquired Arm Holdings. Oops, this is amazing, Arm is the world's famous mobile device chip design boss, and now Nvidia is not only bullish on servers and AI chips, but also can be seen in ordinary consumer electronics.

Then, the time came to 2023. You know what? Nvidia's market capitalization has soared to new highs. But they didn't stop there, they continued to invest in research and development, and constantly introduced new technologies and products. For example, their recent supercomputer for deep learning immediately attracted the attention of technology enthusiasts around the world.

The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

Now standing at this point in 2024, Nvidia's market capitalization has reached $3.335 trillion, leaving other competitors far behind. It's a staggering number wherever you put it. Why is Nvidia so profitable? At the end of the day, it's their unique ability to innovate. On the road of science and technology, whoever can always be at the forefront will get the most cakes.

Not only that, NVIDIA's deep cultivation of GPU technology has allowed them to seize the opportunity in the AI era. Their products cover almost all areas from autonomous driving, smart home to various smart manufacturing. You say, this kind of technology coverage and deep enterprise, who can not praise him?

The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

But you think that's the end of it? How can it be that simple! Nvidia's success didn't happen overnight. Behind this, there are countless trials, failures, and repetitions of successes. Behind every technological breakthrough and every correct grasp of the market is the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of countless engineers, marketing personnel and management.

And today, when we talk about this, you might think that this is just the story of a company. But let's not forget that NVIDIA's success is also a microcosm of the entire technology industry as it continues to move forward and constantly refresh our cognitive limits. In this story, there is an infinite vision of the future and the courage to explore, as well as the great changes that technology has brought to our daily lives.

The world's largest company was born! The market value exceeded 24 trillion yuan, equivalent to the sum of 18 Ali

So, whenever you use a mobile phone, a computer, or even a smart device at home, you may be enjoying the convenience brought by NVIDIA technology. And this is just the beginning, the future of science and technology, there are more possibilities waiting for us to explore and discover.


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