
Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

author:South of the city

"Shocked! The 17-year-old 'mathematical genius' was publicly questioned by 5 million yuan - Ali and suddenly spoke out, and the plot reversed! "


In this era of information explosion, a story about a 17-year-old "math genius" is causing an uproar on the Internet. Her name is Jiang Ping, an ordinary girl from a secondary school, but she defeated many elites from prestigious schools in the mathematics competition held by Alibaba and entered the top 30. However, just when everyone was cheering for this "Cinderella" story, a Peking University master openly questioned it and was even willing to bet 5 million yuan! Is this an inspirational counterattack story or an elaborate marketing scam? Let's unravel the mystery together!

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[From unknown to Internet celebrity: Jiang Ping's amazing rise]

Jiang Ping's story began with the incredible news that a 17-year-old girl from a secondary school had broken into the top 30 in a math competition held by Alibaba. In this arena full of famous schools, Jiang Ping's existence is like a dark horse, which instantly attracts everyone's attention.

She is not only the only girl in the top 30, but also the only secondary school student. The contrast is so great that many are beginning to question: Is this real strength, or is it a well-planned marketing campaign? Have you ever had doubts about such "inspirational stories"?

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[Doubts are rising: the challenge of 5 million yuan]

Just when Jiang Ping's story attracted widespread attention, a Peking University master named Zhao Bin spoke out publicly, questioning that Jiang Ping's grades might involve cheating. He even said cruel words: If his doubts are wrong, he is willing to compensate Jiang Ping 5 million yuan! Such a big gamble undoubtedly made the popularity of this story soar again.

Zhao's doubts mainly focus on two points: one is that Jiang Ping's grades far exceed those of her math teacher, and the other is that there are obvious errors in her public math board book. These doubts seem to be well-founded, but do you think that these alone can conclude that Jiang Ping cheated? Should we give young people more trust and inclusion?

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[Persistence in silence: Jiang Ping's way of coping]

In the face of the surging doubts, Jiang Ping chose to remain silent. She didn't make any statements on social media and threw all her energy into the upcoming final. Is this silence a manifestation of a weak heart, or a kind of maturity beyond age?

Jiang Ping once said in an interview that she is more willing to prove herself with practical actions. Does this attitude remind you of the old saying: "Words have no evidence, but actions are proof"? In this era when everyone is shouting loudly, Jiang Ping's silence is particularly precious. Have you ever had a similar experience of choosing to prove yourself silently in the face of doubt?

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[The final is coming: the truth is about to be revealed? 】

With the finals approaching, everyone was waiting with bated breath. The match site is equipped with six all-round surveillance cameras, which almost eliminates any possibility of cheating. However, even so, there are still people who are suspicious of Jiang Ping. Some people even suggested that Jiang Ping broadcast the game live as a way to prove his strength.

However, we can't help but ask: why does a 17-year-old girl need to be under so much pressure to prove herself? In this era of "everyone is self-media", have we violated the privacy and dignity of others too much? In your opinion, how should we protect the rights and interests of individuals while pursuing the truth?

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[Official Voice: Reversal is coming]

Just when public opinion was disturbing, Alibaba and spoke out successively to correct Jiang Ping's name. Yin Wotao, a mathematician at the Ali Dharma Academy, said that Jiang Ping's controversy in the board book actually stemmed from her unique writing style, rather than cheating.

At the same time, an exclusive interview with Phoenix New Media revealed more untold stories of Jiang Ping: she could have gone to high school, but she chose a secondary school just to take better care of her family. Did such a choice give you a new understanding of this 17-year-old girl? How would you choose between pursuing personal fulfillment and family responsibilities?

Jiang Ping's fraud incident ushered in a big reversal! Ali and broke the silence and responded!

[Deep Thinking: Why Are We So Prone to Questioning?] 】

Jiang Ping's story provokes a deeper thought: In this era of information explosion, why are we so easy to question others? Is it because we're used to seeing too much fakes and hype, or is it because of our deep distrust of "counterattack" stories?

Perhaps, what we need to reflect on is not only Jiang Ping's story, but also our own mentality. When faced with the success of others, should we choose to believe and bless rather than question and deny? Have you had a similar experience of being questioned or questioned by others?

[Conclusion: Finding the truth in the hustle and bustle]

Jiang Ping's story, from being popular to being questioned, to being officially clarified, is like a drama of ups and downs. It's not just the personal story of a 17-year-old girl, it's a microcosm of our time. In this era of rapid information dissemination, how can we find the truth in the hustle and bustle? How to be rational in the midst of doubt?

Perhaps, the answer lies in the choice of each of us. We can choose to believe easily or choose to question blindly, but most importantly, we must learn to think for ourselves and remain open and inclusive. Because only in this way can we find our own truth in this complex world.

Finally, let's end this article with one question: If you were Jiang Ping, how would you respond to such doubts and pressure? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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