
The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad


Some time ago, Zhejiang continued to find many rare species, such as Yuhang's first discovery of black chamois, Tonglu's discovery of the Tianmu stink frog, etc., so that many people began to lament the ecological protection of Zhejiang, doing a really good job, envying others.

This is not, Hubei is not far behind, known as the "province of a thousand lakes", where there is more water, beautiful animals will naturally not be too few.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

On October 17, there was a large-scale rainfall in Hubei Province, and in the Jingmen Longquan Reservoir, a "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and singled. When it was photographed, it was foraging for food on the reservoir mud in the wind and rain, and from the way it flew close to the water, it saw that one of its legs was injured.

At that time, it was discovered by the lake patrol, and saw a group of birds flying in the water, one of which had red wings, which was not the same as the egret he usually saw, and thought it might be a rare bird, so he notified the Jingmen Bird Love Culture Research Society.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

Later, after the experts rushed over, they found that it was a big red stork (four sounds of guan).

There may be some friends who do not know much about this bird.

The great flamingo, also known as the great flamingo, is not an indigenous bird in China, and is very common in Africa, the Americas, West Asia, South Asia and other places, so it is defined as a "drifting bird" in China, and the number is still quite large in the world, so it belongs to the "non-endangered" animal.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

In the past, there were not too many records in China, only in the northwest there were records of flocks of birds and individual birds, and in the south, only One bird was recorded in Dongting Lake. According to expert analysis, the only one found this time may be isolated from the breeding population in Afghanistan or central Kazakhstan into China, but it is only a leg injury and a single.

The large flamingo is not small among birds, generally about 130 cm long, pink, belongs to the water bird, alert, gentle, good at swimming. This time in Jingmen, it is the first time to find, very rare to see.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

Generally speaking, they are social, more distributed in sparsely populated shallow water areas, and the typical feature is that the neck is straight when flying, and the legs are backwards, and the reason why it can be found injured this time is because it has one leg on the back leg that is basically necrotic. And it should have been a long time, and now it has learned to stand on its legs all the time.

Seeing such a beautiful red stork, injured, many netizens said that they should treat it. At present, the local bird love association and the Hubei Wildlife Rescue Research and Development Center are discussing medical treatment methods, and it is believed that this big red stork will soon be able to treat it.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

With the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection in recent years, they have gradually begun to put into practice the concept of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature", and in the whole country, they can continue to find the figure of cherishing wild protected animals, perhaps this is the real way of harmony.

Biological diversity must be maintained. You should be able to find that this year's global extreme weather began to occur frequently, and at the beginning of this month, there was still a high temperature of 36 ° C everywhere, but it is already winter.

The Big Red Stork appeared in Hubei! Jingmen first found injured "drifting birds", analysis: may come from abroad

Experts said that there may be more extreme weather and abnormal conditions next year, so it is really important to protect the environment. In the end, it is not the earth that benefits, but ourselves!