
Jingmen first found that the "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and fell into the Longquan Reservoir

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Jingmen Daily - Jingmen News Network

On October 16, autumn rains flew, and an injured and single "drifting bird" big red stork braved the wind and rain to forage for food on the beach of the Longquan Reservoir. Nicknamed flamingos, the bird is about 130 cm long and is a large wader with pinkish body feathers. This is also the first time that Jingmen has found that the "drifting bird" big red stork is injured and falls into the Longquan Reservoir.

Jingmen first found that the "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and fell into the Longquan Reservoir

Injured flaming stork swimming in the water Citrine photographed

According to the person in charge of the Longquan Reservoir Management Office, longquan reservoir is a medium-sized reservoir, and this big red stork was found on the reed beach in the southeast corner of the reservoir dam when the river and lake chief of the knife area was patrolling the lake on October 15. At that time, the birds flew in amazement and their wings were red, which was different from the usual wading birds and egrets. Suddenly, it attracted the attention of the staff of the Reservoir Management Office. Later, Qian Xiuhai, a reporter from the Rong Media Center in The Dao Dao District, reported the discovery of this rare bird to the Jingmen Bird Love Culture Research Association in a timely manner.

Jingmen first found that the "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and fell into the Longquan Reservoir

The injured Flamingo flew a short distance on the water citrine photograph

The next morning, the Jingmen Bird Love Association assigned bird watcher Huang Jing and other bird lovers to rush to the scene of the Longquan Reservoir with a long lens, and when shooting with a long lens, it was observed that the bird's right leg was scratched by a branch, and the entire leg had been necrotic. But the bird can also stand on one leg, fly short distances, swim in the water, and forage for food on the beach.

Jingmen first found that the "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and fell into the Longquan Reservoir

Injured flamingo walking in shallow water Citrine photography

On the same day, Jingmen Bird Love will observe the injury of the great red stork by bird observer Huang Jing and report to the Hubei Wildlife Rescue Research and Development Center. At present, the provincial and municipal wildlife protection departments are studying the rescue plan.

Jingmen first found that the "drifting bird" big red stork was injured and fell into the Longquan Reservoir

Injured flamingos foraging for food in the mudflats Citrine photographed

It is reported that the great red stork originates in Africa, the Americas, West Asia, South Asia, and belongs to the "drifting bird" in China. The great red stork has been included in the 2012 Red List of Endangered Species under the Washington Convention and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and was included in the List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Under National Protection that are beneficial or of important economic and scientific research value issued by the State Forestry Administration of China on August 1, 2000. (Reporter Dong Yuqing)

This article is from [Jingmen Daily - Jingmen News Network], which only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.
