
CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

author:Director of the Canyon King

On October 17, 2021, Chen Tianci, a tens of millions of e-sports anchor and a popular anchor of Kuaishou head, held his first offline fan meeting.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

There is no overwhelming publicity, just a topic that suddenly appeared in the fan base, Chen Tianci proposed to take the opportunity to go to Suzhou to participate in the Kuaishou Starlight Awards, and meet with the family offline, which got thousands of fans response.

So, it's not so much a fan meet-and-greet as it is a big family party.

The intimate atmosphere between them is like Chen Tianci said in an interview, and fans mean family to him.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

Probably, people always have the idea of homesickness, and Chen Tianci is no exception. Seeing so many fans offline for the first time, those living people made him feel a little nervous.

They are no longer an ID or a passage floating on the bullet screen, but they are embodied and become a face full of smiles. But enthusiasm is also the best catalyst, in the enthusiastic group photos, hugs and interactions of fans, Chen Tianci finally relaxed and began to enjoy the gathering with his family.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

In fact, in order to be an e-sports anchor Chen Tianci also paid a lot, he needs to spend a lot of time and energy to study the live broadcast content, and after the live broadcast, he also has to prepare some collation and editing of the video released on the short video platform. There is very little personal time that is truly your own.

Not only did he give up a lot, he also gave up some things for the live broadcast.

Chen Tianci once passed the trial training of the DYG professional team, but gave up this opportunity to be a professional player. In the interview, Chen Tianci replied that this experience means recognition by professional e-sports agencies for him, and it will also make fans feel that he is a technology anchor.

When he spoke, his eyes were very bright, and he seemed to be looking forward to his career yearning.

In the end, he gave up his dream for the fans who liked to watch him live, or rather, this can not be called giving up his dream.

Because, for Chen Tianci, being with fans is his more important dream.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

Esports anchors are usually lonely, and in the daily high-intensity live broadcast, all you can face is games and computer screens. Most of the time after the broadcast is also in the middle of the night, and there is rarely any long-term intimate communication with friends and family.

During this period, interacting and communicating with fans is his way to break his loneliness.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

Therefore, Chen Tianci always likes to hang "thank you for your company" to fans, because this is not a polite sentence, for him, fans are like family, like close friends, giving him the longest and warmest companionship.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

Chen Tianci's career is getting better and better, and he also plays with Zhang Jie, Yang Mi and Shen Teng, but for him, he will always be the one who remembers the fans.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

During the epidemic in Hebei, Tianci donated more than 130,000 yuan to Shijiazhuang, which represented the number of his fans at that time, donating a penny for each of Tianci's fans, and everyone gave a love. This positive energy is something he has done with his fans, not him personally, but Chen Tianci and his fans.

This is exactly what Chen Tianci wants to bring to fans, not only happiness, but also a lot of positive things facing life and society.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

"I feel like fans are like my family" This is Chen Tianci's definition of fans, and "family" is also the title he most often uses to refer to the fan group.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

With live streaming taking up most of his life, Chen Tianci and his fans are like real family. So this fan meeting does not have a too big and empty polite process, just some games that can interact with fans, some fans and Chen Tianci have intimate communication, and then invite everyone to have a meal together.

CHEN Tianci: A popular anchor who regards fans as writers

It's like a normal family gathering, warm and full of warm atmosphere. Hope and fans have been inseparable, this is Chen Tianci as an anchor who regards fans as a writer, and his greatest hope for the future.

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