
#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

Fresh shrimp fried green beans, shrimp is a kind of seafood, delicious taste, rich in high-quality protein and calcium, is a lot of children like to eat ingredients; and green beans is a seasonal ingredient in spring, is a low-fat high-calcium high-fiber ingredients, nutrition is comprehensive and diverse, can provide more nutrient supply for the body. These two ingredients are fried together, delicious and delicious, and children love to eat them. Spring is the golden period of children's growth, give children more high-calcium and high-protein ingredients, and use more to promote children's growth.

By Scarlett 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Fresh shrimp 250 g

Green beans 100 g

Mrs. Le Fresh Shelley Sauce 2 scoops

A little ginger minced

Oil to taste

Salt to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

1, 1 prepare raw materials;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

2、2. Boil the pot water with a little salt and a few drops of oil,

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

3、3 Add green beans to the pot and blanch until nine ripe, remove and set aside;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

4、4. Heat the pan with the right amount of oil, add the minced ginger and stir-fry;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

5、5. Stir-fry the shrimp into the pot;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

6、6. Fry the shrimp until it is slightly crispy and turn red;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

7、7. Add the blanched green beans and stir-fry;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

8、8. Add 2 tablespoons of Tai Tai Le fresh shellfish sauce and stir-fry evenly;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

9、9. Add a little salt and stir-fry evenly;

#春日时令, delicious taste# "Fresh shrimp stir-fried green beans"

10、10. Serve on the plate.


1. The shrimp I chose is not large, so there is no need to shell, but to cut off the whiskers; 2. Put the processed shrimp in a pan and fry them in oil until they are slightly crispy, so that they can be eaten with the shell; 4. Add a little salt and oil when blanching green beans to maintain the emerald green color of the vegetables; Finally, add a little Mrs. Le fresh shellfish sauce to add fresh color.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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