
Guangxi Qinzhou pig's foot powder, 12 yuan a bowl, plus a pig's foot 6 yuan, let you eat and support to the support wall to go

author:Squint home kitchen

Qinzhou City, located on the southern coast of Guangxi and connected to Beihai Yulin in the east, is the sea and land transportation hub of Guangxi Beibu Bay Economic Zone, a convenient sea access in the southwest region, and a frontier city in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.

In the past 2020, Qinzhou achieved a regional GDP of 138.796 billion yuan, an increase of 2.6% over 2019, Qinzhou is a land and sea node city of the "Belt and Road" southbound passage, and Qinzhou Port, which has a deep-water port and is also a national bonded port.

Guangxi Qinzhou pig's foot powder, 12 yuan a bowl, plus a pig's foot 6 yuan, let you eat and support to the support wall to go

Ranked eighth in the guangxi city rankings, urban construction, Qinzhou is not as prosperous as Nanning Liuzhou, but when it comes to food, I have to mention Qinzhou pig's foot powder, and today's Qinzhou pig's foot powder can be said to be popular throughout Guangxi and is loved by people.

As the saying goes: "Qinzhou pig's foot powder, the gods also roll". Pork knuckle powder is a traditional snack in Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province, which belongs to the Gui cuisine family, which is the signature dish of Qinzhou. Of course, speaking of this, many friends may ask, pig's foot powder is available in many places in Guangxi, why should it be said to be Qinzhou? Pig's foot powder is a unique delicacy in Guangxi, which is produced everywhere and has its own flavor, of which Qinzhou pig's foot powder is the most famous.

Guangxi Qinzhou pig's foot powder, 12 yuan a bowl, plus a pig's foot 6 yuan, let you eat and support to the support wall to go

However, when it comes to the origin of pig's foot powder, it seems that there is no written record of this aspect. The most important thing is that the production method of pig's foot powder is very simple, mainly to make the pig's foot in advance, usually the stores that sell pig's foot powder have begun to work in the early morning, and the bought pig's feet are roasted with fire, a large pot, first fry the pig's feet, and then simmer the ingredients for several hours.

The "powder" in the pig's foot powder only needs to be blanched with boiling water, and then poured into the bowl, add the soup of the stewed pig's foot and a piece of pig's foot, sprinkle some green onions, or you can also add your own ingredients, a bowl full of pig's foot powder can be eaten.

Guangxi Qinzhou pig's foot powder, 12 yuan a bowl, plus a pig's foot 6 yuan, let you eat and support to the support wall to go

Unlike snail powder and Guilin rice noodles, many Qinzhou pig's foot powder shops will not write themselves as "authentic pig's foot powder" on the signboard, once I asked a boss who opened a shop in Qinzhou why? The boss replied: Our pig's foot powder shop in Qinzhou does not need to hang anything authentic, because this itself is a folk food, there is no unified standard, so it is difficult to distinguish "authentic", but where there is pig's foot, can be regarded as pig's foot powder, but the problem of good taste is evaluated by diners, after all, it is difficult to adjust!

Guangxi Qinzhou pig's foot powder, 12 yuan a bowl, plus a pig's foot 6 yuan, let you eat and support to the support wall to go

The last time I ate Qinzhou pig's foot powder was three months ago, when there was a good brother in Qinzhou, the child had a full moon wine, I deliberately rushed from Nanning, the result was that I drank too much that night, I stayed in a bowl in the hotel, and the next morning I ate a bowl of 12 yuan of pig's foot powder, a pig's foot was not addictive, I also deliberately added 6 yuan and then added one, and rushed back to Nanning to work.

But to be honest, the pig's foot powder eaten in Qinzhou, the amount is really large, made a bowl of pig's foot powder, I don't eat lunch and feel full, until the evening when I go home for dinner, a bowl of 12 pieces of Qinzhou pig's foot powder, can let you eat to the support wall to go.

Do you like to eat pork knuckle powder?